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Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

I recall seeing some CI slip-ons in Bagotville in 05 when we went for our night in the bush. Everything was same as the cadet ones  but instaid of a rank it said "IC" for instructeur civil or civilian instructor in English. I think I also remember seeing some CI's wearing them last summer too.
Years ago, when I was still a CI, I had 2 sets done at a place in Angus just outside CFB Borden. Took a plain set of OD slip-ons and had "CIVILLIAN INSTRUCTOR" embroidered in red in two lines at the bottom. They looked sharp and no-one ever had a problem with me wearing them.
So just outta curiosity, what are the issued CI slipons?
I've seen the sets worn at HMCS Quadra (black with gold embroidery) and some pictures of so-called 'central region' slipons (red with white embroidery), but apparently these are hard or near impossible to get at the LHQ level, so what are used as standins? (ie the OD pair that Medic65726 had)
Medic65726 said:
Well this picture dates to the early 90's on an FTX in I think my 2nd year in Cadets. See how many unautourized items you can pick out of this one.

Seems to me pointing an FN at your buddies nuts was usually unauthorized... ;D
zipperhead_cop said:
Seems to me pointing an FN at your buddies nuts was usually unauthorized... ;D
By general safety procedures or by your buddy? ;D
I'd say both.

And I'm sure buddies girlfriend wouldn't like it either.
Lerch said:
So just outta curiosity, what are the issued CI slipons?

I don't think the supply system has such an item.  I think any CI slip-ons would be obtained locally.

I've seen the sets worn at HMCS Quadra (black with gold embroidery) and some pictures of so-called 'central region' slipons (red with white embroidery), but apparently these are hard or near impossible to get at the LHQ level, so what are used as standins? (ie the OD pair that Medic65726 had)

There shouldn't be any need for CI slip-ons at the LHQ.  Civilian instructors should be wearing civilian clothing.
k, mckay, you wear your 120$ MEC pants and 430$ MEC jakets to ftx's or freeze in your civi jeans and jackets,
I'll stick to my old OD gear. Cheap and easily replacable. and if you know how to wear it you'll stay work for days on the same items.
Bergeron 971 said:
120$ MEC pants and 430$ MEC jackets

::) I think someone is exaggerating just a wee bit. The only time your going to encounter outrageous prices like that is if your buying all the new top of the market stuff from big companies like Patagonia, and The North Face.

Quality civi gear can be had for the equivalent price as a pair of combats. Also civi gear can do double duty if you enjoy other outdoor pursuits other then Cadet FTX's (Hiking, Mountaineering, Biking), I have never seen a person hiking in a pair of old ODs outside of cadets.

Dressing for activities last time I checked is left up to the indavidual at the LHQ level. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with cadets wearing OD's and the like.
You've never seen me.
But for real, the CO at our corps wears civi's. And shes hard core kitted for the outdoors.
Some of our cadet staff was starting to do the same, and they wouldn't want to get dirty.
At lest in my OD's I can dig holes and get as dirty as I want without wrecking my good hiking or civi clothing.
As well, OD's with CI slip-ons help newer cadets know who we are.

Bergeron 971 said:
You've never seen me.
But for real, the CO at our corps wears civi's. And shes hard core kitted for the outdoors.
Some of our cadet staff was starting to do the same, and they wouldn't want to get dirty.
Well I agree with you there, the kit I bring out I always expect that it will get dirty. There is no need for a 300 dollar jacket on a cadet exercise IMHO.
Anyway back to the Uniforms sorry for the detour  ;D
:o I can't be seeing this right - that isn't a blue rank slip on, is it?
Bet that outfit really impressed the 15 year olds on the rapell tower. Did you swarm them with all kinds of storeis on how you know a friend of a friend who is in the reserves and did .....

Did you loose your bayonett or something?!?!?
It's even funnier when you consider he was a sea cadet  ;D.

....Not mentioning the pile of "used" kit he sold in the buy and sell  ::)

[Edit: I know what happens when I assume...]
I'm thinking thats not Lerch, could be wrong, but thats what I'm thinking here.