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Venezuela Superthread- Merged

Time to call in the Boondock Saints or Team America, hehe... :threat:

Jokes aside. Does anyone here think it's possible that Chavez might also be offering its older F-16s to North Korea instead of Iran? They'll probably be a maintenance nightmare for lack of spare parts. Most of you will probably say you doubt it. And getting them there would just as hard as shipping them to Iran. 

Chavez might want something similar to those North Korean Scuds/Taepodongs in return for those planes he could give. But then again, as Kat Stevens said, Chavez wouldn't want to get into a straight gunfight with the US, in which those Scuds would be a poor weapon/deterrent.

CougarKing said:
Time to call in the Boondock Saints or Team America, hehe... :threat:

Jokes aside. Does anyone here think it's possible that Chavez might also be offering its older F-16s to North Korea instead of Iran? They'll probably be a maintenance nightmare for lack of spare parts. Most of you will probably say you doubt it. And getting them there would just as hard as shipping them to Iran. 

Chavez might want something similar to those North Korean Scuds/Taepodongs in return for those planes he could give. But then again, as Kat Stevens said, Chavez wouldn't want to get into a straight gunfight with the US, in which those Scuds would be a poor weapon/deterrent.

1. No. North Korea already has some advanced MiG jets it got from Russia a while back. They don't need F-16's in any kind to supplement their forces. However, they may take them to sell to the Chinese (in exchange for money or goods), who would love to get more examples to take apart to assist with their fighter projects. The Chinese already got one F-16 from Pakistan that helped greatly with the development of the J-10 fighter.

2. I don't think Chavez would likely go after the North Korean missiles, as he is already very close to both Chinese and Russian suppliers, who can provide more advanced and more capable missiles that obviously work. Chavez knows that really pissing off the US would be a very bad idea, as the US is one of his biggest export markets for oil, as the oil from Venezuela is a type that is not as refined as oil from say, the Middle East, and needs extra refining, of which the main refineries that can handle the type are in the USA. He doesn't want to cut off his main source of income, but he seems to love annoying the hell out of them.
Venezuela has resources coming out of it’s Ying Yang, steel, oil, gold, hydro, lumber, precious gems, tourism, not to mention woman and music, their two most successful exports. In theory each citizen should be much better than your average North American, but they just don’t seem to pull it together. Chavez main claim to fame is Anti-Americanism, it’s just not enough to run the day to day operations of a country, to keep up the pretense he will gut the country and it’s future.

Believe me I would be happy to be wrong, but my gut tells me I am right.
Lets flag this as a thread to revive next December and then evaluate "what has happened in Venezuela over the past six months".  ;D

Otherwise, you pick up other glaring errors from the 'red-blue' map?
agreed, time will tell, I hope for their sake I am wrong.

Well using Red reminds me of the old British Empire maps, so I wish they would use a different colour!
well rumour has it that Castro is dead (again) and if not will likely soon be, so Chavez needs some new friends and by standing beside Kim, he will look like the sane one.
Chavez is riding the wave of "new socialism" in South America. It'll pass. He doesn't have the staying power to do anything concrete, except for the nuisance value. If he jumps onto North Korea's bandwagon, he better tune his tuba and bring some spare mouth pieces.

Russia, Venezuela Sign Huge Deal for Warplanes, Helicopters
(Source: Voice of America news; issued July 27, 2006)
The head of Russia's state arms trading agency says Russia has signed contracts to sell Venezuela 24 jet fighter planes and 53 military helicopters. 

Details of the deal were not immediately clear. But the head of Russia's arms export agency said the two countries have signed contracts for Venezuelan purchase of some $3 billion worth of military equipment over the last 18 months. 

His comments came as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez met in Moscow. 

The newly acquired Russian fighter planes are expected to replace a fleet of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets. Venezuelan authorities say they have not been able to buy spare parts for the F-16s since Washington imposed an arms embargo on Venezuela earlier this year. 

Mr. Putin said Thursday the contracts are not directed against other states. He said they are aimed at developing the economies of the two countries. 

This guy seems to sell pretty big amongst some audiences in South America. And now the UN has given him a platform to talk to the world. I thought I'd seen the lowest point of respect for parliamentary procedure at the UN when Yasser Arafat revealed that he was packing. This guy takes the cake, not to mention reducing the credibility of the UN General Assembly to a place where any idiot can babble to his heart's content.

Oh...wait a minute...it already was.

Using the 'evil' west as a scapegoat has always been a favourite tool of politicians in the third world to defer attention from their own corruption and mishandling of government. Anyone remember the Falklands? A classic example of a leader taking the rhetoric a little too far, actually starting to believe their own propaganda. That's why these guys end up being a problem, because they don't know to stop at just words.
Every once in a while it is nice to see somebody put a sharp stick in old Geoge's ear. Mr Chavez has been critical of the US before, and with good resaon. Shall I list all the nations in Central America or the  southern hemisphere that the USA has invaded in the past? Or the number of elected governments that they have toppled thru CIA operations, or  outright military intervention .?

Too many people have such short memories, when it comes to American use of "projected military power "  What other country has bases in 108 other countiries ?

Jim B Toronto.
jimb said:
Every once in a while it is nice to see somebody put a sharp stick in old Geoge's ear. Mr Chavez has been critical of the US before, and with good resaon. Shall I list all the nations in Central America or the  southern hemisphere that the USA has invaded in the past? Or the number of elected governments that they have toppled thru CIA operations, or  outright military intervention .?

Too many people have such short memories, when it comes to American use of "projected military power "  What other country has bases in 108 other countiries ?

Jim B Toronto.

Really? Have a flip through a few chapters of "Savage War of Peace by Max Boot" - after you do - I bet you can make a case for USA stopped the locals killing themselves as I have posted elsewhere.

Nobody can make a case for sticking stuff in the USA's ear, unless you want to drive a Canadian built car, and have a holiday in Frobisher Bay in March - or your name ends in ez.

jimb said:
Every once in a while it is nice to see somebody put a sharp stick in old Geoge's ear. Mr Chavez has been critical of the US before, and with good resaon. Shall I list all the nations in Central America or the  southern hemisphere that the USA has invaded in the past? Or the number of elected governments that they have toppled thru CIA operations, or  outright military intervention .?

Too many people have such short memories, when it comes to American use of "projected military power "  What other country has bases in 108 other countiries ?

Jim B Toronto.
don't worry Jan. I'm sure SOMEBODY will take you to the prom.  ::)
Showing up clutching a Noam Chomsky book, bible-like, completely destroyed what little, if any, credibility ol' Hugo had left.  ::)

SOP for these types anyways, the louder they posture and agitate, the more distracted their people are as they ride their country right off the rails. If they didn't have a enemy to rage against, the citizenry may, *shudder*, demand competent governance! The horror!!  :o

I think Bolton summed up his speech best when he said: "We're not going to address that sort of comic-strip approach to international affairs." Boy did I have a good laugh at that.
I got a kick out of his speech.  I knew it would build on his current support while urking off those who don't hold his own views,  but "I can still smell the sulfur"  classic!  I think I see t-shirts being eagerly made right now.