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U.S. Politics 2018

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[quote author=Altair]
For the record,  any visibly white person calls me a n****r after I tell them its not cool is going to still get punched. Don't give a damn what they identify as.

Why only visibly white people?
Pencil Tech said:
There's absolutely no evidence out there that Trump colluded with the Russians except the Manafort thing, and the Flynn thing, and the Papadopoulos pleading guilty thing, and the Roger Stone thing, and the Cohen thing, and the Kushner thing, and the Carter Page thing, and the Jeff Sessions things, and the Wilbur Ross thing, and the JD Gordon thing, and the Erik Prince thing, and the James Comey firing thing, and the Russian hacking/Wikileaks thing, and the bro-love between TrumPutin thing, and the Russian propaganda machine favoring Trump thing, and the DJT "I have zero ties to Russia!" thing, and the Eric Trump "we get most of our financing from Russian banks thing", and the Donald Trump Jr. "Our portfolio is made up of a disproportionate amount of Russian money" thing, and the DJT "I sold a $60 million mansion to a Russian oligarch known for money laundering for $120 million that he never once lived in " thing, and the Trump business ties with Putin's favorite sports athlete Fedor Emilianenko thing, and the Trump International Corporation's mysterious private server connection to Alfa Bank, Russia's largest commercial bank thing, and the Special prosecutor being named thing, and the I won't release my tax returns thing, and the Ivanka Trump's vacationing with Putin's girlfriend thing, and the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow thing, and the Trump companies business ties to Felix Sater, a criminal felon indicted for stock fraud scheme with the Russian mafia thing, and the FL Group Icelandic hedge fund with massive ties to Putin being heavily invested in Trump Soho thing, and the Rex Tillerson/Exxon ties to Russia thing, and the Russian ambassador at Trump Tower sneaking in and out thing, and the Trump tried to roll back Russian sanctions the minute he got elected thing.Other than that, there's absolutely no reason to suspect anything.

If you have such a long list of such rock solid evidence why isn't somebody in jail by now?
Jarnhamar said:
Why only visibly white people?
well,  I guess in a broader sense,  it was mostly white who owned blacks.

Personally,  I've only had white individuals say that to me.
Altair said:
well,  I guess in a broader sense,  it was mostly white who owned blacks.

Personally,  I've only had white individuals say that to me.

True. I did some quick research on it and was surprised to  read in 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

But I get what you mean.  It sucks people are disgusting enough to use that word towards people. Sorry you have to deal with that trash.

The Senate memo is not getting anywhere the sort of coverage the Nunes memo is, even though it seems to have (if anything) even greater detail on the expanding scandal:


I am expecting a steady stream of memos as more hearings are held and more illegal behaviour is uncovered. If the lines can be firmly drawn to the Obama White House, it may trigger a true constitutional crisis as evidence is presented of a then sitting President ordering illegal spying on American citizens for partisan political purposes. How that gets resolved is anyone's guess, but history isn't offering too many potential happy endings.....The late Roman Republic comes to mind.
Not a memo, but an email, which also ahs serious implications:


Why Susan Rice Wrote an Email To Herself

Scott wrote this morning about the extraordinary email that National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote to herself at 12:15 on January 20, 2017, within minutes of when President Trump was inaugurated. It must have been her last act, more or less, before she vacated the White House. So obviously the email was important to her. But why would it be important to send an email to herself (the only person copied was one of her aides)?

If you read the email, which Scott posted along with Senator Grassley’s letter to Rice, it is obvious that it is a CYA memo. But the question is, whose A is being C’d?

Most attention, so far, has focused on the first two paragraphs of the email, which describe a meeting that occurred around two weeks earlier. The participants included Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, Sally Yates–who turns up like a bad penny whenever skulduggery is afoot–and Rice:


Why did Susan Rice send herself an email purporting to document this part of the meeting? Because she was C’ing her own A. Rice was nervous about the fact that, at the president’s direction, she had failed to “share information fully as it relates to Russia” with President Trump’s incoming national security team. This violated longstanding American tradition. Outgoing administrations have always cooperated in the transition to a new administration, whether of the same or the opposing party, especially on matters relating to national security.


What were the secrets that Obama wanted to keep from the new administration? We can easily surmise that the fact that the Steele memo was paid for by the Democratic Party; that the FBI had to some degree collaborated with Steele; that the Clinton campaign had fed some of the fake news in the dossier to Steele; and that Comey’s FBI had used Steele’s fabrications as the basis for FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign were among the facts that Obama and his minions didn’t want Michael Flynn and Donald Trump to know. Susan Rice, we can infer, was told to keep these secrets, and if anyone ever asked why she had failed to disclose them to Michael Flynn and others on Trump’s team, or even lied to those people, she would have the defense that President Obama ordered her to do it.

There may be more to it than this. The redacted paragraph likely contains more information about what it was that Rice wasn’t supposed to tell the Trump team. One of these days, we will learn what was blacked out.

