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Uninformed chatter on the wars in the Sandbox....

Legless_Marine said:
We are not Soviets
We are not seen to be the same as the Soviets.
We are not using the same methods as the Soviets
We are not using the same tools as the Soviets.
We do not have the same intentions as the Soviets.

Maybe you want to demonstrate how your position is not a red herring?
Legless_Marine said:
stop. You don't ask questions any more until you've answered some. That's how it works.

And just so's we're clear: you don't post a statement either, unless you are stating an answer to the questions already put to you.
Please forgive my ignorance - does Canada really have 2,000 people working on Public Relations for the CF?  I know I feel rejected when someone throws a party and I'm not invited – it happens. I'm sorry if you feel left out.

Now,  this is just a passing note,  I thought there was a a chance that someone had just made a new handehandleto similarties - I've been informed otherwise. My apologies
mainerjohnthomas said:
Does anyone else but me find it strange that everyone in the west is pointing to our troops and calling us invaders, but no one is pointing at the Pakistanis and Uzbek's, the Arabs and Chechen's, and the dimwits from our own shores who have signed up to carry the spear against us in Afghanistan?  Has it occurred to no one, save the aid workers and soldiers on the ground in happy Afghanistan that it is two sets of foreigners battling to determine the future of the Afghans?  Both sides can claim to have native Afghans fighting along side them.  Only our side is determined to leave the Afghans in charge when we leave; the Taliban was the poisoned offshoot of Pakistani fundamentalism, and ruled Afghanistan as a base for its continued efforts to destabilize those richer, stronger nations they viewed as the real prizes.

+1 mjt!

I told the Afghans along side of whom I worked in their own government offices --  helping them to rebuild their own nation -- that my job and those of my fellow Canadian soldiers, in the many capacities in which we serve in Afghanistan, will be done when Afghans decide that they no longer require our direct assistance in their efforts to rebuild their own country.  I continue to correspond regularly with many of them, and I feel deeply honoured that they continue to suffix my name with their culture's sign of friendship and mutual respect...  -jan.

Legless_Marine, you and others can build whatever malevolent intent in your own minds, but it saddens me that you seem unwilling to accept at face value much that those of us who have served in Afghanistan are trying to inform others of -- the gains (not just security, but the development and leadership assistance that gains very little exposure from the press) that are being achieved by Canadian soldiers on a daily basis.


*edited for spelling and grammar*
I've deleted your post.  I'm tiered of people showing up here with posts opposing the war using the full assortment of numbers pulled out of their back sides, untruths , and attempts to play on emotions.  When we ask your lot to argue facts, you ignore us.

If you can prove that half the Afghans do not want us in their country, then post the proof.  If you can prove that the military is there to "decimate the population" then prove it.  Otherwise, good bye.
MCG said:
I've deleted your post.  I'm tiered of people showing up here with posts opposing the war using the full assortment of numbers pulled out of their back sides, untruths , and attempts to play on emotions.  When we ask your lot to argue facts, you ignore us.

If you can prove that half the Afghans do not want us in their country, then post the proof.  If you can prove that the military is there to "decimate the population" then prove it.  Otherwise, good bye.

There are so many things wrong with this, one doesn't really know where to start.   

I had set aside an hour today to continue answering posts on this site, but now I really couldn't be bothered. 

Legless_Marine said:
I had set aside an hour today to continue answering posts on this site, but now I really couldn't be bothered.

Ah, I see.  So you can't answer the basic questions that were put forth above or deal with evidence given by those who have actually been there and seem contrary to the line you put forth.  That's what I figured.

See you at the NDP Rally, Eugene.  Bring the anarchist leaflets....
Legless_Marine said:
There are so many things wrong with this, one doesn't really know where to start.
So, now you beleive that it is legitimate debate to invent statistics, pass-out lies, argue fallacies and baselessly accuse people of crimes against humanity?  Come now.  This tread is 13 pages already.  Certainly we deserve honest logical arguments & something that acknowledges the arguments we’ve already gone through.

Legless_Marine said:
I had set aside an hour today to continue answering posts on this site, but now I really couldn't be bothered.   
I think this is your easy out for the too hard questions we asked of you yesterday.
Infanteer said:
Ah, I see.  So you can't answer the basic questions that were put forth above or deal with evidence given by those who have actually been there and seem contrary to the line you put forth.  That's what I figured.

You can figure that, but the truth is that I have no interest in sinking time into a discussion that is not free and open and is being inconsistently and arbitraily overmoderated by the very people I am engaging in the discussion with.

If that's an intellectual victory for you, then we have fallen on hard times.

You haven't been overmoderated.  None of your posts have been deleted - you have been given a "verbal" due to your tapdancing here.

Just answer the question.

