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What does a Canadian look like, anyway?

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In one of my many sojurns in the USA, I had occasion to be speaking with a number of adult, educated, and apparently serious Americans.

The topic swerved into a rather strange area, about what Canadians "looked like". The impression seemed to be that we Canucks are " just like Americans " but with some funny ways of speaking, and expressing ourselves. Other than that, the Americans coudn‘t see any difference.

Of course, I‘m a white anglo guy, and so where the Yanks I was seated with in this bar, so i tried to explain that Canadaians are all colours and from all ethnic backgrounds, but to no avail, as the Americans firmly stated that "those others are not Canadians, they‘re immigrants".

Hard to argue with that, right? I tried to point out that we have had Sikhs in BC for over a hundred years, as well as Chinese there, and a large number of black Canadians trace their ancestry to escaped slaves who came up the "Underground Railway" and that the first black newspaper, in North America was in Dresden, Ontario. Didn‘t make any difference to them, cause to them Canadians are white, except of course for those bad French Canadians, who want to secede.......their term, not mine!

I was sorry that I wasn‘t able to change their minds, but it‘s their loss, not mine.

So, my question to all of you?

What does a Canadian look like, in your opinion?

Jim Bunting. Toronto.
Tell em we all look like this...

The first picture i got in the google image search for "Canadian" was a soldier.

And funnily enough the second picture was a collection of multicultural people, drinking beer.

wtf! look what else turned up:
Infanteer, isnt she American?

Also, I really hope the helmet I got issued to me, wasnt used by one of those guys before.. :eek:
i pity the fool who has one

"ed"‘s tan line makes me laugh
Whats really funny is "Brian is a spitting image of my unit‘s Padre!! Hey Ed is American. Look at his tags. I think I‘m looking at that pic too long.
No, there Canadian, he just broke them (notice the way one hangs differently due to the holes being in seperate places (check your tags).
Those guys have been in Kuwait for waay too long. I don‘t want to even know what‘s on the remainder of that film.
Ive Seen some pretty Odd Shiznit living on various bases and stations in my years as a brat, and even more since i took up some work in the oil industry...but as the b‘ys at the wellpads would say...Lord Tunderin Mary Mudder of Jesus me Buddy, thats some Effing wrong..
Dixon, fer the last time der buddy it‘s not Jesus. It‘s Jaayzuus.

De only time ya say Jesus is when yer gonna kick the bejesus outta someone. :D
Aren‘t Canadians all 10 feet tall and bullet proof?

...Or is it only when intoxicated?

Ch e er s (hic) ."

M is l (Said while slidingf off the table and passing out.)
Holy crap.. I swear "Rich" looks like an instructor I had this summer....
Hey y'all (Sorry, I live in Georgia, USA). . . This would be my first post, but I had to respond.  My mother is Canadian and I was born and raised in the States and I am constantly amazed by the ignorant attitudes of my fellow countrymen/women.  I actually had a Political Science class last fall at University where some guy told the entire class (in all sincerity) that Canadians did not back up the USA in some conflicts because - "What were they really going to do?  Chase the bad guys on their horses?"  I was apalled.  The ignorance of some US citizens gives my entire country a bad name.  My Papa, Nana, and great-uncles served Canada in World War II and I'm fairly certain that none of them rode into battle on horses (after all, the horses would have died trying to cross the Atlantic, eh?). . .    :)
Thanks, CanadianAtHeart.
(and, oh - by the way, in addition to Shania Twain and Pamela Anderson, here's another Canadian) :

And what a beautiful Canadian she is....

I once meant a tourist from the southern US who thought all Canadians lived in igloos...heh, needless to say he was surprised.
absent_element said:
And what a beautiful Canadian she is....

I once meant a tourist from the southern US who thought all Canadians lived in igloos...heh, needless to say he was surprised.
Funny, one of my friend's brothers went down to the state, and a guy assked him this exactly...

"Does your igloo melt in the summer?"

Want to know what my friend's brother said? Of course you do.

"What is s u m m e r?!"
Granted this was many moons ago but...when my mom was a youngin' she lived down in New Orleans for a bit and she once held a large table of Americans quite enthralled with her description of igloo building.  She still has a giggle about it when she tells that story.