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What are the chances an engineer becomes CDS?

Another one from those days: One man one kit..one F****g box lunch"

LOL I forgot that one classic.
A one line classic was in the Wack and it was the Base Chief which at the time was one of our own.
The Base Chiefs Office fronted command road as we Sappers know.
(Mushrow ?)
The Chief sees buddy walking on the grass.
Leans out his window and shout's " Get off the grass and I don't mean the shit smoke!!!
This back in the late 70's
It was RSM Sandland of 1 CER, and there is some debate over who it was, Larry McIlrevy swears it was John Murray, but I'm pretty sure it was Larry...and the line goes; "  Get off the grass, and I don't mean the sh*t you're standing on!".another Sandy-ism; " Get oooooooooo-verr here, ya dopy f***er!"... Those were the days.....
Sandy was an MWO (Pk Tp) He retired in 1980. Scribner was the RSM then (Snuffy McGillvery before him). The "get off the grass" comment was heard most often along the old compound fence prior to the "short cut" sidewalk being put in to Maint. When that classroom trailer was put in on the 1 Tp stores side it had to be rebuilt. So instead of walking out by the parking lot, everyone just zipped along the fence on the grass. I was 3 Tp then and the agony wagons were parked along there so when doing maint (which was always), we always witnessed the poor sap who got nailed.

This has nothing to do with the CDS thread, sorry.
right then, back on topic; never gonna happen.

Chimo,  Kat
E57C, out
Col Kevin McLeod would be the best sapper for the job of CDS.

Bam Bam has not helped the engineers. We are getting away from what we are Engineers. It is a team of field troops, Ress troop, Hvy Eqpt, Const Troop, and now we are starting to getting involved even more with EOD / IEDD. Not individuals ie (field troops). The Engineers need to get back to are jobs of horizontal and vertical construction and blowing every thing up not just mines. We are always asked to do work overseas that we don't get or hardly practise before going over and we need to update are equipment. I know I got of the subject.
I remember Col McLeod when he was our CO at 2 CER.........he would make a good candidate.

How about giving a comission to Danny Hartford and giving him the job ?
Col KC McLeod is now retired...last heard he was up in Yellowknife.  CWO Dan Hartford is finishing his last year as RSM of 1 CER and probably moving on to a senior appointment afterwards... as for Col Appleton - he may be looking at other options....

Maybe MGen Gauthier will get in there.... who knows?  All very political.

FEEOP042 said:
Col Kevin McLeod would be the best sapper for the job of CDS.

Bam Bam has not helped the engineers. We are getting away from what we are Engineers. It is a team of field troops, Ress troop, Hvy Eqpt, Const Troop, and now we are starting to getting involved even more with EOD / IEDD. Not individuals ie (field troops). The Engineers need to get back to are jobs of horizontal and vertical construction and blowing every thing up not just mines. We are always asked to do work overseas that we don't get or hardly practise before going over and we need to update are equipment. I know I got of the subject.
I see were you are coming from in regards to Park Troop and such resources,in away I agree with you but if the new idea work's all the better,if not we go back to Park Troop again.

As to EOD/IED,all of a sudden we have realised that we are lacking and have been lazy in this discipline for many years and now that we are in the Sand Box this has become a reality.
Dan as CDS? Nope. All he wishes for is to be busted down to Cpl so he can stay with a Regiment. After his time as RSM he will not be with the troops any longer, and he is not looking forward to it. I vote for Dick Isabelle as CDS if he is still in. Anyone know?
It is good to dream that an engineer may be CDS some day however we have seccured our role as the adviser to the commander. You will see engineers in top roles for the army but not in over all command. Yes over the last 6 yrs we have seen engineer CWO's in most of the higher end jobs of the army and Col's and Gen's in 2 I/C postions for the commander but I think that you will never see an engineer as CDS. We are the advisor's and we help the commander make the decisions.

Alright aesop081 - I think you've pounded the "Willy" line in just about every thread on this site - let it go! Maybe some time with a stress counsellor would assist you in dealing with your unresolved "Willy" issues. You know - it IS pensionable?!?!
lol...alrigh, alright !! I never thought of it as pensionable........

Just currious, who are you ?
No worries! I'm the "other" Williamson!
  I'm sure it must be pensionable! You, me and countless other must still be suffering from "Double-Elbow Syndrome"! I'm sure we could win the fight at Veteran's Affairs!
aesop081 said:
Come to think of it...i agree with you about Dan !
But if he did CFR.
I can see it now in the Mess,the CDS with his Git Box and gob irons giving it stick. ;D