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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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Man firstly, calm down, I agreed not to spell in msn talk yes, But i dont see a reason for you to be so offended by it, if its that much of a problem to you then dont read the forum, and I am aware that the RMC trains officers, I want to be a Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer, sorry again, I made my profile at like 3am while I was just looking around on the Site. No reason for you to criticize what I post on my profile, POint is, your complaints would be appropriate in a forum about proper grammer, not one where someone is simply asking fpr info and opinions, But sorry if i somehow hurt your ethics of typing on the internet, I apologize,

P.S Thanks for your concerns I ill try and apply them to every forum i post in?

MKos said:
your complaints would be appropriate in a forum about proper grammer, not one where someone is simply asking fpr info and opinions,

Read the rules of this site again......... ::)
MKos said:
Man firstly, calm down, I agreed not to spell in msn talk yes,

But you did it anyway.

But i dont see a reason for you to be so offended by it, if its that much of a problem to you then dont read the forum,

I wasn't offended, but if someone must leave, it'll be the guy who can't use English.

and I am aware that the RMC trains officers, I want to be a Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer, sorry again, I made my profile at like 3am while I was just looking around on the Site.

So if you're seeking NCS Eng, why did you just correct your profile to read "Naval Weapon Systems Engineering Officer", which doesn't even exist?  Here's some advice - don't post or edit your profile at 3 am.  Attention to detail, lad...attention to detail.  You'll need it at RMC.

No reason for you to criticize what I post on my profile, POint is, your complaints would be appropriate in a forum about proper grammer, not one where someone is simply asking fpr info and opinions,

C'mon, now....you didn't really read the site rules, did you?

But sorry if i somehow hurt your ethics of typing on the internet, I apologize,

Hello all,

I'm an OCdt in the ROTP program (I enrolled recently, this August). I've already been cleared medically, however my vision is -6.50 in both eyes, and as you might know the cutoff for V5 is -7.00. I have 3 years until I actually graduate and am able to start working, and I'm worried that in that time my vision may worsen. What happens to me if I do become a V5? Am I kicked out of the Canadian Forces as a whole, or will my job just be switched? (On graduation I'm intended to go to Land Electrical Mechanical Engineering, MOC 00187. The minimum vision requirement for this job is V4.)

I would appreciate any input you have to this situation.
The V5 cat is based on your visual acuity with and without glasses, as well as your manifest refraction.  If you're that concerned, find out about LASIK or PRK and get the surgery done.  There is no trade in the Service where V5 is allowed...you could get a release or you might get an accomodation, all depends on what D Med Pol and Career Shops have to say.

I'm aware of all factors that contribute to V5, but unfortunately I am essentially still at the last level before being classified a V5. Any slight shift to the worse can get me to that level.

If you don't mind me asking, what's an accommodation?

I talked to a LASIK doctor before the application process, and unfortunately no one wants to risk operating on my eyes. Because my vision's worse than -6.00 I've already got a 1 in 20 risk of detached retina (instead of a 1 in 300 risk for the general population). If I got any kind of surgery on them, the chance of detached retina would go up by something like 400%.
An accomodation is a decision from the Career shop, based on D Med Pol reccomendations of your what your medical category and limitations are, saying that you can stay within your trade and the CF.  There are other things they base that decision on - what your trade is, your experience, are you or your mates going to be put at risk by the medical limitations you have, and needs of the service.  I wouldn't even think of trying to guess what their decision would be in your case - people aren't always getting favourable decisions right now for V5's.

Hope that helps.  Regardless, I'm not going to tell you what to do.


Cerulean_Sky said:
Hello all,

I'm an OCdt in the ROTP program (I enrolled recently, this August). I've already been cleared medically, however my vision is -6.50 in both eyes, and as you might know the cutoff for V5 is -7.00. I have 3 years until I actually graduate and am able to start working, and I'm worried that in that time my vision may worsen. What happens to me if I do become a V5? Am I kicked out of the Canadian Forces as a whole, or will my job just be switched? (On graduation I'm intended to go to Land Electrical Mechanical Engineering, MOC 00187. The minimum vision requirement for this job is V4.)

