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What did you guys do for rememberence day?


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Just wondering what you all did for rememberence day... we just did a bunch of parades around town i was a viduale..

MOD: We don't need that many smileys for no reason.
Well my corps participates in the parade and ceremonies in front of the BC Legislature every year.

After that, the Canadian Scottish Regiment and my cadet corps march to the regimental cenotaph for our own private ceremony, then we march back to our Armouries
My corp got a bunch of our cadets to march in the east york parade. we also had a flag party. the parade marched to the cenotaph and there we had our service. right after the minute of silence there were 4 Harvard's that flew over the service. not a coo, as down town thought they had the Lancaster fly over. that was my last parade as a cadets.
My corp first participated in the city (London.) Remembrance Day Parade and ceremony. Then we formed two groups. One going to Parkwood Hospital (enormous retirement home for war  veterans.) The other half went to Chateau Gardens. Another Retirement home to do a service for people who could not attend one.
our corps just did a parade at the  cenotaph was pretty simple i was in the flag partyand one other exchange cadet was on cenotaph guard
Our corps was lucky enough to be invited to the U of A's Butterdome for Edmonton's Rememberance Day parade. Edmonton's 2 Sea cadet corps(Warrior and Resolute) were supposed to have a combined band and play O Canada and God Save the Queen, but it was changed at the last moment. It was a pretty big ceremony, about 5000 spectators, with the Deputy PM as a special guest (MP for Edmonton Centre I think). All I know is that my head could not have been held any higher.
Got up, ironed my dress blues, programmed the VCR (to watch the parade in Ottawa on the CBC) and I went to see the parade in Montréal.

After the parade, I went to HMCS DONNACONA.

The next day, back in my dress blues, because it was the Longueuil remembrance day parade.

Good day!
I just tossed on my glengarry and all was spiffy.  No yanking, pulling, or anything.  Although my junior cadets ended up looking like green sea cadets.
ouyin2000 said:
Well my corps participates in the parade and ceremonies in front of the BC Legislature every year.

After that, the Canadian Scottish Regiment and my cadet corps march to the regimental cenotaph for our own private ceremony, then we march back to our Armouries

2136 used to be my unit, way back in the day. A long march, but well worth it.
I always preferred the service at our cenotaph. Who is the pipe major now?
I supervised both parades on the sixth. As well as the one on the 11th.
Springroll said:
2136 used to be my unit, way back in the day. A long march, but well worth it.
I always preferred the service at our cenotaph. Who is the pipe major now?
Andrew O'Boyle

he just quit though...personal reasons, so now we don't have a pipe major :(
ouyin2000 said:
Andrew O'Boyle

he just quit though...personal reasons, so now we don't have a pipe major :(

Never heard him play.
Giles was our pipe major when I was there, and when he aged out, Grahan Bruce took over.
oh o'boyle was a great pipe major. i did nsce with him last year i think. great guy...too bad he quit though :salute:
My corps did the usual parade of leigion 609 and  hen the one for 15.. but we didnt have too too many people come.. like 120 max from our corps..
its amazing, our corps has more probelems than anythat i've talked to but tnhis is our 4th consecutive year winning best corps in ontario.. and then a bunch f other ones tht i didnt look at..
You know, for some reason I want to punch whoever says "Well I've won Best Corps in ON for __ years in a row" in the face.

Its because they never shut up about it.
How can someone's corps be considered the best?

I am also curious what they are the best at?
Is it just a general best?

ARMYboi69 said:
Wow, we can agree on something ;) :o

Congratulations.  You're the best corps in Ontario.  Very nice.  However I know for a fact that your corps has not followed several of the CATO Regulations set out that must be followed at all times ;)  You're the best corps on paper, but you're not following the rules.
Which CATOs are they breaking?

One of their MWOs was a WO in my company this year and he put it like this- "When you have a corps of over 220 then a CATO that is made for a corps of 40 cadets is not going to apply." 
..............Unless that CATO has a specific provision stating that it does not apply to a coprs that large, or they have recieved direction from D Cadets to that effect, it still applies.
condor888000 said:
..............Unless that CATO has a specific provision stating that it does not apply to a coprs that large, or they have recieved direction from D Cadets to that effect, it still applies.

I clearly understand that but according to one of their senior cadets they have permission to break some of the CATOs because of their rapid growth.