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Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

Infanteer said:
Well, with statements like these, you'll have to forgive me for confusing you with someone else:

You're not forgiven.  An honorable soldier says what they mean, and means what they say.

Legless_Marine said:
You're not forgiven.   An honorable soldier says what they mean, and means what they say.

Uh huh....ramp's open.

Infanteer said:
It is the usual line taken by the anti-war crowd these days.

You'll have to take your concerns up with them.    As I said, it's an odd mind that makes someone accountable for the words of others.

paracowboy said:
stop. You don't ask questions any more until you've answered some. That's how it works.

You still are ignoring the many counter arguments that have been raised against your posts.  Stop wasting out time & implying your superiority over us (it just reaffirms the perception you are a troll). 

MCG said:
For someone so ready to suggest the inferiority of other posters, you do a good job of ignoring the solid replies to your posts.  Is it that all the well crafted replies come from people that have misrepresented your position?  That might suggest it is worth replying just to clarify your position.

Try living up to all you present yourself to be and give these some answers:
Why are you shy to respond?

Legless_Marine said:
I have no interest in sinking time into a discussion that is not free and open
Yet, you feel we should sink time into a discussion in which the counter opinion does not do us the service of reading the thread?  We have 13 pages that disprove the trash that was dumped.  givepeaceachance can make whatever argument, but why should we have to go back and re-post all of our arguments from the previous 13 pages? It seems we have to do it for you too.  Why?
Legless_Marine said:
You'll have to take your concerns up with them.    As I said, it's an odd mind that makes someone accountable for the words of others.


That's what I thought - bye bye loser.

Anyways, I'm going for a run.....

Quote from: Koenigsegg on October 25, 2006, 18:07:32
Oh, and it is NATO, not Nato..it is an acronym.  you did get ISAF right though.

Pedantry is ignorant and petty, and sullies an otherwise  respectable response.   Any moron can point out a spelling error, and I'm sure you have much more value to contribute to this discussion.

I see I am a little too late getting back here, but I was being honest.  I was not necessarily trying to insult the guy...
If I wanted to insult him, I think everyone would know.
Koenigsegg said:
I see I am a little too late getting back here, but I was being honest.  I was not necessarily trying to insult the guy...
If I wanted to insult him, I think everyone would know.
standard response of this sort. They never have any actual facts, so they try to imply some sort of moral or intellectual superiority. Then, when held to account, they scream censorship.
Haha, true.

It was just kind of shocking...I go back to see where my post was to catch up, and I come across that. 
It would be times like that, that I am glad I don't drink coffee, or else I may have had to buy a new keyboard.

I had to read his post twice to see if I was honestly being a wanker to him, and I came to the conclusion of no...he is just a knob.

**And I posted this right after a DS cleaned the thread up, didn't I?**
Well, that was some good PT.  Windy as hell here.

Anyways, a further note on tone and content.  It works both ways.  We've asked the membership to try and dull their barbs directed to the crowd speaking out against the war as reasoned debate is what we like to see here and we can't have that if people are throwing buns all over the place.  However, we demand that same respect back.  There are many members here who have served in these conflicts in the headlines, who've got friends and family over there, or worse, lost somebody close. 

There is alot of direct, face-to-face experience on these forums with the war and I, nor any other of the staff members, are about to let anyone pop out of the comfort of their Canadian living wrong to piss on them with the tone and content we've seen in the last couple days.  We, as Canadian soldiers, have been called war criminals by this guy (who's been muzzled), sneered at and dismissed by this troll (who was banned because he doesn't even have the common courtesy to answer a simple question), and called a immoral warmonger by this chap  (who is, if I was a betting man, probably next to take the plunge).

Unacceptable.  Nobody comes here for this, surely not the members of the CF and their family who put everything on the line for the mission.  It is entirely possible to come here, state your opinion, and be respectful of those who this site exists for (Brihard's example of MP Paul Dewar is a good example).  Expect to get some very hard questions from those who have the experience and the credibility to ask them.

Anyways, I'm about finished with this.  Don't expect to be treated nicely if these words are not heeded.  There is alot of important things that this site has to deal with, and wasting time by sending the Israeli guys to take out the trash shouldn't have to be one of them.

Infanteer out!
Well, Legless Marine didn't last long.  Unfortunate, too, because he actually came across as quite articulate, and reasonably intelligent.  Even more unfortunate is that he couldn't see the most fundamental flaw in his own arguments--that NATO is, somehow, interesting in "occupying" Afghanistan, in some sort of colonial sense...as if Brussels has somehow become the centre of a modern empire which, it appears, will be founded on the conquest of a land-locked country with no significant resources and marginal strategic importance (as has been amply demonstrated, the old saw about the Trans-Afghan Pipeline is woefully obsolete).  The only reason for the developed world to have any enduring interest in Afghanistan is to stabilize it and make it a reasonably functional nation-state, so as to prevent it from destabilizing the surrounding region.  This seems to be an error made by most of those opposed to the NATO ops in Afghanistan (borne out of facile anti-Americanism, and little else) i.e. that, somehow, NATO is actually interested in an expensive, protracted engagement in Afghanistan.

Here's a thought for anyone else lurking out there, thinking of roaring in and strafing this site with what amounts to little more than anti-US diatribes.  Instead, come on-line, state your opposition to the current NATO policies in Afghanistan, and then begin proposing solutions.  It isn't sufficient to say "we shouldn't be there" (because we are, so saying that is purely academic), "we should pull out as quickly as possible" (because to do so would be a horrific disservice to the Afghan people and would likely create a worse situation than staying) or anything along the lines of "we're fighting Bush's war" (because whether it's true or not, it's a statement that's not useful, to the point of irrelevance with respect to the current situation in that country).  It would be nice, for once, to see someone with Legless Marine's intellect (but not attitude) actually turn it to constructive thought and debate.  But come on here to simply spew controversy for the sake of controversy?  Please.  The Internet has a low enough signal to noise ratio already.
Even more unfortunate is that he couldn't see the most fundamental flaw in his own arguments--that NATO is, somehow, interested in "occupying" Afghanistan, in some sort of colonial sense...as if Brussels has somehow become the centre of a modern empire which, it appears, will be founded on the conquest of a land-locked country with no significant resources and marginal strategic importance (as has been amply demonstrated, the old saw about the Trans-Afghan Pipeline is woefully obsolete). 


Well said, dglad
Legless_Marine said:
   An honorable soldier says what they mean, and means what they say.


Several questions, which I am sure you must have interesting answers to, considering your apparent  knowledge of the Area and Situation.

Presuming NATO., were to immediately withdraw, what would the Social, Political, Econominal, Humanitain and Freedoms of  Afghanistan be.

Would any of the above area's be enhanced due to such a action, if so, how would the present Government maintain or preserve those that are in existence ?.
Would any of the above area's be enhanced due to such a action, if so, how would the present Government maintain or preserve those that are in existence ?.

Still, we all know what the truth of that is...NATO is the only thing providing security to that country right now...They'd go sraight back to a theocratic stone age if the soldiers from the West left.

And they know it. They are greatful for our presence there. The only people fussing (other than the TB of course) are those the TB is financing to cause poop over here so that public pressure will be aplied to bring the boys home...and some well meaning but completely misinformed college professor type who hates the thought of war and cannot abide it, regardless of how necessary.
I am sorry that i didn't see the post before.. I would have like to see what more Deserter had to say. If they were to pull the troops out  where does the public think the taliban is going to go? Do they think that they will just stay there i don't think so!! Just my feelings......
