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Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

Nice shots Medic, I remember scanning those pictures and there are lots more where those came from. Hmm maybe I should return those photos back to the corps, I've had them for long enough.

Now for a couple more modern photos-



Nice shots Medic, I remember scanning those pictures and there are lots more where those came from. Hmm maybe I should return those photos back to the corps, I've had them for long enough.

Now for a couple more modern photos-

maple leaf exchange?
haah i'm loving the pic with the cadet with the smoke.  I must say that yes indeed the times have changed.  If he did that now adays....yeesh lol  ;D
I know it's kinda outta place, but I am very tempted to scan pictures from the 17 platoon super-hoochie hotel, as well as other vernon pics..
Medic65726 said:
Well this picture dates to the early 90's on an FTX in I think my 2nd year in Cadets. See how many unautourized items you can pick out of this one.

Um...DPM smock, M1 helmet, FFD on the webbing...any of that right (or should I say 'wrong')?
Medic65726 said:
Well this picture dates to the early 90's on an FTX in I think my 2nd year in Cadets. See how many unautourized items you can pick out of this one.

Not just kit, but two other mistakes I noticed, a rifle pointed at kneeling buddys chest with a finger on the trigger and almost no trigger discipline all around..
FourNinerZero said:
.....a rifle pointed at kneeling buddys chest with a finger on the trigger.....

Yikes! :o

Lerch said:
Um...DPM smock, M1 helmet, FFD on the webbing...any of that right (or should I say 'wrong')?

ya and a pretty gutsy guy wearing an Airborne smock, while the regiment was still probably active........ :gunner:
Hey you're right! I didn't even notice the snap buttons...

Personally, I'd rather have a DPM smock then the jumpsmock...and I did ;D awhile back mind you, but I've used full sets of S94 and S95 during my brief cadet career.
...not really...the green and brown are just reversed. But if you look at some older and worn DPM smocks they look almost identical.
Lerch said:
...not really...the green and brown are just reversed. But if you look at some older and worn DPM smocks they look almost identical.

well I'm colourblind and even i could tell immediately that it was Canadian...... ;D
At the end of my cdt career ;D I wore a British jump smock with combat CADET slipons and my combat armlet for the rank to look more airborne ;D everywhere but Petawawa that is.
now that I'm a CI, after 6 years of absence in the CCM, I;m back to the old OD combats, only now I'm wearing FLASHY red slipons  :threat: HARD CORE, once upon a time. LMAO. I miss being a kid. hahaha

I still have my british smock. I've thought of passing it on to a senior cdt worthy of it.
I need to find some CI slipons... :( for both myself and my father.
    as i mentioned in the other thread Mia's here in Esquimalt also does custom slipon's as well.
one of our CI's just got some done up (OD slipon's with "civilian instructor" in red thread embroidered on the bottom) and they look great! ;D