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Unit Websites

The Royal Canadian Dragoons


Audax et Celer....Bold and Swift

Does anyone know if the BCD's and the RMRANG's have a website, beside the ones on the DND website
try that one for the rm rang
heres a link to all the official  CF sites
South Alberta Light Horse 1905-2005


100 years old this year
Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (best unit ever!)

Royal Military College of Canada/ College Militaire Royal du Canada
Truth Duty Valour/ Verite Devoir Valiance


(edited for proper English spelling ::))
I went looking for the L Edm R site and I did find it, but in brackets it has 4PPCLI. I thought that it was only 1,2 and 3 PPCLI. Can someone explain  ???.
cheeky_monkey said:
I went looking for the L Edm R site and I did find it, but in brackets it has 4PPCLI. I thought that it was only 1,2 and 3 PPCLI. Can someone explain  ???.

The correct title of the Regiment is "The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (4th Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry)".  Has been that way for decades now (though were also referred to as 3 PPCLI when only 2 Reg F battalions were in existence).

From my website:

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry)  19 October 1954

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (4th Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry) 1 April 1970

EAST COAST                           WEST COAST

HMCS Iroquois                     HMCS Algonquin

HMCS Athabaskan               HMCS Calgary

HMCS St.John's                    HMCS Regina

HMCS Halifax                      HMCS Ottawa

HMCS Toronto                     HMCS Vancouver

HMCS Montreal                    HMCS Winnipeg

HMCS Ville de Quebec                    

HMCS Fredericton                    

HMCS Charlottetown                    

HMCS Preserver                    

HMCS Windsor                    
772 Electronic Warfare Squadron, Kingston ON