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UTPNCM Offers 2011

My report date was 20 Aug or something like that for 1st year. Did the move 2nd week in Aug, but I had to do IAP first (summer '05), that's not supposed to happen anymore.


Finally got my 2nd round offer for Pilot, heading to RMC this fall.  Now to get the house ready to put on the market...
Congrats on your selection luke_l, I am going to assume that's it then for selections.  Are you sure you want to accept it?  If you don't, I'll take it off your hands... ;D
...I just noticed you applied for AEC under CEOTP.  That sounds like a good go.  ;)

Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying.
Gee I wonder when the offers for officer trades are going to start to come out?? Anyone hear anything regarding that trade, had my CT in for 2 years now for Artillery.
luke_l said:
Has anyone gotten/heard of any Pilot offers?  I know that we are down to 3 spots this year, but I know a few people with UTPNCM applications in this year and as far as I know, none of them have heard anything either way.  I heard a rumour that they are delayed slightly due to another board that has to sit, but that is of course, an unofficial rumour...

I just got my pilot offer.  I actually applied CEOTP but word is that program is going away, so was offered UTP instead.  Not a bad deal.  Very, very short notice to get in to a school, however, especially because I was finishing a QL6 course in Halifax when I got word.  This was my third attempt.

Going to a civy u.

Trying to work my BMOQ equivalency now, but all the links on the CDA website are broken.  Should I go through the PSO office?

edits follow:

Given the short lead time I had on this (I was notified at the end of Apr), the offer is really inflexible, and further complicated by my uh, "interesting" academic history.  Anyone have any hints as to who I could talk to?  Besides the desk at 7-2, I'm pretty sure I'm as far as I can get there. 

I'm absolutely going to end up doing what the offer says, but the road there will probably involve some steps that could freak them out.  For instance, I'm not really applying to a school, I'm reregistering at my last one.  As a result I will end up in the program I left, which is not acceptable for pilot (BA).  I will then lateral over to the BSc - I have to get stuff like that past the guard dog at 7-2.  Long story short, I need a little slack and would like contact with someone who can cut it for me.
Melbatoast said:
Trying to work my BMOQ equivalency now, but all the links on the CDA website are broken.  Should I go through the PSO office?

Don't worry about this issue, deal with it once your in school.  The last few years they have bulk submitted names to the CDA for equivalency anyway.  When you meet your SEM for the first time just mention you need a bypass.
Woo-hoo, I successfully begged my way back in to the University of Victoria.  I think to celebrate I'll make an appointment at clothing stores to trade all my Navy environmental stuff for Air Force stuff.

What sort of follow-up messages can I expect?  I'm on parental and my boss is on a house hunting trip, so contact with my unit is slightly tenuous.  My acceptance message allegedly went out. 

Can I expect anything more from D Mil C?  There has to be at least a posting message.  Maybe they need the proof of university acceptance first (awaiting some kind of registration confirmation, even though the school charged my Visa...)?  So many questions and no one to ask.  Do I need to do an ILP?  How do I pay for tuition/fees/books etc?  And so on and so forth.  A month till I'm commissioned and there's still a lot to tie up.

Really uncomfortable without some sort of positive contact with anyone in the process.  Argh.
Melbatoast said:
What sort of follow-up messages can I expect?  I'm on parental and my boss is on a house hunting trip, so contact with my unit is slightly tenuous.  My acceptance message allegedly went out. 

Can I expect anything more from D Mil C?  There has to be at least a posting message.  Maybe they need the proof of university acceptance first (awaiting some kind of registration confirmation, even though the school charged my Visa...)?  So many questions and no one to ask.  Do I need to do an ILP?  How do I pay for tuition/fees/books etc?  And so on and so forth.  A month till I'm commissioned and there's still a lot to tie up.

Really uncomfortable without some sort of positive contact with anyone in the process.  Argh.

I can understand the anxiety but it isn't like it is the end of the world, just go into work and check your email and then email/call the contact on your acceptance message if there was nothing there.  Remember, no one else cares more about this then you and it behooves you to get the info you need not the other way around.

You will get a posting message if you are leaving the local area.  They will need proof of university acceptance before it goes out.  They contacted me through the DIN with my messages (cc'd me as the message went properly through my BOR).

All books and tuition is done through your ULO (University Liaison Office) which will be dictated to you in your message.  They can be advanced if you so desire.  Once you get your message and contact your ULO office they will most likely send you the student guide which will answer all your questions and more.  I would send you a copy but I don't have it on this computer.
Thanks a lot for the response.  I'm a more relaxed now as you obviously answered a lot of my questions. 

I haven't checked my email since I went to Halifax in December, so I'm justifiably frightened to open it (possibly life-threatening explosive pressure contained).