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US soldier launches puppy off a cliff

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Justin said:
it appears that the puppy isn't alive or consciously aware of what is going on. He holds the puppy by the hair on the back of his neck and the camera stays on the puppy for most of what is being filmed. It doesn't move.

That is very typical behaviour for a puppy being held like that.
How does it's mother carry it around? Usually by the scruff of the neck, so to prevent itself from falling, it will curl itself up(as the pup in the video did) and not squirm.

This video sickens me,
Karma can be a real pain in the butt...and I am sure he will get his in due time.
        PTSD doesnt make somene do that its the person themselves that does it. I suffer from the effects of and know others that are affected with it . I can state that it as never caused me to do ANYTHING LIKE THAT. The fact that he had it taped shows theres a flaw in his thinking . Now it will be time for him to man up and admit he has a problem  in his thought process. Maybe he thinks as hes in an area like he is he can get away with crap like that . Now he will have to admit to himself he cannot or shall never do that again.

My 2 cents.
I am an animal over of all creatures great and small, and I not even going to watch this. Personally I find the torture and killing of pets more disturbing than of people.

I agree Wes, I couldn't watch it either, it would of made me sick, very sick!!!!
Personally I find the torture and killing of pets more disturbing than of people.

I agree.  Just because we are the dominant species (mainly by luck) doesn't give us the right to treat other animals like shit.  If we die, we bring it on ourselves normally, they, however, don't have a voice to speak out.  Well they do, you just hear it mid flight [insert throw up emoticon here]. 
1. Considerable superficial charm and average or above average intelligence....check

2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking ...check

3. Absence of anxiety or other "neurotic" symptoms considerable poise, calmness, and verbal facility....check

4. Unreliability, disregard for obligations no sense of responsibility, in matters of little and great import....big check

5.Untruthfulness and insincerity...we'll see about this one

7. Antisocial behavior which is inadequately motivated and poorly planned, seeming to stem from an inexplicable impulsiveness...oh ya, check

8.Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience...big check

9. Pathological egocentricity. Total self-centeredness incapacity for real love and attachment....check

10. General poverty ot deep and lasting emotions.....big check

11. Lack of any true insight, inability to see oneself as others do........CHECK

12. Ingratitude for any special considerations, kindness, and trust....check

13. Fantastic and objectionable behavior, after drinking and sometimes even when not drinking--vulgarity, rudeness, quick mood shifts, pranks....CHECK

14. No history of genuine suicide attempts.....we don't know yet

15. An impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated sex life.....most likely

16. Failure to have a life plan and to live in any ordered way, unless it be one promoting self-defeat....CHECK

This guy is a certified PSYCHO. They occur in our everyday lives more often than you'd probably want to believe. I've done some research into them and find that in some fields requiring "superficial charm" ie...lawyers, business men etcetera they actually perform better than ordinary non-psychotic individuals since they lack the ability to think in terms of morality and are decicive when it comes to decision making. In some ways they actually make good leaders since the can act quickly with limited information. The problem is, those that work for them will find that they enjoy the suffering of others. Contrary to popular belief they don't all go out and kill people for fun, instead they find other ways to take out their control freak tendancies. eg. throwing puppies off a cliff.  It could be that this is a bigger problem in the US Military than in others. You will often find that a job "suitability questionaire" rather than screening these guys out, actually promotes their acceptance. For instance, if you apply for a job in some sales capacity there is often a brief multiple choice questionaire asking things like ....on a scale of 1-5 are you charming and outgoing or more quiet and reserved. In almost every case the Psycho will perform better on these tests since some of their characteristics are useful...ie decisive leaders, outgoing, (they will lie and say team players but blame the cubicle next door for any of their own mistakes), etcetera etcetera.

Psycopaths are a real problem in the world today and IMHO we need more screening in every walk of life (especially politics). There is no help for Psychotic individuals either, they need to be isolated because their actions can lead to the creation of "socialized psychos" who are their little helpers. In this case, the guy holding the video camera is likely on his way to being a socialized psychopath due to his puppy throwing friend. Also it is likely that if this guy is an Officer or higher enlisted rank he enjoys playing mind games on his own troops and could even be responsible if there were any suicides at his base....

More investigation is needed and more screening for Pshcyos, especially in a life or death Military environment.

Anyone interested in this topic should read a book called "The Mask of Sanity" by Hervey Cleckley as he explores the ramifications of this little understood disorder on society. And believe me it can have HUGE ramifications when these individuals that lack remorse and are control freaks get into public office......and they do....
I forgot to note in the above post that this Marine does not have PTSD.

PTSD can have some borderline effects like decreased emotional range etcetera....a kind of numbness....but you still care on some level. A natural born Psycho has no heart at all, and in fact sees those that do as being especially weak and worthy of torment. For them it's like having super powers.  Everyone else is tied down by their own emotions while these guys can just cruise through making tough decisions, living from one moment to the next with no regard to the outcome of their actions....or the lives involved.
PS It is good to hear the universal denunciation by Canadian Forces members of this action. There are some other US Military blogs where soldiers are actually supporting this idiot and saying that "war does terrible things" to the mind. While I have no doubt that this is the case I draw the line at puppy throwing.
ArcadeFire said:
1.  PS It is good to hear the universal denunciation by Canadian Forces members of this action.

2. There are some other US Military blogs where soldiers are actually supporting this idiot and saying that "war does terrible things" to the mind.