I would appreciate any input you have to this situation.

V5 equals bye bye.
Hey guys, I'm in the process of applying for ROTP and slightly concerned about the vision test. First off, I've never worn any corrective vision at all, ever. The thing is, my optometrist told me about 2 years ago, that I have a microscopic scar on my left eye, that lowers the vision a bit. When i close my right eye, everything is just a little bit more blurry. However my right eye has better than 20/20 vision. My doc said what an average eye can see at 15 meters, I can see at 20 meters. I honestly don't have any trouble with my vision at all, and can read things at distances others cannot. I guess my eyes cancel each other out or something.

Anyway, I was wondering what the vision test consists of. Is it extremely extensive? Or is it "Here, read that on the other side of the room"?

My choices for trades in order are: 1st: Pilot  2nd: Engineer Officer  3rd: Air Navigator

If I do require laser eye surgery, would I still make the deadline, or is there a period where I have to wait before I can apply?

If you're applying for aircrew, and if you make it past the CFAT, etc, you'll be sent for a thorough ophthalmological exam as part of the medical.  If your vision is within standards for pilot, so be it...if not, there are other things you'll likely be suitable for.

Thanks. Does anyone know what the policy for laser eye surgery is in the CF? For instance, if i know i have to get it done, would it be smart to do so before the medical? Will i have to wait x number of months after getting it??
acoldcanadian said:
Thanks. Does anyone know what the policy for laser eye surgery is in the CF? For instance, if i know i have to get it done, would it be smart to do so before the medical? Will i have to wait x number of months after getting it??

Good question.  You will find the answer in the topics on Laser Eye Surgery.
Cerulean_Sky said:
I talked to a LASIK doctor before the application process, and unfortunately no one wants to risk operating on my eyes. Because my vision's worse than -6.00 I've already got a 1 in 20 risk of detached retina (instead of a 1 in 300 risk for the general population). If I got any kind of surgery on them, the chance of detached retina would go up by something like 400%.

I'd get a second opinion on LASIK if I were you. I just had a consultation with LASIK and my eyes are -7.5... LASIK itself was out, but PRK was fine and infact better suited to the CF. Plus, with PRK if they don't get it exactly right the first go (which is rare) then you are able to get the procedure done again. Not so with LASIK. Unless you are a lot worse off than -7.5 or have a wikkid astigmatism, I am surprised they turned you away.
So i got my eye test today and i got -2.50 in one eye and -2.75 in the other would this be good for Infantry? sorry if this has been posted before, Thanks

And what glasses should i get for the Army?

SoldierInAYear said:
Sorry is this was posted before but..

Right now i have 20/400 vision but its a little blurier in my right eye  but with glasses i can see 20/20  8) i am hoping to join Infantry do you think i will pass the eye test?

Im am thinking about joining in three or four years so i can learn how to swim get fit finish highschool and my vision my get a little better


Name:paul ha  :cdn:
SoldierInAYear said:
So i got my eye test today and i got -2.50 in one eye and -2.75 in the other would this be good for Infantry? sorry if this has been posted before, Thanks

And what glasses should i get for the Army?


You've asked a lot of questions.  Have you tried reading any of this topic to find the answers?
JB 11 11 said:
I'd get a second opinion on LASIK if I were you. I just had a consultation with LASIK and my eyes are -7.5... LASIK itself was out, but PRK was fine and infact better suited to the CF. Plus, with PRK if they don't get it exactly right the first go (which is rare) then you are able to get the procedure done again. Not so with LASIK. Unless you are a lot worse off than -7.5 or have a wikkid astigmatism, I am surprised they turned you away.

I'm getting my LASIK next week. -6.25 to -6.75 in both eyes (last eye exam was the latter however when they did their workup at LASIK MD they called it at -6.25.) They said (assuming no complications) there should be no issue with the CF and that in fact 30-40% of the customers at that location (Moncton NB) were either applying or in the CF.

