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I have seen Marines wearing MARPAT, and I was shown the USMC symbol on the trouser leg, which is a digital image tucked away, and yes you can see it. I just laughed.

I have seen CADPAT ruck covers sold here in shops still bearing the CDN NSN, etc on the tag and bag.

Also CDN kevlar helmets with CADPAT covers too, and not single items but in qty, so I doubt if its hot.

After being with some CDNs in 2002, I know they‘re pretty anal, not even trading for a bush hat, etc, so I know they are tight with their kit.

As for the term Crown ppty, or Crown land, that just means its Fed Govt ppty. Here the term is rarely used, and they tend to call things Commonwealth ppty, and CW land, etc. Yes we have kit nazis here too, as unrecovered kit is csotly thing, and you all know that.

As for being goods in custody of CADPAT uniforms, it would be a hard charge to prove, as even though its marked, one would have to prove intent, etc. Pretty tight deal. For sake of argument, say some was bought at a gun show or garage sale, they bough such goods in confidence, maybe ecen getting a receipt for them.

Kind of like being in possession of that angle torch (flashlght) when you know you bought it, and your unit has them and is short some. Unless PTE bloggins seen you take such a torch with that scratch on the lense and you have it,m thats another story. But the whole thing in being possession of CF kit, such as 82 ptrn webbing, rucks, boots etc, tjhey have to prove you took that particular item from them, and its hard.

Back in 1989 I bought a C7 bayonet direct form the manufacturer, NELLA cutlery in eastern Canada. Some MP asked me where I got it (almost an international incident). I told him I purchased it, he accused me of theft, and siezed it. I produced the receipt, and got an appogoly from him, and his SGT the same day. Seemed he was an over zealous CPL, who was clueless in what one can buy and not, and hence he was repremanded ( and so he should have) for it. I still have that bayonet.

So, if ther is genuine CADPAT out there, it does not necessarily mean its stolen.


The C7 bayonet is a modified version of the US Viet Nam vintage M7, and its better than the M7 which is encountered along with the M9 here in Australia. There are so design changes to the Cdn one.

The C7 bayonet has a good stainless blade with improved grips, and the scabbard is light, and I think better than the M8A1 and the M10, which are also encountered here in the Australian Army.

What do I use? I use an issue M9 Australian contract, and so marked on the blade.

The US M9 is heavy and bulky, but it has a good wire cutter, a screw driver on the scabbard, along with two bottle openers on the cross guard, and is superior to the original KCB176 series of bayonet from Austria, which was originally trialed by the ADF for the F88 and M16A1‘s.

I have over 200 bayonets in my collection, and the C7 Nella is a part of that now.

So why do you think the C7 bayonet is crap? Its stronger and better steel than the US equivilant. So what type of bayonet do you prefer for the C7 then?

Any bayonet when abused will break, as I have seen M9‘s snap in two, along with the M7 also.



Originally posted by corporal-cam:
Originally posted by Mike Secretan:
Originally posted by corporal-cam:
wearing them makes me feal special
are you kidding me?!?!?! you got some freaking issues kid. do you like pretending to be some sort of commando? and people wonder why people like you get beat up... [/qb]
Lol, I‘ve never been beat up and the closest I‘ve come to being beat up was being punched once and before I had a chance to punch back about 40 people swarmed the other guy and did it for me, I guess I‘m just that well liked :D And I said I wanted to be a soldier, I said nothing about being a commando and the fact that you would jump on me leads me to believe you have some deep seeded psycological problems, maybe from you being beat up as a kid. Anyways this is way off topic, if anyone wants to make strange accusations towards my popularity then send an IM so the rest of us can deiscuse the legal sale of CADPATS. [/qb]
Then explain exactly when and where your wear your cadpat?....
In his house...does it matter?

The question is: is there any way to own CADPAT legally as an ordinary citizen?

The answer...no, as nothing is supposed to leave the system (they shred all the used CADPAT clothing, except helmet covers).

But who will stop you really (unless some off-duty MP sees you, or you wear it to an armoury)?
Originally posted by Wesley H. Allen, CD:
[qb] I have seen CADPAT ruck covers sold here in shops still bearing the CDN NSN, etc on the tag and bag.
I‘ve never actually seen one of these... perhaps they were acquired and never issued? Or have I just not seen them?

[qb] Also CDN kevlar helmets with CADPAT covers too, and not single items but in qty, so I doubt if its hot.
The kevlar helmets are issued to everyone, even new recruits, who are still issued the old olive-drab uniforms. As such, there‘s more of them being damaged and declared surplus.

[qb] After being with some CDNs in 2002, I know they‘re pretty anal, not even trading for a bush hat, etc, so I know they are tight with their kit.
As in the old bush-hat or the new hat? As there should be lots of the old ones floating around on the surplus market... as to the new one, it‘s an excellent hat... if they are anything like me, they weren‘t being anal, they just love their cadpat field hat!

How do YOU know they shred all used combats? Do you work there? Or just know some guy who knows someone else, who heard from someone..... :rolleyes:
There are certain articles of kit, mostly those considered to be attractive/gucci, for which the "replacement cost" you will be hit with upon loss will be substantially more than it actually costs to replace the item. This policy was put in place to deter people from misappropriating kit. One such item is the CADPAT field cap. I saw a scale of issue list that included replacement costs on it one time, and if you lose your field cap, it ends up costing you about $90! (Now, that is from memory, and may be wrong, so I hope I don‘t annoy you too much by posting it, recceguy :D ). Half the reason I‘m still in the army is the replacement cost I‘m going to get hit with upon release for the bivy bag I lost as a Pte! At any rate, the whopping replacement cost may well be why the soldiers in question didn‘t want to trade away their field caps.
You‘re right, I did hear it from someone (very reputable mind you).

You explain where it all goes then.
Likely in a pile...

Everything always ends up in a pile somewhere... the only known natural enemy of the pile is a hole...
Well, I‘m not a bin rat, so I might be wrong. If your form is right, then I‘m certainly suffering from a serious case of foot in mouth disease. However, I definitely remember the $90ish figure because it was so ridiculously high. Someone go lose their field cap so that we can set this straight.
I had several soldiers awhile ago that lost their cadpat hats in a wind storm and they were charged the ninety dollars. We did a little digging and got the correct price from the base clothing IC and got the members reimbursed. The ninety dollar figure was a mistake in the supply pricing system. The 17 dollar figure is the correct price for the hat.
You‘re right. It‘s standard practice for attractive items. Eg: Binos in the system $500.00, from the manufactures web site $150.00, the retailer around the corner from the armouries wanted $185.00 (prices are general, this was a few years ago)
This thread peaked my interest, so I did a search on E-bay...

You can now buy your very own CADPAT bushcap, much like the one I have packed away in my webbing right now, for the low low price of $93CAN plus shipping! Or, you can avoid anyone outbidding you by paying the lump sum of $120 CAN. :o


No bids on it yet, though...

Hah, no way, for only $40 of your hard earned money, you can buy a fleece cadpat balaclava!

oohh, you can even buy the fabric itself..
Well someone from Montreal (perhaps someone working at the supply depot there) is selling the real CADPAT shirt (they just put the candian flag on to the velcro name tape part) http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2236952973&category=36068

and someone from the states is selling real ones here http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2236968300&category=36077
and here http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2236968552&category=36077