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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

From wikipedia


On one occasion, Phelps and his congregation had their signs confiscated by customs, and responded by going to the federal capital and burning and spitting on the Canadian flag, and threatening to urinate and defecate on it. Since that time, Canada has passed hate crime legislation, alternatingly referred to by the informal "Fred Phelps Law" and "Jack Chick Law." Phelps has also claimed that his congregation, along with him, have been arrested in Canada for hate speech. Should Phelps ever try to enter Canada again, he would be arrested and tried for violation of hate crime laws, a fact which prompted the founding of "Godhatescanada.com."

The whole article is pretty funny, more so because it's true.
And if you want to be hip to their jive, check out the media site...loads of fun and shennagians to be had...

Like this fine gem..


Like that??  find it all here...


K-tells special one day price....All moron sites free..that's right free for this one time offer...Click NOW!!


My head hurts because of these heathens and their internet access.


According to the Wikipedia link, most of the followers are relatives of this Phelps guy... They are one brainwashed family...
Check your fire Rice0031!

godaddy.com apparently isn't hosting their content.

They are right it - in my haste I didn't realize the address of the server itself is from Cox Cable, in Atlanta. Contact information to follow.
It appears to be a private server. You'll need to convince cox cable to revoke their internet period. It actually hosts their entire line of godhatesamerica, etc. Mention that to the cox people as well.

For anyone interested, the IP is
I believe that God does hate Canada
Unfortunately since god doesn't exist and is just a myth like any Greek or Egyptian god's of the past, his views on my country are irrelevant.

God, Santa, Unicorns, good looking women who cook and clean,  all figments of our imagination and should be treated as such.

Tess - +1, not t mention showing the Canadian flag upside down in the video!

I keep sayin' it: Time to cull the herd.
Retroactive abortions all around.
Recon_Guardsman said:
check it out yourself. www.GodhatesCanada.com

Man, I can't beleive anyone can have that much hate towards others - not very Christian.  From the web site:

"Canada hoisted a filthy fag finger in the Face of God "

WOW!  what a line.
Wow, this just proves that there are fanatics and extremists in every religion.

It reminds me of something I saw on the Post 9/11 episode of the West Wing entitled ISAAC AND ISHMAEL  :

KKK is to Christianity as Islamic extremists is to Muslim

I think these guys could sit next to the KKK in that equation.
Yep....a bunch of wack jobs who decide that their way is the only way.

Peace and love indeed.....and they call themselves Christians     ::)

Try to remember that these are the same fanatics who had signs up at soldier's funerals in the US with lovely sayings such as:

God loves a dead soldier.

Seems to me that they were also on MSNBC not too long ago as well....and run straight out the door.


CdnArtyWife said:
Wow, this just proves that there are fanatics and extremists in every religion.

It reminds me of something I saw on the Post 9/11 episode of the West Wing entitled ISAAC AND ISHMAEL  :

KKK is to Christianity as Islamic extremists is to Muslim

I think these guys could sit next to the KKK in that equation.

KKK, Aryan Nations, Christian Heritage Front etc. etc. The list goes on and on.

Edit: Quoted the wrong post.
When something unexpected happens - say, an untimely death - it's all "God works in mysterious ways", "God has a plan", etc.  Why the fcuk are God's ways and plans suddenly shelved when people behave other than according to some idealized template?
Bescause God gave us free will to do whatever we pelase. Even people who call themselves Christians have free will. The main problem with these people is they have to realize the fundamental part of being a Christian is being Christ-like. Christ hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors, He was better than no one in his own eyes. Fact is He is better than all the people He was with, as He is God on earth. So, basicly these "Christians" think they are better than God. So, they have confused themselves. We are no better than them however, 'cause "He without sin casts the first stone." Big thing to remember he people is these peopel got it all wrong, and even though I am no better, I know this isnt the way to "do what Jesus would do" so to speak.
How can he hate us....we have all this nice green land with huge trees...so many lakes and the woman....oh he loves the woman!!!!! :o
I think the big guy hates him because the guy doesn't seem to have much brains (or his family)

I'm always dubious of people telling us to do things because God said so, or that is what he wants/would want.
Unfortunately since god doesn't exist and is just a myth like any Greek or Egyptian god's of the past, his views on my country are irrelevant.

God, Santa, Unicorns, good looking women who cook and clean,  all figments of our imagination and should be treated as such.

I agree totally, glorified story book these people are sick in the head. Way too much time on there hands someone should clean this shit up!!!