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US Election: 2016

Sorry Cupper - make it 50 miles, 60 miles if you like.  Either way.  It is a pick-up truck ride away.  If you have a pick-up truck.  But it is beyond the range of the subway and your Starbucks is likely to get cold before you can walk there.

The problem is that the guy in the pickup truck knows the folks on the subway. They keep telling him all about it every night on every show.  Nobody on the subway knows the guy in the pickup truck.

And on a similar note

Chris Pook said:
Sorry Cupper - make it 50 miles, 60 miles if you like.  Either way.  It is a pick-up truck ride away.  If you have a pick-up truck.  But it is beyond the range of the subway and your Starbucks is likely to get cold before you can walk there.

The problem is that the guy in the pickup truck knows the folks on the subway. They keep telling him all about it every night on every show.  Nobody on the subway knows the guy in the pickup truck.

And on a similar note


I got your point and its a very valid one.

However DC and it's suburbs are a different situation. The population is getting more diverse each year, but also a large portion of the population is transient, coming in for government and military jobs, then moving out as postings come in and jobs get moved elsewhere. Due to the costs of housing, people are commuting into DC from West Virginia, Richmond, points further out. And it's getting further and further each year. Virginia used to be a staunch Republican or Dixiecrat state. But because of the growth of the outer suburbs, the red parts of the state are getting diluted by the influx of immigrants, government and military employees.

And this is becoming a more visible situation in other regions and states. Take Texas for example. As the Hispanic and Latino communities grow, within the next 10 to 20 years, Texas will become a majority minority state. Some of that could be seen in this cycle because Texas was at times considered to be in play for either side.
I read an interesting article that may help to illustrate why the Electoral College system might actually be more fair. In short, half of the US population resides in just 146 of 3144 counties.


Half of the U.S. lives in these 146 counties


For the Clinton fans, and Republicans who don't like Trump:

‘Prediction professor’ who called Trump’s big win also made another forecast: Trump will be impeached

The Washington Post
The Fix
‘Prediction professor’ who called Trump’s big win also made another forecast: Trump will be impeached
By Peter W. Stevenson November 11 at 11:29 AM

Few prognosticators predicted a Donald Trump victory ahead of Tuesday night. Polls showed Hillary Clinton comfortably ahead, and much of America (chiefly the media) failed to anticipate the wave of pro-Trump support that propelled him to victory. But a Washington, D.C.-based professor insisted that Trump was lined up for a win — based on the idea that elections are “primarily a reflection on the performance of the party in power.”

Allan Lichtman uses a historically based system of what he calls “keys” to predict election results ahead of time. The keys are explained in-depth in Lichtman’s book, “Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016.” In our conversations in September and October, he outlined how President Obama's second term set the Democrats up for a tight race, and his keys tipped the balance in Trump's favor, even if just barely.

At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: that if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that would prefer a President Mike Pence — someone whom establishment Republicans know and trust.

“I'm going to make another prediction,” he said. “This one is not based on a system; it's just my gut. They don't want Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable. They'd love to have Pence — an absolutely down-the-line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”

So while Republican voters clearly came home before Nov. 8 — network exit polls show 90 percent of GOP voters cast ballots for Trump — it's less clear that the party leadership is on board. (Lichtman actually isn't the only person to predict a Trump impeachment; this morning, the New York Times's David Brooks suggested that a Trump impeachment or resignation was “probably” in the cards sometime within the next year.)

It's worth noting that Lichtman's predictions use very different methods than pollsters and data-based prognosticators. Some statisticians take issue with the structure of his system, a set of 13 true/false questions, saying that the binary nature of his keys leads to what's called “overfitting,” which is basically creating a system that fits the data but has little statistical significance. But Lichtman counters by saying that the system has correctly predicted every election since 1984 (specifically, his predictions have picked the next president correctly in all of those elections but 2000, when he picked Al Gore, who won the popular vote). And Lichtman has his own criticism of data-based predictions.

“Polls are not predictors,” he said Friday in an email. “They are snapshots that simulate an election. They are abused and misused as predictors. Even the analysis of polls by Nate Silver and others which claimed a probable Clinton victory with from more than 70 percent to 99 percent certainty are mere compilations that are no better than the underlying polls.”

And he has particular disdain for prediction systems that assign a likelihood of winning.

“For all his acclaim, Nate Silver is only a clerk, not a scientific analyst,” Lichtman said.

As for the real reason for Trump's win, Lichtman says the blame can't be put on Hillary Clinton or her campaign — rather, he says, it was decided by the larger forces that shape American politics.

