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weekend BMQ 25 NOV

Haha don't get too excited. Weekend BMQ sucked most of the time, but you meet alot of cool people. Have fun.
I'm going..if you're at Fort York see ya there!  :D so happy, but i guess we aren't supposed to worry about the kit because all i got was a sleeping bag to be returned with an air matress, flashlight, camo paint and basin. Oh ya, did you get a list of clothes or whatever we need to bring (specifics)  ???
See ya tomorrow i guess :)
just got a call that my kit and another pte's kit from the unit isn't here, and it might be tomorrow, but bring other clothing just in case LOL. so if it comes i have a LOT of stuff with me. parade night was cancelled because of the weather. hope the weather is good for travel tomorrow. it would suck to die getting a ride to BMQ LOL.

Ps what's a

CF 742 PEN and a CAFIB 20 ID card?   the instructions say i must be in possession of them, and i'm not.....
and without an issed sleeping bag, is that something i need to bring or will there be some down there to use?
The PEN form is your next of kin form, to inform them if something were to happen to you while on duty. You will fill those out numerous times in your career. The ID card is you Military ID, you will be recieving a temporary one at first, if you have not already.

As for the sleeping bag...if you have not been issued it yet, there is nothing you can do. If your Regiment holds sleeping bags in their QM for you to use, there is no reason they can not issue you one.

the weather is really bad between here and BMQ area. no school buses running from outside the city in to the schools. so no kit today, but will the van still take up to TO for BMQ? it's stops in Owen Sound then to Barrie to pick a few up, and to TO. will this happen?
The recruiting officer for Queen's York Rangers issued me and a couple others sleeping bags during our swear-in ceremony, but called and said they would issue them tonight so we would return them, we'll also be issued cots. So don't bring a sleeping bag, would be extra weight.

Oi, I'm worried about the forms, all I was told to bring was the one to get my kit and uniform...they said everything else was for a parade night for admin.

Can't answer your bus/van question though I'm getting a ride.
Meet you tonight.
well, it started out good, then we walked in.
did the cot set up, and well my sleeping bag zipper doesn't working, so i was too long, got yelled at, all that great stuff.
did the push ups, and abd exercises, couldn't breathe my mouth was so dry, wonder "what the hell did i do?"
and when all was over and we got into those bags to sleep, i little smile curled on my lips.

so yes, had a great time.
polo is in the same squad as me..... what do you know.

and the whole time i was there, i was damn grateful for all the advice here, four people didn't have boot polish, and some have never polished boots before. i took the advice and i practiced, i have damn shiny doc's, but my combats just passed inspection.... for the first weekend anyway!

thanks everyone.
I agree, this forum is awesome with all of the helpful tips....even though most are for summer full-time BMQ but it still helps. Even though our our entire BMQ failed the cot set-up 3 times on the first day, by sunday all our timings were perfect..boo ya :P

First weekend was great, for those joining you're going to be tired but have lots of damn fun...well that's what I call fun anyway. :D
I have to agree BMQ is a good time i did it in june 2002 in quebec , prob the funnest time in training !! now i'm in 3rd ppcli in infantry serving under the para div . I love it and i'm leaving to afg. in april !!! i can't wait for my first over seas going !!
Manimal said:
well, it started out good, then we walked in.
did the cot set up, and well my sleeping bag zipper doesn't working, so i was too long, got yelled at, all that great stuff.
did the push ups, and abd exercises, couldn't breathe my mouth was so dry, wonder "what the hell did i do?"
and when all was over and we got into those bags to sleep, i little smile curled on my lips.

so yes, had a great time.
polo is in the same squad as me..... what do you know.

and the whole time i was there, i was damn grateful for all the advice here, four people didn't have boot polish, and some have never polished boots before. i took the advice and i practiced, i have damn shiny doc's, but my combats just passed inspection.... for the first weekend anyway!

thanks everyone.

sounds exciting. So what exactly did you do for the weekend. Just a bunch of p.t? how bout transportation?

ohh by the way, just got called for my aptitude test for dec 5!  ;D and I just applied 19th of nov.
wow, that's pretty fast. it too a while for me to get to the AP testing.

we started off with some basic stuff, cot setting up, some PT, learned a little drill, and a lot of waiting for others to get their kits issued. a couple classes. they balance the "stressing you out" with some good jokes and fun stuff too, so at times you think "what the hell am i doing here" and other times you're thinking "i love this guy, he's great" the staff were amazing, and by that i mean amazingly hard, and amazingly supportive and encouraging. usually not at the same time!

i'm from up north a little, about two hours from the training area, so my unit provides transport for me and two others. one comes from Barrie with a MCpl on the staff. so far my rides have to be in the area most of the same weekends,  so it's good to go.
once down there, they transport everyone when needed by school bus.

ppcli4life said:
I have to agree BMQ is a good time i did it in june 2002 in quebec , prob the funnest time in training !! now i'm in 3rd ppcli in infantry serving under the para div . I love it and i'm leaving to afg. in april !!! i can't wait for my first over seas going !!

Well, that's intersting for a few reasons.

1) There is no "Jaques Oulette" in the Jump Company. I know, because I'm in it.

2) The Jump Company is not, nor has it ever been in Shediac, New Brunswick.

3) Your face is on your MSN profile, and I don't know you, (we're a small company).

4) The Jump comapany is in Wx and Afghanistan right now, with the exception of the injured.

You list "army (infantry)" as an interest on your profile, so I'm going to assume that you are a reservist. Since you put your location and pic up too, you won't be hard to find.

Don't worry, I'll be in touch.   >:D   Most NCOs take a very dim view of this sort of thing.

You are a world class bull$hitter.    


I found a video of the reserves weekend training on this site a while back.  I have been searching for it for hours and cannot find it.  If anyone knows what heading it's labeled as, can they please reply to this message.


Im on this weekend BMQ at FY too. Which section are you in guys? I was in 1 section.... i was the section senior this weekend, but now we are rotating.
It was quite the saturday, going on 3 hours of sleep and then we spent that 6 hours getting our kit, JEEZE.
'manimal' and i (polo) are in section 6
i have to say that the training was completely different from that in the video...
plus, i think you meant to say we were given 3 hours to sleep....the fact that they told us we would have a fire drill that night actually gave us...20 minutes of sleep lol...all anticipation... :o at least today my eye stopped twitching from tiredness
but it was great
i worked nights on the wednesday before, so i was in "night mode" and got about 10 mins sleep the first night. a noise fan woke me up, while waiting for that fire drill! grrrrrr
Not to mention the lights that don't turn off....that's why I'm glad I didn't get a cot, all of the duffel bags stacked up actually blocked the light on saturday night...it's the little tricks, I hope I don't get issued a cot next parade night.