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U.S. Politics 2018

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kkwd said:
I will use my physic medium powers and predict this week there will be articles across the net stating that Wikileaks making this book available for free confirms they are in cahoots with Trump. It will be stated  that this is clear evidence that Wikileaks worked with Trump during the campaign and continues to carry their water. Further, I see articles saying that Mueller will investigate this. I have a strong physic vibe that the majority of these articles will appear in Newsweek.
I don't think any articles questioning the motivation of Wikileaks along those lines would be unfounded.  If Trump had been able to get a court order to block publication of the book, then sure, that would fall sort of in line with what Wikileaks self stated purpose is, but to publish something that already is available to anyone who wants to pay the money, borrow it off a friend or just read the out takes available all over the internet, what's the actual motivation behind the act?  Particularly since I haven't seen them do that to any other publicly available book, document, publication, report, transcript etc etc etc
Interesting transcript posted by Senator Feinstein:  SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE  - INTERVIEW OF:  GLENN SIMPSON

This is the transcribed interview of Glenn Simpson.  Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein requested this interview as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee's investigation of Fusion GPS's activities related to the dossier compiled by Christopher Steele, the Prevezon case, and the Magnitsky Act.

It's long, 312 pages and although I'm only partway through it, but well worth the read.
Colin P said:
Even more fun when the EPA charges Moores crew with the various infractions they will commit, because he will hire a bunch of non-drillers to run it.

Everything's okay now. In a lucid moment, Trump remembered that Florida's Republican and contains his resort:

In swift reversal, Trump admin says no new oil drilling off Florida coast


Betcha they won't do that for California's beaches (which already have rigs out there). ;D

FJAG said:
Betcha they won't do that for California's beaches (which already have rigs out there). ;D


Meh, you don't even have to go to the beach in LA.......



Larry Strong said:
Meh, you don't even have to go to the beach in LA.......



Yup. And then there's always the La Brea Tar pits.



Stories surfacing about Twitter targeting right-wing user accounts and content while ignoring left-wing.  YouTube likewise seems to be coming more and more biased.
Jarnhamar said:

Stories surfacing about Twitter targeting right-wing user accounts and content while ignoring left-wing.  YouTube likewise seems to be coming more and more biased.

A grain of salt may be required - especially given Project Veritas' last big splash.


Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: The Daily Wire is a politically conservative American news and opinion website founded in 2015 by conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro, who currently serves as Editor-in-Chief. The Daily Wire presents news with a right wing bias in reporting and wording. Virtually every story favors the right and denigrates the left. The Daily Wire has also published false information such as this and this from Ben Shapiro. The Daily Wire is a far right biased news source that is Mixed for factual reporting. (9/2/2016) Updated (8/16/2017)

Project Veritas


Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: Project Veritas was created by James Edward O’Keefe III who is an American conservative political activist. He produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters, some selectively edited to imply its subjects said things they did not, with figures and workers in academic, governmental and social service organizations, purporting to show abusive or allegedly illegal behavior by employees and/or representatives of those organizations.  Project Veritas primarily targets liberals and liberal organizations.  O’Keefe’s videos are edited in a way that makes them difficult to fact check.  Often his information is debunked, but it is too late as the information has already been watched by thousands or more. See RationalWiki for more on James O’Keefe. (11/16/2016) Updated (4/26/2017)

In an attempt to keep politic's in their respective countries I am responding here.....

YZT580 said:
448 billion over 10 years.  Didn't Obama do that in less than 1 year?  Just asking.

FY 2009 - Even though the budget had been approved, Congress added emergency funding to stop the Great Recession. It added the first year's worth of spending from Obama's Economic Stimulus Act to the FY 2009 budget. That $253 billion accrues to Obama.
FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
FY 2016 - The deficit rose to $585 billion
FY 2017 - The deficit is projected to be $666 billion.

Interesting article from which I quoted the above figures....


