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UTPNCM Offers 2011

I have fun reading your posts since a month now because i'm in the exact same situation ... the waiting game for UT message!  But last week I got tire of that and called D mil C 7 ( with my chain of cmdt authorisation  ;D) .  The guy told me that I will receive a offer in 2-3 weeks. 

Good luck to all of you!

2-3 weeks huh?  well, at least we have some sort of rough time line.  It would be nice to have this kid of info filtered to all of us applicants.
That looks a lot like "bump" to me  ;D

No, no word yet.  I was talking to one of our officers here who is waiting for a Post Grad message (also comes out of D Mil C 7-2).  They were under the impression from their Career Manager that there may be some budget issues delaying messages (including ours) even though they have been told verbally of their acceptance.  I offer that info merely as a speculative point and not as a statement of fact, but if the info provided is factual then it was mentioned that msgs should start coming out in the next week or two.

It's pretty much the same song everyone is singing - nothing yet but anytime now.  I will be sure to post on here if I find out anything for sure (ie if I get accepted).

Thanks for the info.  The advantage here is that at least I have time to get my home totally ready for a move.  As soon as the message comes I am ready to go!  I think this emoticon shows my frustration nicely. :facepalm:
I'm at work right now reading a number of UTPNCM selection messages in the Halifax MCOIN queue dated Fri, 01 Apr.

So, here they come.
How do I go about seacrhing for messages?  I have access to MCOIN, I just don't know how to research this info.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
trigger324 said:
I'm at work right now reading a number of UTPNCM selection messages in the Halifax MCOIN queue dated Fri, 01 Apr.

So, here they come.

All UTP, or other plans as well?

Are those UTPNCM messages for RMC, or Civy U, or both?

nothing here in Gage. still waiting.

now here is a story for you. My Bro is an nurse officer stationned in Winnipeg who is good friends with the PSO there. The PSO sat on the board to UT. he told him that offers would only be starting at the end of April all the way till june. very late this year.

he doesnt know all the details but someting to do about the budget not being approved fully for funding the Civy U.

thats not encouraging news.

That really stinks.  If that is the case though, then I really think that all of us affected applicants need to be informed of that sooner than later.

Thanks for the info though.
EO TECH said:
now here is a story for you. My Bro is an nurse officer stationned in Winnipeg who is good friends with the PSO there. The PSO sat on the board to UT. he told him that offers would only be starting at the end of April all the way till june. very late this year.

Man I LOVE how these things go.

I just personally got off the phone with D Mil C 7-2, so this is directly "out of the horses mouth".  Offers started going out this week.  Not next month, but right now.  I can't tell you why no one here has heard anything yet, I don't know that information.  But I CAN tell you that people are going to know very soon if they are accepted.
A co-worker of mine showed me his UTP message late this afternoon, so they are officially out.  He was approved to go to a Civi U.
Hi every one !  I'm from Valcartier.  I finally got my offer today to be a sigs O !  I'm going to RMC  in electrical engenering.

I wish the same chance to every one of you!

well im happy and frustated at the same time.

i just got accepted in Sigs o but at RMC. i never applied to go to it. told the PSO i DID NOT want to go. i am currently in a B of information system at UNB.

i was offered RMC with a choice of 5 degree.  math, physics, chemistry, space science or computer science. not one of them apply to my degree.

is there a way to counter this offer with going to a civi U or am i stuck with what i got. dont really want to go to RMC. hate the drill and the 2+ hour parades.
