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Um What Piece of Kit is This?

So far as I know, there isn't a Simunition 5.56mm link, which might explain why the C9 has to use BFAs and MILES.
PatrickO said:
So far as I know, there isn't a Simunition 5.56mm link, which might explain why the C9 has to use BFAs and MILES.

No, we (as in CF) just don't have it/aren't using it yet (5.56mm Sim).  http://www.simunition.com/upload/doc_4.pdf
RHFC_piper said:
Ahhh.... Thats right... it was 04.  I was in Meaford finishing a contract as CQ staff in 05.

Wow I have to stop eating out of aluminum pots I guess...it was indeed 04...time flies
RHFC_piper said:
Haven't used the WES yet, but I hear good things... at least you don't have to wear the gorilla masks.

An accronym for my own name, ha!

I had the opportunity to fire the 5.56mm Simmunition in April from a C7 and C9.  From my limited exposure I thought it was excellent.  I experienced no stoppages and the ability use linked ammo for the C9 and proper 30 round metal mags for the C7 makes for a dramatic increase in realism and trg value.  I also tried one of the new masks the company is trialing and they are leaps and bounds ahead of the gorilla mask.  I was able to actually acquire my sights and take aimed shots with the mask on.  The C7  requires only a replacement bolt and the C9 requires a replacement bolt and carrier as well as a small plastic spacer which attaches to the feed tray to accommodate the shorter Simm rounds.  I would hate to be on the wrong end of the C9 with this stuff as it took me all of three seconds to pretty much shred a paper target with it.
Along with the mask, crikey I hope there is something to protect one's gonads, ha! Shredding paper vs one's ball bag - ouch! Pain! Medic!!! Stretcher!!! Morphine!!!

We use simunition here too, but I have never been exposed to it.


FYI, the simunition slugs are more like chunks of bright painted soap in a plastic casing.  And to re-itterate: they hurt.  
Wesley  Down Under said:
Along with the mask, crikey I hope there is something to protect one's gonads, ha! Shredding paper vs one's ball bag - ouch! Pain! Medic!!! Stretcher!!! Morphine!!!

We use simunition here too, but I have never been exposed to it.



Everytime I have ever used it we wore jocks (outside our uniforms of course).
Hatchet Man said:
Everytime I have ever used it we wore jocks (outside our uniforms of course).

HAH!! yeah!!  Makes everyone look like something out of "A Clockwork Orange"...  Welly-welly-welly-well...

Good times.

Funny story about simunition;
The first experience I had with simunition was during a weekend ex, late fall.  It was cold.  First lesson; Cold and simunition don't mix.
I was playing "enemy force"; we were instructed to defend our position to the last man, and put up a good fight.  We were also instructed to 'play up' injuries and wounds to add realism.
When the company attacked our position, they got very close before we came under 'effective fire'. Lesson 2; Simunition is very short ranged.  So, the first contact I had with simunition was a shot to the thigh at roughly 10 feet.  At first, when the round hit, I didn't feel it, so I "acted" injured; grabbing my leg saying "ooh... I'm hurt."  Then the actual feeling of the round hit, and I found my self on the ground screaming in pain. Lesson 3; Simunition, when frozen, has much the same effect as a real bullet, especially at close range.  It had punctured my combats and my skin.  I ripped my pant leg open more to get at the round and had to pry it out of my thigh with my gerber... It also left a huge welt, which formed almost instantly. 
The worst part was; everyone thought I was just "acting out" the injury, until they came and saw it... It was nasty.
Simunition is good stuff, but you have to have the right circumstances. equipment and training to use it effectively and without injury.
GreyMatter said:
Looks pretty futuristic... is there a specific name for that headgear?

I'm pretty sure that mask is made by Brass Eagle. I forget what the model's called, but they were known for having 360degree protection, and a wide field of view.
Douke said:
Haven't seen any used for C9 yet, but it would be a great step forward in training realism, even though  I would hate to be on the receiving end...  :-\


GreyMatter said:
Looks pretty futuristic... is there a specific name for that headgear?
The protective equipment is part of the simunition product line.
Hatchet Man said:
No, we (as in CF) just don't have it/aren't using it yet (5.56mm Sim).  http://www.simunition.com/upload/doc_4.pdf

I stand corrected. Cheers for that link.
PatrickO said:
I stand corrected. Cheers for that link.

We most definitely DO have the 5.56 simunition in service- when I was at the Petawawa OBUA site a few weeks back there was still a fair bit of 5.56mm simunition brass on the ground. I suspect it's one of the 'special' units using it for now, but it is out there. I talked to a guy working for the company at the CANSEC show in Ottawa, and he was able to tell me that the CF has already committed to at least a company set for each of the three regiments. The nice thing about the 5.56 is that all you need to swap out on the C7 is the bolt. Much more convenient.
I'm not special and I've used it.
well I am special, but only my mom says that.