Fair enough that could be the case but that video with first it's hand accounts right from employees didn't strike me as edited a specific way. Could be wrong of course.  Do you think social media giants like facebook, twitter and  youtube are biased to the left-wing side of things?
Jarnhamar said:
Fair enough that could be the case but that video with first it's hand accounts right from employees didn't strike me as edited a specific way. Could be wrong of course.  Do you think social media giants like facebook, twitter and  youtube are biased to the left-wing side of things?

Well, they all have one thing in common.  HQ'd in Silicon Valley in California, and staffed by young educated millennials...in other words, not a hotbed of Republicanism, or even conservatism. So yes, I imagine they exist on the Left side of the spectrum, as well as the Left Coast.

Moreover, they are all also businesses, and not public utilities, nor are they bound in any way by things like journalistic principals.  They can do whatever they would like, within the bounds of fiduciary responsibilities to their shareholders.

They have complete control over the content that is displayed on their platforms, and those platforms are moderated, much like this one is.

The big "gotcha" in that piece is the interview with Mo Norai.  Here is his job description for his position when he worked at Twitter for all of 5 months (taken directly from his Linkedin page):


User Services- Content Review Agent
Company NameTwitter
Dates EmployedNov 2015 – Mar 2016  Employment Duration5 mos
LocationSan Francisco Bay Area
Use in-house tools to perform daily review of reported abusive content on Twitter
Quickly learn our policies and enforcement actions
Escalate high-priority issues in a timely manner
Recommend tool improvements and efficiency gains
Prioritize daily tasks and meet productivity expectations
Communicate issues clearly to management
Adhere to process quality metrics and strive to exceed the monthly/annual quality & productivity targets.
Follow all compliance and security measures relating to client data.
Moderate online content submitted by users
Maintain data work requirements by following data program techniques, procedures as well as meeting and maintaining the required quality threshold.
Participate as active an contributor and apply creative problem solving skills in project brainstorms

Note that he is, essentially, a moderator, as he was at Apple before Twitter, and is at Facebook now.

All of that to say that although Twitter staff (and indeed the ownership) may "lean left" and staff likely do moderate posts that they do not agree with, there is nothing illegal or sinister about it.  It is  byproduct of the platform and the type of people who run it....
According to Trump US delivers first F-52 fighter jets.

So he misnamed the aircraft. CNN spends 93% of it's airtime slamming the President so they look for every error. Was the error really worthy on a new report by CNN? Better than our PM who states the F-35 "far from working", yet everyone else, except Canada, seems to be purchasing an aircraft that doesn't work.

Even CNN states: 
...the stealth fighter jet is also touted as the most lethal and versatile aircraft of the modern era -- combining advanced stealth capabilities, radar-jamming abilities, supersonic speed, extreme agility and state-of-the-art sensor fusion technology.
Rifleman62 said:
CNN spends 93% of it's airtime slamming the President so they look for every error.

Is Fox and Friends his safe space?
CNN's Don Lemon going off on the whole "shithole countries" bit.  Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, etc do the same but his is something else.  It's as if CNN decided not to bother to play nice anymore.


mariomike - do you even pay the extra from your TV provider to watch FOX News or do you continually just slam FOX having never watch any of the programs? Do you think every newscaster, correspondent, commentator, producer, guest is way out in right field?

Just a question from me, not a vote for FOX.
As far as him and Fox and Friends is concerned,

Rifleman62 said:
mariomike - do you even pay the extra from your TV provider to watch FOX News or do you continually just slam FOX having never watch any of the programs? Do you think every newscaster, correspondent, commentator, producer, guest is way out in right field?

Just a question from me, not a vote for FOX.

Do you watch CNN, BBC News, or read the New York Times, Huffington Post or Toronto Star?
perfect MM.  Use a left wing search engine (google) to research a right wing subject.  I am sure that you sent their algorithms into a tailspin with that.
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