Unless there is something physically or medically wrong with your eys I am surprised that you would be turned away for LASIK- I'm getting the advanced wavefront LASIK rather than the standard one-size-fits-all as for stronger prescription the cost for standard LASIK goes up significantly - with the advanced wavefront operation they also take 20-30% less corneal tissue so if a followup operation is needed it can be done (and is even covered under a warranty period.)
If you are referring to PRK vs. LASIK in terms of being turned away, it was case of the Doc at LASIK MD making judgment call.
As my eye's are on the cusp of what is considered safe for LASIK, they'd have had to cut deeper than they wanted to (even with wavefront) to get a flap with enough material to work with (man.... that just sounds wrong LOL! :D)... the shape of my eye had something to do with it if memory serves.

And besides, with PRK, if ya get a knock in the face or something, there is no flap to be concerned about. For me personally, that was a big selling point. Another big point was, if the procedure doesn't get it exactly right the first time, you can get a "touch up" in order to perfect the procedure.
It is my understanding that with LASIK, once its done, that's it.... you get what you get. That's what I was "told" anyway.

BUT....I've seen 3 doctors  (LASIK MD, An American Doc here in Rome and an Italian Doc here in Rome). Over here I have been quoted 1500 Euro (about $2200 CAN) for both eyes and 1000 Euro (From the Italian Doc), where LASIK MD said they'd do me for $4000.

I have a follow up with the American Doc on tuesday and will be getting the details as to his experience and the actual procedure itself. This guy also seemed to agree that PRK was better suited to a career in Military. If all goes well, I'll be getting my eyeballs shaved by the New year.

Cerulean_Sky said:
Hello all,

I'm an OCdt in the ROTP program (I enrolled recently, this August). I've already been cleared medically, however my vision is -6.50 in both eyes, and as you might know the cutoff for V5 is -7.00. I have 3 years until I actually graduate and am able to start working, and I'm worried that in that time my vision may worsen. What happens to me if I do become a V5? Am I kicked out of the Canadian Forces as a whole, or will my job just be switched? (On graduation I'm intended to go to Land Electrical Mechanical Engineering, MOC 00187. The minimum vision requirement for this job is V4.)

I would appreciate any input you have to this situation.

I'm in just about the same situation, with one eye being -6.25 and the other being -6.50. I'm also curious to know how the CF would handle this as I know that my eyes are still worsening (I'm only 20 and have a family history of eye problems) and my vision will eventually go below the standards.

At this age I don't have the option of laser eye surgery yet and with a family history of cataracts and glaucoma, plus having astigmatism, I doubt I'd be a suitable candidate.

Does anyone have personal experience with getting an accommodation to stay in the CF?

Also, what if my vision deteriorates before I've fulfilled my contract to pay off my schooling time? Would I have to pay out the rest of my contract - it's not really my fault if my vision deteriorates...
-Jules- said:
I'm in just about the same situation, with one eye being -6.25 and the other being -6.50. I'm also curious to know how the CF would handle this as I know that my eyes are still worsening (I'm only 20 and have a family history of eye problems) and my vision will eventually go below the standards.

Do they really have the option of switching your job? There are no jobs that are below V4 or would one simply be assigned to a desk type job? Does anyone have input on this?

It will all depend on whether the career and medical policy groups feel you can be retained or not and how far along in your training you are.  They have ZERO obligation to retain you, so if you're early in your career, they may just cut the losses and let you go.  Be prepared for the worst but hope for the best.  The other option is to look into LASIK or PRK.


I just wanted to know if I could get enlisted as an armoured soldier (in the reserve) with the results below. I read a little bit and I think I'm V2 but I'm not sure. I'm asking this because I failed the vision test during medical exam (might be because I didnt sleep a lot the night before though) and I wanted to know if I have to get lasik or not.
Thanks for answering (and sorry for the bad english, first language is french :S)

Uncorrected vision            Right 6/6
                                        Left 6/9
Best Corrected Vision        Right 6/6+
                                        Left 6/6+

Present Glasses        -Right        -0.50
                              -Left          -1.25
Manifest Refraction    -Right        -0.50
                              -Left          -1.25