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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Assuming the only training one has is BMQ (old course, Reg F 2005). Is a recruit school bypass likely to be given upon re-enrollment considering the new BMQ has been extended (incorporating aspects from SQ) ? That is, are they considered equivalent when determining RSBP.
to add on to my last post, i spoke with my recruiter today and i will be starting basic on march the 12th  :) He also said that the RCR where full but they have created more openings for troops, and that the ppcli need a ton of troops :) so i will be with the ppcli :)
Keebler said:
Hurry up and WAIT as they say.

My VFS only took about a month and a half, but thats because my former unit had my docs there easily accessed and not archived. So if they have been archived they have to find them and send them still...so definately at very least a few months. I was told mine could take up to a year, i was very surprised when they called to book my interview and medical, i wasnt expecting to hear from them for a few months.

For reserves.....
Once your unit processes your release - regardless of release type, your file is sent to brigade, that sends it to the area HQ which looks after HR Mil management.  Once the release is processed, your file is then stored at area HQ for 3 years before being sent to National Archives.

If your unit still had your file, you would not have been released....
I've got another question WRT the VFS; why exactly would I need to have one done if I've never really left the system? I released from the Reg force, to the Supp Res (tried going to a PRes unit, but no one did any of the paperwork required, before my release) I got my file transferred to 33 CER, was told to show up for parade in January where they requested my availability for this summer and then promptly told me that I couldn't show up again until my VFS was complete.
My understanding of the purpose behind the VFS is that it's to ensure that I didn't desert my Reg force unit, or that I wasn't kicked out. But if either of those scenarios had happened I wouldn't have been put on the Supp Res in the first place, no?
VFS is intended to uncover all details on an individual
This will include an analysis of Disciplinary & administrative measures on file, PERs, Medical file, the works. 
Unless you did a Component transfer, there is the possibility of gaps in your service and the VFS is intended to look after that.

From your profile, I can't identify you pedigree but will assume you were with 2 CER until your release to the Suplist... As a member of the sup list, you can be activated/employed by a Reg OR res unit... until such time as you are taken on strength with 33CER.

Ask the OR to request your activation from the Supp list.  Ex regs in the sup list work regularly with the Cadets, Rangers and PRes....  Supp list personnel can be employed up to 6 months with a unit - at which time, people have to get off the pot & get you TOS'd
Guess its who you end up speaking to because my previous service was more than 10 yrs ago...alot more..And i received my Recruit Bypass in November 2006 and presently patiently awaiting my Course in Borden...Thank god for small miracles...mine is a way too long of a story to post on here..trust me

I took the information that you posted above to a friend of mine who works in the Puzzle Palace for 33 CBG recruiting and this is what he had to say:

"Bad news...

What he told you is "how things are supposed to work" purely theoretical, but doesnt apply to your situation. While your VFS should not take longer than a week, unfortunately at this point in time LFCA is experiencing major staffing issues which puts current VFS timelines down to 3-4 months. Since the unit didn't submit it until just prior to the Xmas break I suspect that it'll be a while before you get your TOS issued."

So anyone waiting for a VFS from LFCA, there you go, that's why it's taking so long.
ah well..... LFQA goes thru that particuar meat grinder in August......
troops away for 6 mths
staff officers away for 9 mths...

In the meantime - if there is a cl B employment available (course or work)
they can request your activation from the Supp list..... it's done all the time.
Today marks the END of the fourth month...  I am 2 months away from being able to submit another application to the Forces.  I have been informed that the process will not take as long this time around.  I have one expectation this time, to never quit.  Four months have passed since i was last at CFB Borden on BMQ.  In the time that has passed, looking back all that seems to matter is  MENTALITY! 
I am a strong patient man, capable of anything I put my mind to!  My mind is still focused on matters/memories that took place in Borden.  I will always be able to distinguish the positive influence the military had on my life between the negative feelings i had because of a sudden change. 
Army or not...here i come!
Mamma Bear said:
Guess its who you end up speaking to because my previous service was more than 10 yrs ago...alot more..And i received my Recruit Bypass in November 2006 and presently patiently awaiting my Course in Borden...Thank god for small miracles...mine is a way too long of a story to post on here..trust me

To a certain extent yes, I've already received different opinions from CFRC personnel. I'm looking to find out what guidelines the board uses when reviewing PLAR's for RSBP, specifically when the only training one has is BMQ.
I received a bypass for my reserve bmq, ofcourse that was only after a few months of completing bmq.
Does anybody know if writing my member of parliament is a viable option for speeding up the VFS? Or is this the sort of thing where everyone's hands are tied? Would it be worth the effort do you think?

