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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Booty said:
Well, as you are trying for both of us I will hang back and scoot ahead when you tire.LOL

You are right... I am trying to help you here. But do not hang back too long, as I do not tire. However, I do get annoyed, and will just leave you where you fall.
I just thought of something worrying.

Just who do you train now when you say you are training sprogs? Are you serving? Or are you an airsofter? Please do not tell me you are involved with cadets.

Re this statement on service and social insurance numbers:

SIN numbers took a time to implement and they were NOT implemented in the mid to late sixties but more like the early mid seventies. As for my service number, Battalion has it ,the Association has it, Veterans Affairs have it and I have it. That is sufficient.

You are mistaken, or your memory is playing tricks on you. I was serving in 4 CIBG in the mid-sixties when we changed to SI numbers. Moreover, personnel who rotated in from Canada also had changed numbers, while Canadian civilians such as teachers also had SINs. I do not know when the militia changed, and you may be correct regarding the reserves, but anyone who was old enough to join the militia should have had a SIN.

Your service number fits the allotment for Central Command militia non-commissioned members, that is it is between B400,000 and B599,999, according to Clive Law's Regimental Numbers of the Canadian Army.
Towards_the_gap said:
I will be in the UK in December visiting family and friends, what sort of time frame are you looking at? When would be good for you?

December is fine. Time frame for you a couple of days,that will let you visit Spein Bridge. The local camp site is owned by an ex Booty.RMA (Canada) visit there regularly.
Oh my....

mistake after mistake..

Do you mean ''Spean Bridge''????

Surely a commando would not make that mistake.

So who are you training these days?
Still no comment on the Legion issue where you were shown to be right out of 'er. Another question for "Canadian Airborne Forces" guy. What building number was 2 Cdo housed in back in 1984? I eagerly await your next dodge. ::)
Towards_the_gap said:
I just thought of something worrying.

Just who do you train now when you say you are training sprogs? Are you serving? Or are you an airsofter? Please do not tell me you are involved with cadets.

Sprogs is a term used by the RM for young soldiers as well as kids.  They can join at 17 years and Six months.
2 Cdo said:
Still no comment on the Legion issue where you were shown to be right out of 'er. Another question for "Canadian Airborne Forces" guy. What building number was 2 Cdo housed in back in 1984? I eagerly await your next dodge. ::)

And I am awaiting your coin number "Para". As for 1984 I have no idea,I was in Belize at that time.
Okay, now I'm really confused (not hard for an old Rad Op).

You are currently in the UK, working with the RM at BATUS (in Suffield), ex-QOR of C (65 - sometime in the 70s, I'm not going to look it back up), your profile says you are in Vancouver. I think I got all that part.

So, by my bad math (it's not a trade requirement, CFSCE used to issue calculators), if you joined at 17 you would be currently 59 or 60 years old (dependant on your birthday).

Have I got all that right, or am I right out of it?


Ooops, missed one. You are also with Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre which is in Plymouth and is now called Mountain Leader Training Cadre and has been since 2000.
Towards_the_gap said:
Oh my....

mistake after mistake..

Do you mean ''Spean Bridge''????

Surely a commando would not make that mistake.

So who are you training these days?

Boy,you been googling again? Check it again, it can be spelt both ways.
Booty said:
Yep, I have worn Battledress. CA and UK. ;)

I joined as a "Boy Entrant" in 1970.

The only references I can find to "Boy Entrants" was the RAF Boy Entrant scheme. 


The RAF Boy Entrant scheme ran from the mid 1930s to late 1965 where boys joined the RAF at about the age of 15 to 17 and then underwent training in various occupations (or Trades) which fitted them for employment in the Royal Air Force.

Note the title of this class plaque.

Perhaps you could provide some more details.
I love how many people are watching this thread, the numbers seem exceptional for one thread in the middle of a work day.  It's sort of like army.ca's version of a gawkers block.
...so tell me then if you were in the "Canadian Airborne Forces", what was the annual EX that the SSF participated in, for that matter what is the SSF?
211RadOp said:
Okay, now I'm really confused (not hard for an old Rad Op).

You are currently in the UK, working with the RM at BATUS (in Suffield), ex-QOR of C (65 - sometime in the 70s, I'm not going to look it back up), your profile says you are in Vancouver. I think I got all that part.

So, by my bad math (it's not a trade requirement, CFSCE used to issue calculators), if you joined at 17 you would be currently 59 or 60 years old (dependant on your birthday).

Have I got all that right, or am I right out of it?

No,not currently working at BATUS. Never said I was.We are attached to BATUS.

Yes, I am ex QOR of C 1970 - on.Yes I am ex RM Before and After.Yes, I am now a training instructor for Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre. Yes, My home is in Vancouver. Yes, we train All-Arms. Yes,I am in my late 50's and have roughly 18 months before Time Out to Reserve.Yes, I am dual nat.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Maybe he meant Boy Soldier?

Curious then that he would use such a specific term, even capitalizing it and using quotation marks to indicate it was a very particular title.
Booty said:
And I am awaiting your coin number "Para". As for 1984 I have no idea,I was in Belize at that time.

Why exactly would you like my coin number? You are the one making outlandish claims of heroic battles in the FRY. You are the one making claims about Legion membership which has been shown to be wrong. You haven't answered any questions asked of you, because you cite "security" reasons. When you answer what years you served in the "Canadian Airborne Forces" I will gladly give up my coin number(Upon verification of course)

I don't think you can do it though because you reek of poser. ::)
Michael O`Leary said:
Curious then that he would use such a specific term, even capitalizing it and using quotation marks to indicate it was a very particular title.

For your Military education :- A Boy Entrant is someone who is enlisted to the colours under the prescribed age for regular service in the fighting area. Sometimes this is overlooked by necessity.
Bane said:
I love how many people are watching this thread, the numbers seem exceptional for one thread in the middle of a work day.  It's sort of like army.ca's version of a gawkers block.
It's really like driving by a really bad accident you just have to have a quick look.  :o