How is this "Bush's War"?
all you gotta do is provide ONE straight answer. But you can't even do that, can you? Typical troll.
Legless_Marine, while you may not have had the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of reconstructive efforts in Afghanistan as many of us posting have, please do us the courtesy of providing more than mere rhetoric or unsubstantiated facts.

I provide below, publicly-available links on Afghanistan's own Government web-site indicating details of the Afghan National Develop Strategy that provides the plan for the ongoing development of Afghanistan.  This is about as much "hard proof" as I can give to those asking "why are we there?" -- that there is a plan to develop the country and it is slowly working its way to all levels of Afghan Society...the speed at which this is occurring, is not as fast as many would like, but compared to life under the Taliban Regime, any progress forward is better than none.  Others may wish to comment how development continues to take place as the security aspect is addressed.  In the work I was involved with (including assisting the Afghan government with the organization and production of the strategic plan) we were proud to be of assistance at a critical juncture in Afghan Development.  Of particular note was $10.5B pledged to Afghanistan over a three-year period from the International Community based on the ANDS.

ANDS - Strategic Plan (draft for comment)

London Conference on Afghanistan (30-31 Jan 2006)

ANDS Documents

I would encourage those who wish to objectively compare their own individual or shared beliefs/facts with those they will find from Afghanistan's own view of its developing situation as contained at the above links.  People who simply parrot, "THEY say that [insert claimed fact here]!" or "This is George Bush's war, not ours!" without validating such statements have, IMO, no moral basis upon which to argue either for or against how Canada is assisting Afghanistan redevelopment.

Good2Golf said:
Legless_Marine, while you may not have had the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of reconstructive efforts in Afghanistan as many of us posting have,

Anecdotes from soldiers are useful, but are but a small piece of a much larger puzzle.

Good2Golf said:
please do us the courtesy of providing more than mere rhetoric or unsubstantiated facts.

Sorry, I was just trying to fit in.

Good2Golf said:
I provide below, publicly-available links on Afghanistan's own Government web-site indicating details of the Afghan National Develop Strategy that provides the plan for the ongoing development of Afghanistan.  This is about as much "hard proof" as I can give to those asking "why are we there?" -- that there is a plan to develop the country and it is slowly working its way to all levels of Afghan Society...the speed at which this is occurring, is not as fast as many would like, but compared to life under the Taliban Regime, any progress forward is better than none.  Others may wish to comment how development continues to take place as the security aspect is addressed.  In the work I was involved with (including assisting the Afghan government with the organization and production of the strategic plan) we were proud to be of assistance at a critical juncture in Afghan Development.  Of particular note was $10.5B pledged to Afghanistan over a three-year period from the International Community based on the ANDS.

ANDS - Strategic Plan (draft for comment)

London Conference on Afghanistan (30-31 Jan 2006)

ANDS Documents

I would encourage those who wish to objectively compare their own individual or shared beliefs/facts with those they will find from Afghanistan's own view of its developing situation as contained at the above links.  People who simply parrot, "THEY say that [insert claimed fact here]!" or "This is George Bush's war, not ours!" without validating such statements have, IMO, no moral basis upon which to argue either for or against how Canada is assisting Afghanistan redevelopment.


Your links are very appreciated.  I will read them. 

Infanteer said:
You haven't been overmoderated.  None of your posts have been deleted - you have been given a "verbal" due to your tapdancing here.

Just answer the question.

How is this "Bush's War"?

Huh?  What kind of a question is that.  Are you implying that I've said such?    Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else.

It's an odd mind that would hold people accountable and answerable for the words of others - And you wonder why I don't take you silly billys seriously any more.

If my refusal to answer such ridiculous questions is tapdancing, then I'm Fred Astaire.

Gee Fred!  You sure are entertaining tonight.  Tap dancing your way through the minefields of the site.  Too bad your credibility really sucks here.
Legless_Marine said:
Huh?   What kind of a question is that.  Are you implying that I've said such?     Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else.

Well, with statements like these, you'll have to forgive me for confusing you with someone else:

Legless_Marine said:
2)   Deliberately conflate American interests with Canadian interests.

1)   Remind Canadians that "they" attacked "us", without provocation, on 9/11.     Be vague
about the "them" and the "us", and soon you'll have Canadians believing that the CN tower was
attacked by Hamas.   Show lots of teary widows on TV.

It is the usual line taken by the anti-war crowd these days.  I'll assume by your plea of innocence that you don't see this as "Bush's War" and rather than a unilateral war of aggression (complete with puppets and everything), this is a case of a multilateral war of aggression sanctioned by the US, Canada, NATO, and the UN who, in their combined capacity, are out to lunch with their actions in Afghanistan?

Anyways, Fred Astaire, I can see you're not interested in answering the questions.  Keep it up; the pilot's hit the green light and the the JM's giving the wave.