The reason I ask is that aside from not knowing who my current member of parliament is (I've moved in the last 6 months) I've never actually considered writing him/her for anything before. And don't really know if they are able to influence the speed of something like a VFS... I've heard of people writing their MP in order to speed up the initial recruiting process, but I don't know if the nature of the VFS is different enough that it won't matter, or if it could, in fact, slow it down.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
sit back and enjoy...you are talking to a master in waiting...VFS will go trough...

Don't contact your parliment, it would not be well seen if you get a decree that says to pass you in the fast lane...you would probably be miserable.

get in the line an wait. there are people in front and behind.

The army way: Wait.
Why would it be a problem? My unit has a whole whack of recruits that started basic trg just this year... I'm already past them when it comes to that, I just don't want to miss out on my summer courses, since that delays my training by a year... a year that I don't want to wait. I'm already dreading the time it comes for me to do a CT...

This whole "sit back and wait, it'll be worth it, and make you a more dedicated soldier" argument is a lousy excuse to let bureaucracy run amok... I should be working with my unit already. I should have been activated from the supp list already. I should have already had my VFS complete. I'm not content to sit back and watch my file drown in red tape, since I just found out that my time on the supp list is limited since I don't have a 3's course yet...

So why exactly would writing my MP be a bad idea... who would make my life miserable when I'm already behind the timeframe that a VFS is supposed to take? It's supposed to take weeks, not months.

look, even if you VFS gets in...that is not sign that all your paper work is done, you still have to do interview, test, and, job offer...Ive been waiting 15 months (in 3 days) for a transfer.

you missing this summer BMQ? really..let me cry  :crybaby:. Ive miss 3 BMQ and I'm still motivated to join in.

If you don't do it this summer....you will do it part time in autumn or in winter.

Its life...if i would have 10$ each time I would have been suppose to have a fast access to something, I would have been rich.

When I joined CIC in 1997-1998 it took 14 months also...

Its a fact of life, they are trying to get te process faster but the systems is not perfect.

I thnk you should think to change that negative attitude..otherwise you will be often disappointed

I'm not missing BMQ, as I've already done it along with my SQ... when I was in the reg force only 6 months ago. Any infantry training I did is irrelevant since I've changed trades to Engineer.

I want a QL3 this summer because those are NOT conducted again until next year, and I'd rather have some training under my belt, and possibly a tour, before I CT back to the reg force... especially since ENG training is supposed to be at least nearing the equivalent of reg force training. I don't want to be 30 years old and still a Private.

Not to mention I have a wife who wouldn't mind if I actually had a decent career that made me happy, since she has to live with me.  ;)
Dog said:
Does anybody know if writing my member of parliament is a viable option for speeding up the VFS? Or is this the sort of thing where everyone's hands are tied? Would it be worth the effort do you think?

The reason I ask is that aside from not knowing who my current member of parliament is (I've moved in the last 6 months) I've never actually considered writing him/her for anything before. And don't really know if they are able to influence the speed of something like a VFS... I've heard of people writing their MP in order to speed up the initial recruiting process, but I don't know if the nature of the VFS is different enough that it won't matter, or if it could, in fact, slow it down.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Launching a Ministerial inquiry on the process of a VFS?
If anything, yo'll slow things down more than speed it up.....

However, if you feel like you have to... go ahead and fill your boots BUT service won't be any faster.
Good day,

If any are considering re-enrolling, here's my experience.

Aug 06         Online Application
Sep 06         CFRC Phones me
Sep 06         Take doc's etc to CFRC and they request VFS
Dec 06          VFS Returns, shows outstanding kit from reserve transfer
Jan 07           Return Kit plus file lost stores report for kit stolen from locker
Feb 07          Pay $400 for kit that could not be written off.
Mar 07          CFRG waives to allow re-enrollment
April 07         Interview and Part I & II medical

If you were an AVN, AVS  etc and got out...they need people. They're trying to generate 200 tradesmen. You will not have to do the aptitude test if you are 'skilled' nor will you have to go to basic, even if you've been out over 10 yrs. One of my students just re-enrolled after 12 yrs on the streets. He was an AFT and has since departed for Borden. He did have to do the CFAT as he never IOC converted but was a recruit school bypass.

If you are skilled, ex-air force NCM and want to re-enroll contact :

Chief Warrant Officer Tom Walker at
walker.wt@forces.gc.ca or 1-866-355-8195.

He heads up the Air Force Intake and Liason Team. The Chief has been very helpful in keeping some of the other parties concerned motivated and liasing with the recruiting center to keep the ball rolling. His goal is to turn your 12 month experience into a 6 week experienc, if possible. I was told by a MCpl in supply that he wasn't in a position push a young LT into action...the Chief did when I let him know.

You'll notice that VFS is a long wait....