1. What does that supposed to mean?

I did not know you were an expert on the afterlife after the exposure of trauma for an long period. A word of advice, stick to your lane of expertise. INet and textbooks are not all what life is meant to be.

I would think that any decent human being would be disgusted by such action regardless if he/she is a Defence Force Member or not.

2. If you are going to suggust such things, provide a link to back up your statement.

At times as much as I am somewhat twisted up over my time over there, I don't buy warfighting as an excuse for the murder of a pet domestic innocent baby animal. Anyone who suggest that 'Iraq' made me do it is living in fantasy land.
If you are going to suggust such things, provide a link to back up your statement.

1) it means I'm glad that Canadian Forces are on the right side of the issue. Is that a bad thing?

2) here are numerous individuals defending the Soldier in question as suffering from PTSD.



The slogan most of you post here is "I support the Troops", but yet, here we have a young Marine, in a combat area, facing life and death each and everyday, having been taught to ply his trade whenever possible (to kill other human beings) and you get all bent out of shape, when those stressors go wrong and he does something stupid.

You combat vets here need to rethingk your stance here and remember what it was like on the line. Those that haven't, you will never understand.

This young Marine needs help, not a lynch party--when my generation came home from VN, we got no help and now you want to do that to this kid cause he reacted in a way that is wrong????

So if you disagree with puppy killing you don't support the troops. Nice.
ArcadeFire said:
1) it means I'm glad that Canadian Forces are on the right side of the issue. Is that a bad thing?

2) here are numerous individuals defending the Soldier in question as suffering from PTSD.



So if you disagree with puppy killing you don't support the troops. Nice.

Don't put words in my mouth and RTFQ!

Don't you think people in general would be on the right side of the issue, what makes Defence Force Members different?

You are so bloody predictable with that attitude of yours  ::)
Don't you think people in general would be on the right side of the issue, what makes Defence Force Members different?

I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm just saying I appreciate the fact that CF members are saying the guy is nuts; they could claim something like: "the guy is suffering from severe mental pressures and we need to be more understanding". Or like some are saying on the other thread that you don't support the troops if you don't support them in all their actions. See that thread from Military.com. Lots of different opinions, whereas here everyone seems to agree that throwing puppies is bad.
ArcadeFire said:
1) it means I'm glad that Canadian Forces are on the right side of the issue. Is that a bad thing?

This can be seen as presupposing that there's a certain expectation (maybe not held by you necessarily) that CF members may NOT necessarily be on "the right side of the issue".

I think we can take it as a given that the CF, as the USMC, reflect the societies they recruit from.  If you accept that, I think it's also reasonable to assume that more than just the overwhelming majority in all groups (society, CF, USMC) are horrified at this.  To use your words:

ArcadeFire said:
.... here everyone seems to agree that throwing puppies is bad.

To say, "gee, good to see group X thinking straight on this" may give some folks the impression that group X may not typically think that way.

Nothing wrong with exchanging opinions, just clarifying how this sort of thing might be read, even if you didn't mean it that way.

I also call bull**it on those suggesting there's the possibility it may not have been a live puppy.  I don't think it's a whole lot better having people LOOK like they're throwing a live puppy down a hill than it is having them do so for real.
I'm having a hard time believing this is fake, especially with some of the other video's I have found on you tube after seeing this one. All 3 video's were posted by the same user this one included. The other two involved 2 or 3 Marines throwing rocks at a crippled dog and standing there laughing at it as it tried to get away from them. The other showed the same group scaring the life out of another poor little puppy that was just sitting there minding it's own business. There was another video of soldiers driving down the road and opening up on a herd of sheep on the side of the road. No need for it at all and completely unacceptable.
Here's ABC News with this take...

"Was Killing the Puppy a Way of Coping for One Marine?"


They have assembled a panel of expert psychologists to assert this claim. Hopefully children chucking doesn't become the next coping mechanism....
If anyone has seen the documentary, "Anyone's Son Will Do".... are you reminded of some of the scenes with the Marines chanting "KILL KILL KILL!" etc?
ArcadeFire said:
Here's ABC News with this take...

"Was Killing the Puppy a Way of Coping for One Marine?"


They have assembled a panel of expert psychologists to assert this claim. Hopefully children chucking doesn't become the next coping mechanism....

Your vehement hatred of the US, it's President and military, is well documented in the short time you've graced us with your presence. I, personally, and others here really expect very little of you, given your bent. However, I won't warn you again about being disgusting and way over the top. Grow up and act like and adult or leave. Our patience is wearing thin with your trolling. You've had more than your share of friendly warnings. Welcome to the Warning System.

edited after reconsideration
Corps of Guides said:
If anyone has seen the documentary, "Anyone's Son Will Do".... are you reminded of some of the scenes with the Marines chanting "KILL KILL KILL!" etc?

I hope I'm misunderstanding this post completely, but given your profile, I hope you understand that the military uses and applies force under lawful sanction and command...
I guess you haven't seen the documentary then.

I think you're misinterpreting what I said, because what I did say would make a bit more sense if you'd seen the documentary (about the USMC and its training).
Corps of Guides said:
If anyone has seen the documentary, "Anyone's Son Will Do".... are you reminded of some of the scenes with the Marines chanting "KILL KILL KILL!" etc?

Well, I've seen, experienced and delivered exactly this type of training in two different armies now, and it didn't turn me or my soldiers into heathens. In my experience, the one thing that is guaranteed to cause incidents like this is poor leadership at the section, platoon and company level. Soldiers who aren't led properly will return the favour in a variety of dysfuctional ways.