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US Election: 2016

Chris Pook said:
I'd agree.

I would just point out that Alinsky published his rules in 1971.  Three years after 1968 and Paris, Watts, Detroit, and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
I guess the classics never do go stale  ;D

Chris Pook said:
We have gone from a society that aims to minimize friction by allowing the rough with the smooth to rub along together to a society that elevates the creation of friction to an art form.  A society that encourages the venting of passions rather than controlling them.
Well put!
While Fox spearheads the wolf pack they cater too a specific group championing the republican party narrative, or known as the Arm of RP. While CNN is the most trusted name in Recycled American Tabloid Rubbish. CNN Wolf Isaac Blitzer's interview, etc., style gives me a bad rash.

I fined Burnett condescending, etc., etc.,

Note this was in 2011: One writer said Erin Burnett came across as self-satisfied, smug and privileged on the new CNN program.
This week, former CNBC co-host Erin Burnett debuted her new primetime CNN program, Erin Burnett OutFront, and the critics made their opinions known as the week progresse


So far, more than one side is unhappy  ;D
milnews.ca said:
So far, more than one side is unhappy  ;D

  • "One of Trump’s campaign platforms (1 of 2, to be specific, the other being the stupid wall), has been a highly offensive call to ban all Muslim immigration to the United States.  Proving that he is one of the biggest con men in history, and that he duped a naive and fearful electorate into putting him in the White House, he is already pulling the ol’ switcheroo on one of his biggest campaign promises ... A statement that the Trump campaign issued proposing a total ban on the immigration of Muslims to the United States has disappeared from the team’s website ... That statement mysteriously disappeared from Trump’s website ONE DAY after winning the election ..."

    If true, sounds like what the legendary showman P.T.Barnum said.
Quote from: Brad Sallows on Yesterday at 11:33:56

    .... all the other crap about the Republican nominee-of-the-day being racist, misogynist....

Quote from: Brad Sallows on Yesterday at 14:07:23

    ..... keep going to the "racist, misogynist" well for explanations.

Do you honestly believe that Trump is not racist and/or misogynist -- the portrayal is all some .              .*  conspiracy?

The first item is about how people have referred to various Republican nominees, not Trump alone.  That context would be clearer if you didn't drop off the remaining descriptors.

The first second item is about how people have referred to Republican voters, not Trump at all.

As for the question: of course Trump is racist and misogynist.  But so is pretty much everyone, at some point or in some way.  I doubt that he's as racist or misogynist as Bill Clinton, if you measure the morality of the execution of Ricky Ray Rector or the allegations of rape victims.

And the press expect him to fall all over himself to pander to them after all the shit they have been stirring up for him?  :rofl:
mariomike said:
  • "One of Trump’s campaign platforms (1 of 2, to be specific, the other being the stupid wall), has been a highly offensive call to ban all Muslim immigration to the United States.  Proving that he is one of the biggest con men in history, and that he duped a naive and fearful electorate into putting him in the White House, he is already pulling the ol’ switcheroo on one of his biggest campaign promises ... A statement that the Trump campaign issued proposing a total ban on the immigration of Muslims to the United States has disappeared from the team’s website ... That statement mysteriously disappeared from Trump’s website ONE DAY after winning the election ..."

    If true, sounds like what the legendary showman P.T.Barnum said.

VERY NEARLY EVERY politician in history, has made promises on the campaign trail, that didn't see the light of day.

The SJW's just won't admit that they are not the anointed ones and that their agenda is coming apart faster than Miley Cyrus' pants being worn by Beyonce.
  • What is quoted is from here,

    milnews.ca said:
    So far, more than one side is unhappy  ;D

    All I said was, "If true, sounds like what the legendary showman P.T.Barnum said."

    Maybe it's not true? Who believes everything - or anything - they read on the internet? Especially when political candidates are involved.

mariomike said:
  • What is quoted is from here,

    All I said was, "If true, sounds like what the legendary showman P.T.Barnum said."

    Maybe it's not true? Who believes everything - or anything - they read on the internet?

  • MM,

    I just used your post to segue into my point. Nothing personal.  :salute:
milnews.ca said:
And that's true of any new person in the post, no matter what colour jersey they're wearing.

And along those lines ...
"Muslim ban statement removed from Donald Trump's website"
But does anything really disappear from the interwebs?  Google Cache version attached for posterity.
Aaaaaaaaaand, as of this post, it's back.  Interesting times, indeed.
recceguy said:
... their agenda is coming apart faster than Miley Cyrus' pants being worn by Beyonce.
What is imagined, can't be unimagined ....  :o
recceguy said:
The SJW's just won't admit that they are not the anointed ones and that their agenda is coming apart faster than Miley Cyrus' pants being worn by Beyonce.

Are we sure that Miley Cyrus even wears pants?

And I'll throw in the Penguins for good measure.



  • IMG_0326.JPG
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>The SJW's just won't admit that they are not the anointed ones and that their agenda is coming apart faster than Miley Cyrus' pants being worn by Beyonce.

Let me know when Miley Cyrus is being worn by Beyonce.  (Thread will need pics.)
I wonder if the Obama White House staffers will pop all the T's off of their keyboards before they leave, just as the Clinton staffers did before George W. Bush moved in.
To all the unhappy Democrats looking to flee north: What's wrong with Mexico? Ya, racist or something?  >:D
>I wonder if the Obama White House staffers will ...

I will be surprised if any such pranks occur.  Accounts indicate that Obama desires a smooth, competent, adult transition like the one he received from his predecessor.

Obama has a lot of character flaws he indulges in political contexts that grate on me, but at a personal level he appears to me (and is alleged by many) to be civil and gracious.
Brad Sallows said:
>I wonder if the Obama White House staffers will ...

I will be surprised if any such pranks occur.  Accounts indicate that Obama desires a smooth, competent, adult transition like the one he received from his predecessor.

Obama has a lot of character flaws he indulges in political contexts that grate on me, but at a personal level he appears to me (and is alleged by many) to be civil and gracious.

