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Well, the PM went to the 'Wild West'

Kat Stevens said:
Did anyone see the followup piece on CBC news?  "The senior Canadian female infantry "officer" (a MCpl)  and her Commanding Officer (a Sgt)".  How long have these clowns been covering things over there?  Things like that really get up my jumper.... >:(

God forbid the all knowing Mother Corp would actually send the one experienced reporter that they have who was actually in the military and has a tour to the sandbox. ::)
I have to say I am a little suprised he went (though incredibly happy to hear it!!!) We had a big "extended family" debate with the Liberalist Brother in Law about it yesterday... teehee

I am glad he is unwavering in his statements concerning the CF's role in the mission.

I agree that his trip to see our troops is a great boost.....I really like his statement "you can't lead from the bleachers".  Let's hope he has the political will to carry on without paying too much heed to the small L liberals and politically correct.  :cdn:  Ubique
Danjanou said:
God forbid the all knowing Mother Corp would actually send the one experienced reporter that they have who was actually in the military and has a tour to the sandbox. ::)

According to Wikipedia, some jackass reporter also said it was the first time a head of state ever visited troops in a war zone in modern history.  ::)

Didn't Churchill cross the Rhine in Mar 1945, basically scaring the shit out of Montgomery who let Winnie have a picnic lunch, pee on Germany, and then hotfoot it back across in a Buffalo?
Michael Dorosh said:
According to Wikipedia, some jackass reporter also said it was the first time a head of state ever visited troops in a war zone in modern history.  ::)

Didn't Churchill cross the Rhine in Mar 1945, basically scaring the crap out of Montgomery who let Winnie have a picnic lunch, pee on Germany, and then hotfoot it back across in a Buffalo?

And Bush has been to Iraq...what are these people smoking?? ::)
That’s because history lessons are for you warmongering types.  :threat:

You should been taking Modern English or Waffling 101 to really understand the essence of the human experience and become one with the universal energy. That way you can write in-depth articles about any subject that you know nothing about and appear to your readers as calm and credible voice in the wilderness of facts and reality.  ::) ::) :crybaby:

I think Harper should have brought Layton along and then sent on a fact finding mission to the village where Lt Greene got hit. Take him by helicopter, drop him off in the middle of town, throw him a bag lunch and when he asks where the troops are, the pilot can reply: Oh , the troops to guard you are still in Canada, we were going to send them after the “debate”.  ;D :salute:
Michael Dorosh said:
According to Wikipedia, some jackass reporter also said it was the first time a head of state ever visited troops in a war zone in modern history.  ::)

What I heard was that it is the first time that a modern(and I have no clue how far back they consider modern) head of state has spent the night on base, not in a hotel/palace etc.
TMM said:
What I heard was that it is the first time that a modern(and I have no clue how far back they consider modern) head of state has spent the night on base, not in a hotel/palace etc.

The Governor General did it every Christmas, didn't she?  Actually, I don't know where she stayed.  Interesting point.
GO!!! said:
In other news, PM Harper securely tied Jack Layton to a door bundle of humanitarian aid and personally flipped the light to green.

Unfortunately, the local Taliban Commander returned him to KAF unharmed, claiming that he could best hurt the infidels and their nation by allowing this one to live, and continuing his subversive work.

Congratulations Mr. Harper, we need your support, and this was an excellent way to give it!

Keep up the good work, this is why I voted Conservative!!

:salute: Good Laugh I needed that ever think about writing for the tonight show...Very true if we are going to turn around and run then It would be like our own version of Vietnam. Canada does not need that international image.
Here is an audio file of the Prime Minister's speech in Kandahar

Awesome, just awesome. I get shivers everytime I see news channels rolling the PM's speech, this is exactly the sort of reason I voted for Harper's Conservatives. As some of you mentioned, the CBC is totally over-politicizing everything about it, claiming Harper is portraying too much of a "presidential" image  ::). Anyway, I never lose faith in our great country, but I can truly say I haven't been this proud to be a Canadian in quite some time. Hopefully this can be just the start of actually making tangible progress in revitalizing our military and a shift in how our country prioritizes something it has neglected for so long.

Prime Minister Harper is showing courage, character and integrity as well as leadership in this trip to Afghanistan.  I am pleased to see that we finally have a Prime Minister who has these qualities.  It is great to see a head of state go and meet the folks that have to pay the price for the decisions made in parliament in the places where the bill gets paid.

Good for you Stephen Harper!
I echo all the positive comments here, especially all of the PMs comments re: Afghanistan.  The best?  IMHO: "You don't send people into harm's way and then question the very reason you sent them in the first place" (or words to that effect)
I'm glad he went and I'm <gasp> a leftie, but I give credit where it is due. Hopefully some more resources start heading over to help the troops after this visit.
When do we think that Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe, Jim Harris and whoever the next Lieberal "leader" is will support their soldiers, or pay them a visit?
Read other Canadians opinions of Harper's trip  here.

Some like this
Way to go Mr Harper! What a morale booster for our troops!

Being an ex-service member, and having served in foreign deployments, Canadian troops were always looked at as meek and peacekeepers.

While we take pride in our peacekeeping duties, it's also good to hear Mr Harper inform the world that we are not meek and won't run away when the going gets tough.

This goes a long way with both the troops and the locals who we are showing that we can protect them from the bad guys while we are helping them restructure.

Once in awhile our combat troops need the recognition that they deserve and I for one applaud you Mr Harper.

— Cpl. Tony Tyler CD (Ret)

Other ones like this
It seems the Canadian media are taking a nod from their American counterparts, and quickly becoming lap dogs to Mr. Harper and his smooth and secretive inner club of PR-savvy advisors.

It's sad to see supposedly hard-nosed journalists complicit in the PR stunt the PM is pulling in Afghanistan.

His visit will only draw more danger to the troops from those Afghans who would rather they not be there.

While Mr. Harper "plays war", the troops will only become greater targets.

And Mr. Harper's simplistic Bush-like rhetoric will only dumb the debate down to the unquestioning deference and journalistic stupor we see south of the border.

Sad days for Canada!

— Lyndon Bruce | Milton, ON

But I think this one takes the cake.
And there he goes,our very own George W.

Let us keep the war going, fellows, for there are still a few young men with all of their arms, legs and perhaps even their brains and consciences unsullied by this insanity.

Heaven forbid that we should let them grow up normal.

— G. Lorraine Ouellette | Edmonton, AB

If you are interested in adding your comments scroll to the very bottom and there is a space to reply.
Colin P said:
That’s because history lessons are for you warmongering types.   :threat:

You should been taking Modern English or Waffling 101 to really understand the essence of the human experience and become one with the universal energy. That way you can write in-depth articles about any subject that you know nothing about and appear to your readers as calm and credible voice in the wilderness of facts and reality.  ::) ::) :crybaby:

Hey, you sound like you were really "enlightened" by Pike's web site.  Soon, we will all see the light.  Soft light, soothing light, yes, YES, look at the light..... :blotto:
CFL said:
GO!!! you live in Edmonton don't you.
"— G. Lorraine Ouellette | Edmonton, AB"

Must.....not....visit....anyone.....ignore...this.... :threat: :rage: :threat: