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US soldier launches puppy off a cliff

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I understand fully that a hard mentality is requisite, believe me, I do.  It must also come with extreme professionalism, and extreme discipline.  I am only referencing the documentary as it relates to the Marines and their training, in that I felt that sometimes the indoctrination exceeded professionalism, and sometimes verged on excessive, and irresponsible - exactly what could lead to this sort of thing, when in a stressful situation (the constant feeling of threat, etc.).

Regardless of my two bits in relation to the documentary, the USMC has very proud heritage - and rightly so.  I hope they prosecute this clown fully, as he does not deserve to darken the Marine Corps' door.

C of G
Corps of Guides said:
I guess you haven't seen the documentary then.  I think you're misinterpreting what I said, because what I did say would make a bit more sense if you'd seen the documentary (about the USMC and its training).

As a matter of fact, I have seen the documentary, and it still raised the question.

Corps of Guides said:
I understand fully that a hard mentality is requisite, believe me, I do.  It must also come with extreme professionalism, and extreme discipline.  I am only referencing the documentary as it relates to the Marines and their training, in that I felt that sometimes the indoctrination exceeded professionalism, and sometimes verged on excessive, and irresponsible - exactly what could lead to this sort of thing, when in a stressful situation (the constant feeling of threat, etc.).

That's a bit clearer, although I'll let any Marines or former Marines address the difference between what was shown in the early 1980's and what happens how.

Corps of Guides said:
....the USMC has very proud heritage - and rightly so.  I hope they prosecute this clown fully, as he does not deserve to darken the Marine Corps' door.

Agreed 100% there - although if he does need some help outside the justice/administrative system, I hope he gets that as well...
Watching the video and reading the comments posted here bring several points to mind. 

If this is genuine, it is unconscionable and a truly sick act.  Just because he is a Marine does not mean that he or for that matter any person serving in uniform are predicated to commit such acts.  There are many people in this world who enjoy such things.  I grew up knowing such a kid named "Norman".  He delighted in cruelty to animals and did not hesitate to find new disgusting ways to kill and maim defenseless animals.  Sad to say, but there always have been and always will be such subhumans around.  I can honestly say that I have never once in my time in the military come across such a personality, thankfully the "Matchee" types are usually weeded out during training.  So, for the outsider looking into the military don't paint us all with the same brush.  It's offensive and wrong.

If this is staged, and was posted for "entertainment or notoriety" purposes this kid has made a monumental miscalculation on the ramifications.  It is bad enough that he was stupid around a recording device to capture all the details.  But to let this stuff get out into the web......  he is going to drag so many people down with him, his family reputation, the Corps reputation.  He is going to fry big time for this either way and deserves to do so.  Stupid bastard.

The quality of the video was so poor as to not give an accurate feel for the location.  I watched it several times as I had the feeling that the height really was not clifflike, but maybe 5-10' +/- from where they were to the bottom like maybe standing on the side of a roadway.  I'm hoping if this is true, maybe the puppy had a chance to make it.

And lastly I wonder when military brass will finally have their fill of the "brain dead" amongst their members shooting the organization in the PR foot so to speak by posting shit such as this and make some really meaningfull examples to other possibly inspired "film makers" out there.
jollyjackl.... regardless of everything - these two marines have given the USMC a proverbial blackeye that the american public will not forgive them anytime soon.
Corps of Guides said:
I think you're misinterpreting what I said, because what I did say would make a bit more sense if you'd seen the documentary (about the USMC and its training).
Then, please, be less cryptic & say what you mean for all those who have not seen the documentary.  Otherwise, it is only your fault if you are misinterpreted (even if by those who have seen it).
geo said:
jollyjackl.... regardless of everything - these two marines have given the USMC a proverbial blackeye that the american public will not forgive them anytime soon.

I agree 100 percent.  They are going to count this as a big friggin mistake on their part for hopefully many many years to come.  That organization does not deserve this.  The stupidy of the young (don't often see old timers being boneheaded like this) at times like this does make my jaw drop on many an occasion.
This is a totally inexcusable act and the Marines involved should and will be punished IAW the UCMJ. This is an aberration, nothing more, nothing less. No branch of the service condones or authorizes its members to murder animals. I haven't watched the video and don't need to. I'm on a couple of different US military forums and I haven't seen a single defense for this loser act. Quite the contrary, US military members recognize how horrible this is.

I think most rational people recognize that this incident is an isolated occurrence and is not a widespread thing. The Marine Corps has a unique relationship with the American people that goes back many decades and this won't change that one iota.
Note to all.


..I did and she's still crying.

Poor little pup.
X-mo-1979 said:

Did you tell her what the video was before ?

I'm not watching it. I've nightmares easily, so I'm keeping guard over my sleep...
X-mo-1979 said:
Note to all.


Um... mate... that was a given...

I felt sick after watching that...
It was bad enough watching those Zarkowi beheading videos, this I just simply refuse to watch, its like throwing a baby over.
yeah she knew what it was about,I just don't think she was ready for the poor thing yelping all the way to the bottom.


Instead of sending him to military court they should send them up to see my wife...after the inital crying she was pissed a soldier could do something like that.

Why the heck would they videotape that?
X-mo-1979 said:

You appear to have failed "Lying as an Essential Part of Husband Survival 101" - check the calender at your local community college...

There are some things that wives are better off not knowing...

Wesley  Down Under said:
This I just simply refuse to watch, its like throwing a baby over.

Don't watch it, I actually had a guy at work send me the unlabeled link to my email. I have seen some pretty interesting stuff, but this just turned my stomach.
Greymatters said:
You appear to have failed "Lying as an Essential Part of Husband Survival 101" - check the calender at your local community college...

There are some things that wives are better off not knowing...
Yrys said:
or try a boook about lies women do...

Author: Society forces women to tell lies


I actually don't lie to her.Ever.I have a bad conscience.It's nice not having any secret however.

Now theirs lying and not telling when not asked.In retrospect I shouldn't have said "hey honey wanna see something ****** -up" :o
