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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Ex-Dragoon said:
booty how does it feel to have ZERO crediability...even if you are telling the truth no one here believes you. I have no doubt you have been here before under another alias.

You tell me,your the expert here.LOL.
Don't fret now...maybe one day you too could be taken seriously... :P
Teeps74 said:
You are right. NO ONE has shared as personal fighting story in this thread. Let me break that up.

There I was, a dark and stormy night. Surrounded on all sides by stags.

The first shove, and it's on!

Out numbered, I start an Aussie peel back for the door, throwing beer bottles as I go. It's a damned dirty mess.

Back to back in the street, taking all comers. Tire irons start to come out, just as the scream of a siren rounds the corner... "Next time...".

Drinking ain't for everyone I tells ya... Sometimes it gets messy, and blood is spilt.

Boy,if thats your service history to date I don't blame you for keeping your mouth shut.LOL.
Booty said:
Boy,if thats your service history to date I don't blame you for keeping your mouth shut.LOL.

At least he fills out his profile so we know where he is coming from. With his service and where he has been, he doesn't need to put up tales to impress other people as you seem to.
Jammer said:
Don't fret now...maybe one day you too could be taken seriously... :P

I aint fretting, we could both be taken serioulsy at the same time.eh But I think I may just get there first.LOL
Holy crap.....I wake up early, ...check out an obviously kife story in 'personal stories", ...figure everyone will get a laugh so I move it to R/C,...come back from yard work only to find.......

                                        IT HAD GROWN!!
Hang in there boy...I do admire your willingness to fight a losing battle.
Please enhance your profile though, I love a good fairy tale.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Holy crap.....I wake up early, ...check out an obviously kife story in 'personal stories", ...figure everyone will get a laugh so I move it to R/C,...come back from yard work only to find.......

                                        IT HAD GROWN!!

Don't go anywhere...this one is gooood....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Holy crap.....I wake up early, ...check out an obviously kife story in 'personal stories", ...figure everyone will get a laugh so I move it to R/C,...come back from yard work only to find.......

                                        IT HAD GROWN!!

Bruce, it's like throwing two wire hangers in a closet and opening it a couple days later to find dozens.  ;)
Booty said:
I aint fretting, we could both be taken serioulsy at the same time.eh But I think I may just get there first.LOL

Sure, depends on the audience and forum... On this board, me thinks you have a lot of work to repair damage already done.
Holy crap, I just noticed all the folks watching this thread... Someone should be selling tickets! Donate the money to Charity!
211RadOp said:
At least he fills out his profile so we know where he is coming from. With his service and where he has been, he doesn't need to put up tales to impress other people as you seem to.

Where he is coming from? Ok, where has he been?

I ain't interested in whether someone is impressed or not, the people who know me know what I say is true,that's all I care about. As I train soldiers I thought I would give the new sprogs and idea what may lie ahead but all I have received for the effort is a baying mob blowing their own gas.

The proof is in the pudding. So here it is, if any of you get over to the UK in the late fall you have an open invitation to try some training with us at Gareloghhead and Warcop. You cant live on base but you can camp nearby. Hell,I will even take you up to RM Condor to meet the Arctic
Warfare Cadre.

Send me a PM with your arrival details for Glasgow or Prestwick and I will take it from there.
Jammer said:
Hang in there boy...I do admire your willingness to fight a losing battle.
Please enhance your profile though, I love a good fairy tale.

If you believe in fairy's I think I will dip on that one.LOL
Booty said:
Which year? It has been modified about eight times due to health and safety. If you are talking my year then the first obstacle was the wall, the last was the stretcher with a fat ******* corporal lying on it. As an added pisser they gave us the four man (brick) log run as a prover. Oh yeah, and we still used the balloon at Brize so you can figure out the year for yourself.

To be fair, P-coy has changed a fair bit, however I am positive the first obstacle never has been a wall. I am getting confirmation as we speak.

However, I will cal BS on the final stretcher run. A) I really doubt there was anyone overweight on the P-coy staff. B) Have you ever seen a stretcher race? I'd find it really hard, no matter how fat, to lie on the stretcher whilst a bunch of thrashed blokes ran with it, over rough terrain. More importantly, the 30 yr old stretcher would find it hard to stay in one piece.

All the stretcher races I've done were 2 scaffold poles and either tank track welded in the middle or sand ladder.

So you just keep walting it up walty walt walt

Towards_the_gap said:
And for an RM Officer....your spelling is atrocious.

BBJ was an RM officer too, maybe our new friend knows him?   A better speller as I recall, perhaps thats why he made (himself)  Major?
Teeps74 said:
Sure, depends on the audience and forum... On this board, me thinks you have a lot of work to repair damage already done.

Well, as you are trying for both of us I will hang back and scoot ahead when you tire.LOL
I will be in the UK in December visiting family and friends, what sort of time frame are you looking at? When would be good for you?