“The Democrats cannot rebuild by pointing fingers at Hillary Clinton and her campaign, which as the Keys demonstrated, were not the root cause of her defeat,” he said. “The Democrats can rehabilitate themselves only by offering an inspiring progressive alternative to Republican policies and building a grass-roots movement.”

More links and video on LINK.
ModlrMike: Are you saying that half the population shouldn't get half the vote?  There are some arguments to be made on those lines, but at what point does it become unfair to them?  For example, in a Canadian context, there's PEI with four senators and four MPs for a population of 156K; were every province to get the same level of representation, we'd need nearly 2000 members of the House of Commons and Senators - but instead, we give disproportionate power to Anne of Green Gables and Cows ice cream.

What level of imperfection in representation is fair?
Perhaps fair was the wrong word to use there. But then the fairness concept is not always absolute.
dapaterson said:
ModlrMike: Are you saying that half the population shouldn't get half the vote? 

ModlrMike said:
Perhaps fair was the wrong word to use there. But then the fairness concept is not always absolute.



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>Are you saying that half the population shouldn't get half the vote?

Not addressed to me, but to add to the discussion: they may have half the vote, but they should not have half the influence on a one-for-one basis (ie. a mere popular vote count).

Canada was created by those-who-would-be-provinces.  The US was created by those-who-would-be-states.  Both countries are creations of entities which necessarily had to concede some powers to the federal authority, but should not (then, or ever) be expected to concede everything.  I would expect the important elections for federal power to be structured in perpetuity in a way that doesn't end up handing the keys to the country over to a mere popular majority concentrated in only a few of the entities (by luck of being granted an outsize geographic footprint or circumstances favouring outsized population growth).
Democracy is so much more than "majority rules".

Clinton lost, and no amount of wet dreaming by the cabal at HuffPo wont change that fact.



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New York Times

"This is, in some ways, uncharted territory for a modern American president. You have to go back to Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 to see these types of mass demonstrations in response to the mere election of a president."

1860? We know how bloody that turned out.

Large anti-Trump protest planned for Toronto

Bet they'll be calling in a lot of overtime for that.

Donald Trump feeds the emergency services at the Trump Protest in Chicago. Quite a nice spread.
mariomike said:
New York Times

1860? We know how bloody that turned out.

I don`t believe America is doomed, although her time in world domination might be afoot, taken into consideration the Rise & fall of World Empires through the ages.....Even if America was in Civil War, she would surely come together and fight any state attacking her sovereignty..

Statements from many believing Trump will windup being Impeached within a year of taking office, or term....Protest since DOD, Day of Deliverance, have ratcheted, denouncing Trump as burning effigies and the American flag...True has surfaced in past American History in which way too many were needless killed, etc., all in the name of ``King Cotton,`` etc.

Not known too many, the American Patriot Wars of 1838-ca40., this was with the Hunter Lodge Brotherhood, a secret society, which also participated in the Cdn Rebellion of 37-38, all wanted changes in Government, policies, laws, etc.

Yesterday for some reason CNN stated the EC vote will unfold on the 21st., I checked looks like it`s on the 19th, online contains an alarming frenzy, calls on Trump protest until that time period. Some calling on open gun states too march armed in protest from both sides, although many from White-Bread Pride Crap supporting Trump.

Russian, China, etc., are giddy with joy, America is such turmoil, while her polarization world wide, points too wide spread bigotry, etc., etc., an embarrassment, recovery will take many moons.


[quote author=Chispa] points too wide spread bigotry, etc., etc., an embarrassment, recovery will take many moons.

Maybe the Liberals should stop crying, quit rioting and get on with their lives?
12 presidents in my lifetime. 7 of them Republican. But, I've never seen anything like this before the guy is even sworn in.

President-elect Trump post election protests / riots,
mariomike said:
12 presidents in my lifetime. 7 of them Republican. But, I've never seen anything like this before the guy is even sworn in.

President-elect Trump post election protests / riots,
A generation of androgynous cry babies will do that to a society. I don't like something therefore it cannot exist  ::)
Scott Adams (creator and author of Dilbert) has this to say about The Cognitive Dissonance Cluster Bomb.

"This brings me to the anti-Trump protests. The protesters look as though they are protesting Trump, but they are not. They are locked in an imaginary world and battling their own hallucinations of the future."

"As I often tell you, we all live in our own movies inside our heads. Humans did not evolve with the capability to understand their reality because it was not important to survival. Any illusion that keeps us alive long enough to procreate is good enough.

That’s why the protestors live in a movie in which they are fighting against a monster called Trump and you live in a movie where you got the president you wanted for the changes you prefer. Same planet, different realities."