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What did you guys do for rememberence day?

My personal opinion is that if they can not train their cadets according to the CATO due to their numbers, then maybe they should start to send cadets to other corps.
That would be the logical decision.

Why sacrifice the individual cadets training just to have 200+ cadets on your roster?

ARMYboi69 said:
THEN, come September, I learned that a few of them (who are currently training Silver Star) were promoted to Sergeant.  

That would be breaking the current Prerequisite for Promotion, and they would be Acting Sergeants.   However, they insisted they were qualified Sergeants because "the CO says they are".

They are training Silver Star now but were just promoted to Sgt?
I thought that you could be promoted to Sgt only after you were done your Silver Star training?

Hi so you know I'm with the staff of 557 Lorne scots.

ARMYboi69 said:
Wow, we can agree on something ;) :o

Congratulations.  You're the best corps in Ontario.  Very nice.  However I know for a fact that your corps has not followed several of the CATO Regulations set out that must be followed at all times ;)  You're the best corps on paper, but you're not following the rules.
As far I know, you have no grounds to say that. Please PM me.

GGHG_Cadet said:
I clearly understand that but according to one of their senior cadets they have permission to break some of the CATOs because of their rapid growth.

Our senior cadets do not and would not know if we were to not follow the CATO guidelines. If you're not satisfied with my answer PM me please.

Yes our corps has grown exponentially in the past few years. We have literally had to work more with less. We have no help with our affiliated unit and have very little facilities to work with.
But not following the CATOs is absured.  We have a fmr Reg force (RMS) M/cpl doing our Admin, anything not authorized or not following the CATOs he would know about and not allow.

As for people being promoted quickly, its simply we need positions occupied we start with the best, work out way down. Any rank, more specifically Sergeants and above, who do not do they're job will be demoted. Simple.  I teach all the M/pl and sergeants and plenty are on they're last legs.

overall I'm not trying to explain why we get best corps, but if some people think we break the rules. I will answer to that and give my truthful honest opinion and shed light on the issue.
We all work hard and we all do our best.