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Unit Websites

RossF said:
No, actually, if you click the UK flag (top-right) you can browse in English.  ;)

I'm happy if you say that's possible, but I can't browse it in english. Not with Netscape Navigator nor Internet Explorer... Hmmm ???
Patroels said:
I'm happy if you say that's possible, but I can't browse it in english. Not with Netscape Navigator nor Internet Explorer... Hmmm ???

Hmm..that's wierd.. The nav bar is still foreign..but the main content becomes english once I click that flag.. ???
Same here, although only part of the content becomes translated.

Maybe time to upgrade your browsers?
The Rocky Mountain Rangers out of Kamloops


Royal 22e Regiment all in french but interesting!!
Prince Andrews Own, Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada

As lame as it seems, this is the closest thing to a website My regiment has  :-\... and it's hosted and was created here...  :salute:

At one point I was volun-told to create a website for both the internet and intranet (DIN), but with no help for content I gave up.

Just about all of our battle honours are on this site with the exception of 2.
- The HLI has never lost ground to the the enemy
- The HLI has always accounted for all troops and thus has never 'lost' a soldier. (captured / MIA)
(the Highland Light Infantry is one of our predecessors)

The only other inaccuracy with this page is the cap brass... but thats reasonable since the badge shown there was our intermediary badge, discarded by our former CO because of 'design conflicts'.

Our current capbrass was modeled after the HLI's vaulted cap brass from post WW1 to Mid WW2.
to update, here's the new badge.

700 Communications Squadron
Borden Ontario
Just a site to really keep in touch with unit activities and lists some drill and orders of dress and whatnot


744 Comm Regt

Royal Marines

SG&G Highlanders:


as anyone can see, no one has touched the site literaly since the 98 ice storm! lol but oh well , guess it will be somethign i will bring up!
The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada site has been changed:


Same content, but new domain name.