Full article is at the link
Pencil Tech said:
There's absolutely no evidence out there that Trump colluded with the Russians except the Manafort thing, and the Flynn thing, and the Papadopoulos pleading guilty thing, and the Roger Stone thing, and the Cohen thing, and the Kushner thing, and the Carter Page thing, and the Jeff Sessions things, and the Wilbur Ross thing, and the JD Gordon thing, and the Erik Prince thing, and the James Comey firing thing, and the Russian hacking/Wikileaks thing, and the bro-love between TrumPutin thing, and the Russian propaganda machine favoring Trump thing, and the DJT "I have zero ties to Russia!" thing, and the Eric Trump "we get most of our financing from Russian banks thing", and the Donald Trump Jr. "Our portfolio is made up of a disproportionate amount of Russian money" thing, and the DJT "I sold a $60 million mansion to a Russian oligarch known for money laundering for $120 million that he never once lived in " thing, and the Trump business ties with Putin's favorite sports athlete Fedor Emilianenko thing, and the Trump International Corporation's mysterious private server connection to Alfa Bank, Russia's largest commercial bank thing, and the Special prosecutor being named thing, and the I won't release my tax returns thing, and the Ivanka Trump's vacationing with Putin's girlfriend thing, and the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow thing, and the Trump companies business ties to Felix Sater, a criminal felon indicted for stock fraud scheme with the Russian mafia thing, and the FL Group Icelandic hedge fund with massive ties to Putin being heavily invested in Trump Soho thing, and the Rex Tillerson/Exxon ties to Russia thing, and the Russian ambassador at Trump Tower sneaking in and out thing, and the Trump tried to roll back Russian sanctions the minute he got elected thing.Other than that, there's absolutely no reason to suspect anything.

Journeyman said:
Regrettably, the ones who need to take that on board will simply get their best Pavlovian drool up and reflexively dismiss the entire lengthy list as "fake news."

kkwd said:
If you have such a long list of such rock solid evidence why isn't somebody in jail by now?

That didn't take long.

mariomike said:
That didn't take long.

Nope, when you include stuff like Tillerson in your list and selling a house 10 years ago it is pretty iffy "evidence".
kkwd said:
Nope, when you include stuff like Tillerson in your list and selling a house 10 years ago it is pretty iffy "evidence".

Tillerson was made a member of Russia's Order of Friendship by Vladimir Putin in 2013 when he was CEO of Exxon. Exxon has technology Russia needs and Tillerson signed a contract with Rosneft (largest shareholder V. Putin). Unfortunately there were these sanctions, still happily for all concerned Trump refuses to pass the sanctions bill signed by congress, but hey no evidence there.
Well as for the house, look up money laundering on Wikipedia.
For all those who harboured thoughts that Nikolaz Cruz, the alleged Parkland High School shooter, was just a mental immigrant, guess again.

The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee.



Don't bother looking on Fox. It's not there yet.

Interesting article and Youtube video based on a TedX talk on the origin of "Fake News". It is interesting to discover who bankrolled the term and how it suddenly popped up (and yes, how President Trump literally took the meme away from the Legacy media)


FJAG said:
For all those who harboured thoughts that Nikolaz Cruz, the alleged Parkland High School shooter, was just a mental immigrant, guess again.


National Post


"A member of a white nationalist militia who wore Donald Trump hats"

"Classmates reported that Cruz was seen around the school in a Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” hat."

mariomike said:
National Post

"A member of a white nationalist militia who wore Donald Trump hats"

"Classmates reported that Cruz was seen around the school in a Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” hat."

Some guy in a white nationalist group says he was a member. That guy even states:
Jereb said he didn’t know Cruz personally and that “he acted on his own behalf of what he just did and he’s solely responsible for what he just did.”
What does the hat have to do with anything?
Pencil Tech said:
Tillerson was made a member of Russia's Order of Friendship by Vladimir Putin in 2013 when he was CEO of Exxon. Exxon has technology Russia needs and Tillerson signed a contract with Rosneft (largest shareholder V. Putin). Unfortunately there were these sanctions, still happily for all concerned Trump refuses to pass the sanctions bill signed by congress, but hey no evidence there.
Well as for the house, look up money laundering on Wikipedia.

Tillerson had absolutely nothing to do with the Trump campaign. He didn't even contribute money to it. How can he be included in evidence of collusion? As for the house sale, calling it money laundering sounds like a conspiracy theory. The sale involved lawyers and government records and tax liability and probably much publicity. What did they have in mind, doing a crime in full public view hoping nobody would notice?
FJAG said:
For all those who harboured thoughts that Nikolaz Cruz, the alleged Parkland High School shooter, was just a mental immigrant, guess again.
As for Gen Flynn. It is a curious case.



When Judge Contreras pulled out, Flynn’s case was reassigned to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan. We now know that one of Judge Sullivan’s first actions on the case was to file an order directing Mueller to provide Flynn with any evidence in the special counsel’s possession that is favorable to Flynn, whether on the issue of guilt or of sentencing. Significantly, the order stresses that if Mueller has such evidence but believes it is not “material” and therefore that Flynn is not entitled to disclosure of it, Mueller must show the evidence to the court so that Judge Sullivan may decide whether to mandate its disclosure.

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