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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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admcdonald said:

I applied to the military in October 2009 in the direct entry officer programme.  I've been slowly, but surely winding my way through the application process.  I rather terrified myself about the aptitude test and fitness levels and therefore completely overlooked my lack of good vision, which has me kicking myself because I could have fixed this issue months ago.

I recently did my medical and interview.  The gentleman who did the medical stated that I would pass medical easily if not for my poor eyesight.  He suggested that I might need to get laser eye surgery to get passed.  He also gave me a form to fill out from my optometrist about my level of vision.  I went to my optometrist today who laughed at the notion that I could ever function without my glasses or contact lenses (which is quite correct).  He told me that both of my eyes are in the -5 range and that I have astigmatism (which I knew about previously).  He said that although he doesn't know the exact standards of the military he doesn't believe that I would be accepted if I needed to function at all without corrective lenses.

I am perfectly happy to get laser eye surgery (my parents are even paying for it as a birthday present) and I am willing to get it done as soon as possible.  I understand that there is a minimum three month waiting period after the surgery is completed to check to make sure my eyes are in good shape and this does not upset me in the least.

My question is, however, should I wait to have the form filled out until a week or two after I get the eye surgery done and then return it to the recruiting centre (the time limit on the form is 90 days with an extension of 30 days on top of that) and explain about the surgery at that point or should I ask for the extension and return it at the three month point (and tell them about the surgery at the 3 month point)?  Also, when I go through with the surgery will that put a full stop on my application process and will I have to wait for positions to open up at the point I am cleared, or will they continue with the process because in all likelihood I will not be sent off to training in the next 3-4 months regardless?

Basically, I am asking how I can do this eye surgery requirement with the least amount of disruption to my application process as possible.

Thank you for any advice or comments.

I was just wondering what you're trying to get into? Infantry, or something else because I heard for non-related combat trades the eye sight restriction is a bit different. I was wondering if anyone knew what the vision requirements for Medical Technician are? Any input would help thanks!
Looking through this thread a number of the definitive links have expired. Here are two I tracked down:

Medical Standards (CFP 154)

Medical Standards (CFP 154) - Annex E
Minimum Medical Standards (by each Occupation)

Mikhail said:
Looking through this thread a number of the definitive links have expired. Here are two I tracked down:

Medical Standards (CFP 154)

Medical Standards (CFP 154) - Annex E
Minimum Medical Standards (by each Occupation)

They both work for me.  They may only be available on the DWAN.
I just want to give some advice based on my own personal experience related to the vision qualifications for occupations.

I would recommend making sure you have at least two occupations you'd be willing to do, and make sure they don't have the same vision requirements.  So say you need to be V3 for something, and you are unsure if you have a good enough vision, make sure you have something else (unless you really, really, really don't want another occupation) that is a V4.  That's just an example, but you'll find it helpful.

I had Armoured, Artillery, and Sig Ops as my preferred trades.  I ended up being in V4 by just a bit, and I couldn't get the other two, but I knew I'd be happy in Sig Ops so once they determined all this, they just offered me Sig Ops and there was no disappointment on my behalf.

Basically, just make sure you have all your options planned out.  I know I want to eventually move over into the Combat Arms, but that'll be down the road once I can afford laser eye surgery.  I also understand that it will be based on the Military's need, so I'm happy fulfilling out my contract as is.  So this isn't a starting point to hold me over until I can go Combat Arms, but this is just one piece of a hopefully long and somewhat varied military career.

You just won't want to be disappointed if you don't get into a certain trade because of your eyes.  There's so much you can do and be happy with, it just takes a lot of reading to figure it out.  I had my doubts with my eyes so I checked and rechecked to make sure I found other positions I would be extremely happy in.

Oddly enough, it was my colour vision which I hadn't factored in that almost cost me all my choices haha.  I guess you can't prepare for everything.  :P
I'm about -10 aka totally useless without glasses/contacts..is that even close to a V4?
Not sure if these help or not, but you can look up the info on the links below.  I don't understand it all, so I'll make it clear I can not answer any questions on any of this stuff.



-10 is very low. I was -7,25 and they asked me to have the lasik. I got it 8 months ago. Ask to the CFRC for the right surgery for your trade.

Hi all,

My prescription right now is
I found that according to your chart this would put me close to the cutoff of 6/60. Corrected my eyes go perfectly to 20/20. I'm turning 16 and my friends and I are going to the local regiment to sign up for part time reserves, are the medical standards less for reserves? And is this accurate?
No; the medical standards are the same.  Combat arms are a V3; or were as of a couple of years ago when I was performing medical exams at a recruitng centre and its dets; someone will correct me if the V cat has changed.
Dude, I wear glasses and contacts, listen to the other members hear, i totally agree about not getting laaser eye i do not wanna take the chance,my advice, get the 7day or month long contacts and carry them with u they are easy to manage and take out and put in, you can even sleep with them! Hope ur exam went well, im sure yolll be fne, they tend to be verry forgiving and leanient on vision im sure thats the least of your worries. Just chiillll and concentrate at the many other things ahead of you!

MKos said:
get the 7day or month long contacts and carry them with u they are easy to manage and take out and put in, you can even sleep with them!

Don't wear contacts when you're going to get gassed.  :o
Sorry is this was posted before but..

Right now i have 20/400 vision but its a little blurier in my right eye  but with glasses i can see 20/20  8) i am hoping to join Infantry do you think i will pass the eye test?

Im am thinking about joining in three or four years so i can learn how to swim get fit finish highschool and my vision my get a little better


Name:paul ha  :cdn:
I wouldnt advise laser eye personally i dont like the risks cuz even though their is a small margin of error you cannot get your eyes back if something happens, alot of thinking into it beforehand but what u need to do is what u need to do...

Good Luck,
MKos said:
I wouldnt advise laser eye personally i dont like the risks cuz even though their is a small margin of error you cannot get your eyes back if something happens, alot of thinking into it beforehand but what u need to do is what u need to do...

Please don't use MSN speak, and use proper grammar and spelling.  It's the site rules which you agreed to when you joined the site.

P.S.  Looking at your profile: 

1.  If you go to RMC, you will never be a Naval Weapons Tech.  RMC trains officers, NWT is a NCM trade.
2.  The Royal Canadian Navy no longer exists, and hasn't since 1968.  It's just "Navy", or "Canadian Navy".
3.  Help is "accepted", not "excepted".