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Well, the PM went to the 'Wild West'

Guess..... My aim was not to slag the PM - far from it
All I did, was simply called out some individuals for stating that @ the 2 month time frame - was a great PM...........

In my books - great has to be earned.
QV said:
- He also held firm about Canadian soveriegnty in the arctic and flat out stated so in public which made the US ambassidor back pedal a tad
- He put his foot down and said there will be no debate about the current A'stan mission (despite whining from Jackalope and 'at the time' apparent lower public support)  
- He has made it clear our border guards will finally be armed

Thats just off the top of my head.  All of those things I doubt Dithers or Jackalope would have had the nuts to do.  So far its a good start.  

Let's not forget that the ball is in motion to can that money pit known as the "gun registry"...
In the Media Reports that I have heard and read Mr Harper wanted to get as close as possiable to the front....Now I'm not too A-Stan has a front I'm pretty sure the whole contry is the front. But anyhow he has to be incredably brave to want to do that or incredably Stupid.  In my opinion...That is sort of nobal of him I guess. I'm not a Stephan Harper fan but I'd say he sort of changed my thoughts on him.  Well he has eighteen more months to prove him self worthy of a Leader.  Now let's see if he will follow through on his so called "promises" to re-build our once Mighty Military.

Chris.  :cdn:
chris_502 said:
Well he has eighteen more months to prove him self worthy of a Leader.  Now let's see if he will follow through on his so called "promises" to re-build our once Mighty Military.

Chris.  :cdn:

What happens in 18 months?  Does he turn into a pumpkin?
zipperhead_cop said:
What happens in 18 months?  Does he turn into a pumpkin?

;D nice one, I'm also curious to know what happens in 18 months though
The Opposition parties will bring him down on a confidence motion... not until after the new leader of the Liberal Party has had an opportunity to carefully review the polls, though. 8)
scoutfinch said:
The Opposition parties will bring him down on a confidence motion... not until after the new leader of the Liberal Party has had an opportunity to carefully review the polls, though. 8)

::) ::) ::)
And where do the Liberals get the money for another election campaign?  Not counting the money they owe due to Adscam, their donations are at an all-time low, and they just haven't got the war chest.  Nor does the Bloq.
Currently, I believe the Liberals are $70 million in debt from the last leadership campaign and federal election.

The Adscam money is repayable by the Quebec Liberal Party not the Liberal Party of Canada -- they are two different animals.

18 months is long enough to create a war chest.  The government won't be brought down until the other parties have sufficient funds to run competent campaigns... that might not be too long if Stronach wins the leadership.  Bryson either.

I'm doubtful if that will happen but if so hopefully eveyone will see what Mr. Harper is doing and the Conservatives will get a Majority
I agree on it being doubtful but given that the field is so empty of oldtimers, it is difficult to guess who the Liberals going to elect
I hope Heddi Fry wins the Liberal leadership.  Then we can send her to Afghanistan; at the first sign of insurgents we threaten to issue her with a loudspeaker.  It may be cruel, but its bound to be funny. ;D
scoutfinch said:
I agree on it being doubtful but given that the field is so empty of oldtimers, it is difficult to guess who the Liberals going to elect

The polls are showing that people are beginning to really like the Cons. They are in the 40s for public opinion and the old Libs are in the lower 20s.
Since the last post on here Belinda has bowed out and a few more folks have opted in.
I can't see a one of em who's going to challenge Harper.
So far he looks good for our outfit...I hope he stays the course. :cdn:
All you guys who are refering to the Prime Minister as the Head of State should check the consitution.  The Queen, the nice  lady that all soldiers have to swear allegience to, is the head of state, not the PM.  The Prime Minister is only the head of Government.  The Governor General is the Commander in Chief. 