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What a wonderful world.... Jumped Walking Home...

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Just thought some one may find this interesting. CFB Stadecona in halifax is situated in a lovely community. One of our boys got jumped walking home from work. So here's a few details... Those of you from Hali will appreciate this...

At approximately 1620hrs on 14 July a military member, not in uniform, was assaulted while walking along Gottigen Street near Uniacke.

A crowd of a about a dozen children and young adults were assembled with a variety of water pistols, bowls and buckets of water. As the military member walked by he was deluged with water and soaked from head to foot. The military member told a young girl who continued to chase him down the street that that was enough. This comment apparently enraged a young adult male who said that the military member had insulted his sister, who without warning, punched the military member in the side of the head knocking him to the ground. The young male continued to kick and punch the military member. The attack was witnessed by dozens of people in the area as well as a large number of vehicles that had stopped in rush hour traffic.

The military member then walked across the street to a grocery store to call 911. While waiting for the police arrive the young male entered the store and again assaulted the military member.

CF/DND members are advised to exercise caution when traveling in this area and may prefer to use alternative routes to avoid possible confrontation. There is no indication at this time that either CF/DND members are being targeted nor if this is an isolated incident or a method to provoke individuals into a confrontation.

Guess it's time for me to visit Stad and walk down Gottigen street.....

I think perhaps unarmed combat needs to re introduced in Basic for just such an occurrence.
At the very least, attending the local dojo wouldn't hurt, either.
wow. Just wow. Take a beating, then call for help, then take a beating again.  ::)

And if the member had fought back and put a hurtin' on the punk, we'd be reading about the brutalizing of a helpless child by a psycho-killer in uniform.  ::)

How do you win this one?
HitorMiss said:
Guess it's time for me to visit Stad and walk down Gottigen street.....

I think perhaps unarmed combat needs to re introduced in Basic for just such an occurrence.
You got it!!!!

paracowboy said:
And if the member had fought back and put a hurtin' on the punk, we'd be reading about the brutalizing of a helpless child by a psycho-killer in uniform.  ::)

I agree, but at least he would have his honour by fighting back. 
Well Para the guy is in Navy....  ;)

Seriously though in this case I would rather read " Military Member beats young punk" then what I am reading now.

I may be missing the point, but the guy wasn't in uniform, nor is it reported that he was "targeted" for being military. So why does the fact that he is military need to be reported? Someone got jumped, which sadly happens way too often. If I was to be walking down the street and was jumped, would my profession come into play?

However, it is horrible what happened and I hope those idiots are dealt with.

Just a thought.
Haven't been out that way in awhile, but obviously it doesn't sound like Gottigen has improved very much.  Part of our joining package was always the "words of caution" about the area around Stad.  Never, ever after dark, and if it was during the day, and absolutely necessary, ensure you aren't alone.

Pea, they most likely brought up the military point, because, well, doesn't it always get brought up....unfortunately.

As for that Navy crack HoM.... :P
Here, I'll spin it.

Canadian Forces Member Savagely Assaults Innocent Citizen
14 July 2006

Halifax (FP).  A Canadian Forces member attacked several people in the Gottigen Region on his way home from work at CFB Halifax.  Several children attempted to engage the serviceman in play, who briskly walked through their water balloon fight.  When he was splashed by one of the balloons, the serviceman was said to become enraged and turned on one young girl.

Seeing his sister under attack, a local ran up to defend her.  The service member attacked first, striking the civilian in the hand with the back of his head.  He then dropped to the ground and began attacking the civilian's feet.  The attack was witnessed by dozens of onlookers.  After thoroughly bruising the civilians hands and feet, the service member crossed the street to anearby store to prevent the civilian from obtaining proper medical and police care.  Unaware the serviceman had done so, the civilian entered the store, and the serviceman's vicious assault resumed.

The civilian is undergoing medical care and will take a battery of tests to ensure no disesases were caught by the serviceman's blood on his hands or feet.
Even if he had a clear cut case of self defense (sounds to me like he did), the media would still chastise him for using his "killers training" on civilians. The only way a soldier ever gets decent recognition from most of the media is if there is a picture of one running from some catastrophe with a baby under one arm and a cat under the other. They would probably still spin the caption to say "CF member seen abducting baby and cat to make stew"
mmmm sounds good is it lunch yet?
Sounds like time to clear lower decks again, and go clean up Gottigen street.
I thought Gottigen Street was getting better with some of the yuppies moving in and the re-development at the north end, guess not.

Almost sounds like the bad ole days in the 1980’s when if you were smart (obviously not smart enough to forgo the last pitcher at the palace and have cab fare)  you hung around near the legion, or cop shop until there was a large group of you to stagger back home to Stad.

Back then hair styles etc really made us stand out form the locals, and add Halifax was going through one it’s “less than nice periods” vis a vis racial relations. Really made CF members easy targets.
Just a quick correction for old 7.62  ;D  The E-mail floated through CFNES yesterday so it was Thursday or Friday last week.  All the same pretty crappy.  I don't think a year goes by...maybe not even a few months without a sailor getting the crap kicked out of him, pistol whipped or stabbed. 


I'm with Hit or Miss on this one.

Who takes two beatings in 5 minutes and only tries to run?  ::)

Pride and self respect aside, does self preservation come into it?

I've always been of the opinion (and validated it on three seperate occasions) that a series of blows to the throat, nose and genitals, followed by a quick sprint is the best way to get out of most situations like this. You get away from the attack, and inhibit your attackers ability to hurt you more, and also identify you in case you do too good a job!

Walking like I do (paracowboy does this passably well too) with a strut that makes women swoon and men envy is a good repellent as well. Punks can smell weakness/timidity - and they will capitalise on it. Look tough, make eye contact, and human garbage will make way - they only like soft targets.

Navy_Blue said:
Just a quick correction for old 7.62  ;D  The E-mail floated through CFNES yesterday so it was Thursday or Friday last week. 

July 14th was friday last week....lol

For some reason, this does not surprise me. I have my own personal opinions of the area, but what that sailor did was spot on. I hope he is doing okay. If you drive through the area, you can see the punks hanging out on the corner of Uniacke and Gottigen and you know they are up to no good. There are the longtime residents that are even trying to get these punks out of their neighbourhood so that it can be revived into something more positive.

I would have to agree, he was getting hurt regardless because if he would have fought back and started to put the hurt on his attacker there would be at least another half dozen guy there on top of him, let the swarming begin!! Just as we dont like seeing one of our own get beat, they are just the same. Perhaps a little more ruthless. So the question is, take one beating from one guy or go down swinging against six of them?  :-\
SharkSlayer7.62 said:
So the question is, take one beating from one guy or go down swinging against six of them?  :-\

I would take the beating from one guy, but that's just me.

edited to add: My life is not worth losing over feeling like I have something to prove.
I concur with the idea of learning self defense!

And I would have definately gone down swinging. Pride before person!
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