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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Retired Royal,
This is good int. Too bad someone nobody has shared it with the recruiting staff. I'm sure a change in this direction would be welcomed by the attractions staff at CFRG to share with the unfortunate people who don't read Army.ca. Maybe this is why some people are disenchanted with the recruiting system, we only can give out the information we actually have. If you want to re-enrol it does take time as most personnel  files are sent to the National Archives and have to be requested from another government department. Their priorities aren't always the same as ours. remember the old soldiers saying  " hurry up ... and wait" 
Okay, quick update for any of you who might still be interested in knowing how long these things take...

It seems the email to my MP either worked, or it ended up falling on deaf ears and the process just ended up dying a natural death... either way I'm now officially re-activated and will be a deployable sapper by september of this year.

So here's how it went: the VFS was initiated in January and I received a phone call on April 11 telling me that it had been completed. So, there you have it... a current example of how long a VFS takes.

Give it 6 more months, and this timeline will probably be obsolete... but for now... there you go.
15 jan - 11 april = +/- 90 days... all in all, you're doing good.

Mine only took a month and a half to be verified and they had to find my file from 1995 - 1996.
geez... some of these timeframes are scary... 2 years for a CT?!? I've mentioned in other threads that CFRC's just waiting on my background check. What's after that? The Fitness Test, yeah. What else? And how long does the background check take? Things seem to be moving pretty quickly for me so far...
Trans... some of these CTs are... not ordinary.
Mysterious is presently a CIC and has applied to go into the reserves - which is, in actual fact, a ab-normal enrollment.  Things should go faster now.  There was a recent change of regulation that resolved issues with the defenition of "officer" in the Cadet & Ranger movement.

I was not aware of this information, is possible if you happen to fall on this info to send me a link, a reference, or a pdf files about it, It would be appreciate.

thanks, :salute:
first let me say that i have researched this on the site and found many results but i cant seem to reply in those posts.

a brief history:

Graduated basic,  made it to last week SQ took an injury that took me off course sent to pat platoon.  While on pat pl my family experienced some difficulty's requiring that i leave the forces with every intention of returning when i could.

I have been out for 1 yr now and that time has come and my questions are,
1. do I repeat bmq.
2. can I change trades.

p.s. the injury was resolved but my VR was put in while in physio so no recourse
p.s.s I also understand the best thing to do would be to phone my local but as i work the hours that there open its proving difficult.

i apologize if this was posted before and i didn't locate it.

thanks in advance


Only out for a year?  I would probably say they would have you bypass BMQ provided you can of course meet the physical requirements.  You could probably change trades quite easily, if they have the room.  Don't take my words for any of it though, Just my $0.02 cents from what I have read/understood previously.
if you have only been out for a year, then any qualification you have should carry over, the partial qualifications will all get flushed.

The kicker will be to get your medical category validated
my injury was rather wierd.  it wasnt very bad so i dinnt get a p-cat or a t-cat it kept me down for long enough to miss a p.o. and while i was on pat i got some physio work done on something that had happend in bmq.
In that case.... good luck
and let us know how things turn out
I joined the reg force about five months ago give or take a few days. While I was on course in Saint Jean I had a number of family issues arise at home. I made the decision that I was going to VR and rejoin the military as a primary reservist. I am in the process of doing that now and my question is how long would you suggest this is going to take?

I would like to get back into the forces as soon as possible and I know that my initial enrolment took nearly nine months. Seeing as I have already gone through the application process, and my information is still in the DND shouldn't the process go faster this time around?

You have to wait six months before you can reapply and yes it shouldn't take too long but it depends where you are applying at and how busy they are.  From what I understand reservists are not a priority around this time of the year because if you haven't been enrolled by now they will wait until after the summer period to process you.
Actually I was told by both my file manager and staff in Saint Jean that I am allowed to join the primary reserves or Canadian rangers immediately after my VR from the reg force is complete. I'm not allowed to join the reg force for six months, but that's it.

I'm glad to hear it will go more quickly. Why is it then that they're asking me to complete a full application again?
Something that I know could happen for individuals getting out of the RegF was to contact a PRes unit that they would like to be in, get the position number sent up, and the idea is that the release cell at the Base you're on could just CT you DOWN to the PRes. That's what I've done for some of the Reg F personnel who have retired from the RegF or just wanted to get out, but not completely.
my file manager and staff in Saint Jean Told you BS.

Something that I know could happen for individuals getting out of the RegF was to contact a PRes unit that they would like to be in, get the position number sent up, and the idea is that the release cell at the Base you're on could just CT you DOWN to the PRes.

And that would be after serving honourably for years rather than a few months and then quitting because of I had a number of family issues arise at home.
Roger that kincanucks, I was just saying that it wold be a possibility. But thanks for clarifying it for me as well  :)
kincanucks said:
my file manager and staff in Saint Jean Told you BS.

Something that I know could happen for individuals getting out of the RegF was to contact a PRes unit that they would like to be in, get the position number sent up, and the idea is that the release cell at the Base you're on could just CT you DOWN to the PRes.

And that would be after serving honourably for years rather than a few months and then quitting because of I had a number of family issues arise at home.
Well it seems they didn't, because my primary reserve unit, the Calgary Highland Regiment is processing my information now. They're doing exactly what the staff in Saint Jean told me they would do.
There used to be a six month wait requirement upon release.  That's pretty much on the way out.  Recruiting centres will start processing people even within the six month waiting period.  However it can take some time to get your former documents and medical records as they may be in transit or still in St-Jean.  So yes it isn'st a problem re-applying just don't expect the fastest processing time due to admin. 

Yes you need to re-apply as your old file was closed.  Your birth certificate, school tarnscripts should all still be good.  You probably don't need an aptitude test as long as you qualify for the Pres trade you applied for.  Medical should for the most part be good as well, unless there are any serious changes.  An update interview will also be required.  You are reapplying, that's why you need to fill out the paperwork.  That's it that's all.

And for those that are curious a CT from St-Jean to the Pres is very, very unlikely.  As in not going to happen.