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U.S. Politics 2018

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If you got pounded in the media, day after day, your numbers wouldn't be great either. Rightly pounded or wrongly pounded is a matter of your viewpoint, but the media is liberal oriented.

Remember, all the polls said Hillary would win the Presidency.


Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive - 27 Dec 17

The media’s coverage of President Trump has been overwhelmingly negative, more than three times more critical than the initial coverage of former President Barack Obama and twice that of former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

The Pew Research Center said that the early coverage of Trump was 62 percent negative. By comparison, Obama’s coverage was just 20 percent negative.


Media bias continues: 90% of Trump coverage in last three months has been negative, study says - 12 Dec 17
Major broadcast news reports in September, October and November were hostile

The new study of major broadcast coverage reveals that 90 percent of statements made by reporters and nonpartisan sources the last three months on ABC, NBC and CBS evening newscasts about Mr. Trump and his administration were negative.

It’s all in the numbers. The analysts found 1,123 out of 1,228 statements made about the president on the “Big Three” news networks during September, October and November were critical of Mr. Trump. Only 105 of the statements were considered positive in tone or content.

“Even as the media whine about about Trump, their hostile coverage shows no let up. Our study of news in June, July and August found an identical rate of 91 percent negative coverage — which means TV news is unchanged in its hostility toward the president,” Mr. Noyes said.
Rifleman62 said:
Remember, all the polls said Hillary would win the Presidency.
Well, she did; she just didn't win the electoral college.  ;)
No she didn't. It is the Electoral College process that decides who is POTUS, not the popular vote. How many Cdn PM's won 51% of the popular vote?
The answer to your question, Rifleman, is that in Canada, most city mayors have a greater number of people who voted for them than the PM. The PM is named leader of his/her party by the vote of a few thousand members of the party, and then get elected in riding where he/she may garner up to 50-60,000 votes if standing for office in one of the larger ridings.

As for your reference to "liberal" media. I think that you assume that Trump, being a Republican, is "conservative". I don't believe that to be true. Trump is neither conservative nor liberal. He is a narcissistic self-centred individual - period - and will/has adopted whatever position from either side of the spectrum happens to help his own personal aggrandizement, in his own mind.
It was not intended as a serious contribution to the discussion, hence the " ;) "

It would be like posting that mean, nasty media bullies are picking on Trump, while completely discounting the near-constant retardedness he's stated and tweeted as a factor in any negative reporting. 

Now, how dumb would that  be?  :pop:
I phrased my question incorrectly, thus your lecture, which I have no bones about. Realize how the system works.

The media is liberal bias, and Trump is a big target, thus deserves, to some  extent, what he gets.

Do you think Trump is doing anything to improve the USA or is he just a "narcissistic self-centred individual"? By the same token, do you think Trudeau is doing anything to improve Canada or is he just "a semi-literate man-child pretending to be prime minister of a G7 country and being amazed that no one has pulled him off the stage quite yet".
I hear that in the US a five-time draft dodging, reality TV personality is ordering the Pentagon to throw him a massive military parade.

I think that conservatives have lost all right to make any further jokes about millennials wanting participation trophies.


FJAG said:
I hear that in the US a five-time draft dogging, reality TV personality is ordering the Pentagon to throw him a massive military parade.

I think that conservatives have lost all right to make any further jokes about millennials wanting participation trophies.



Draft dogging, sounds good to me.  ;D
Rifleman62 said:
Do you think Trump is doing anything to improve the USA or is he just a "narcissistic self-centred individual"? By the same token, do you think Trudeau is doing anything to improve Canada or is he just "a semi-literate man-child pretending to be prime minister of a G7 country and being amazed that no one has pulled him off the stage quite yet".

I think the characterization of Trudeau is correct.

As for Trump, the characterization is also correct, but he has put some effective people in some of the departments and, since he cares nothing about running the country, is letting them do pretty well what they want, the result being that some (not all, but some) things are actually improved.
Rifleman62 said:
I phrased my question incorrectly, thus your lecture, which I have no bones about. Realize how the system works.

The media is liberal bias, and Trump is a big target, thus deserves, to some  extent, what he gets.

Do you think Trump is doing anything to improve the USA or is he just a "narcissistic self-centred individual"? By the same token, do you think Trudeau is doing anything to improve Canada or is he just "a semi-literate man-child pretending to be prime minister of a G7 country and being amazed that no one has pulled him off the stage quite yet".

One of the things Trump has accomplished is that he has correctly made people aware of the bias in media reporting. No longer does the media get a free ride on assumptions...
mariomike said:
For reference to the "discussion",

January 18, 2018

The Canadian Press

World’s opinion of U.S. hits new low under Trump — especially in Canada: poll

WASHINGTON — A new global survey suggests the world’s impression of the United States is plummeting under President Donald Trump, with Canada registering the largest such decline of any country within the Western Hemisphere.

In answer to that I'd say "So what?".
US economy seems to be doing okay. With Trump and his America first policy is it really a surprise other countries aren't happy? Countries who maybe aren't getting as much handouts or benefits from the US? Or perhaps countries that have millions newcommers who have religious and financial reasons not to approve of the US?  Canada doesn't approve? Pretty sure the western world is having a laugh at our expense right now, not sure how much weight our scorn carries.

"threatened North Korea over its nuclear program". And what was the result of that? It sounds like the North and South are somewhat trying to work things out, and unless I'm mistaken Korea has at least one joint North and South team for the Olympics and they'll be marching in together.

Regardless of what Trump does he has the media against him (and of course he always exasperates the situation). The media would analyze how he takes a shit if they could. People seemingly care more about his diet than their FBI getting caught in serious unethical, bordering on corrupted, behavior.

Even this thread is a prime example though.  What was the response to an article about Apple coming back to the US, creating 20'000 jobs, paying a 34 million (or was it billion?) one time tax, investing billions over the next few years? 
Reference to a blow job comment from a whiny late-night talk show host about an affair which the alleged victim denies in writing it happened.  Same slap stick hosts that run skits of women grabbing something in their pants and guessing what it is.

Trumps boorish 'I'm smrt'  behavior is much of the US psyche personified. He does it in public where other politicians do it behind closed doors.  He's a reality TV show and a reality TV show is that the US has become. 
As opposed to Obama, extensive military service? Clinton, Obama and Trump all come from an era where avoiding military service was the norm for elites.
Colin P said:
As opposed to Obama, extensive military service? Clinton, Obama and Trump all come from an era where avoiding military service was the norm for elites.
I think the point is that only Trump wants his own Bastille Day parade.
Colin P said:
As opposed to Obama, extensive military service?

As opposed to Obama, Trump applied for and received five draft deferments.

The U.S. draft ended in 1973, when President Obama was twelve.

What the internet is really buzzing about this week, is what's going on with President Trump's hair?

Should have worn his MAGA hat.  :)

We also should try and check our facts first, shall we?

The draft was abolished in 1973, at which time President Obama would have been 12 years old. I don't believe he could have dodged the draft at that age, and it didn't exist by the time he became of age.

As for Bill Clinton, while he formally opposed the Vietnam war and did obtain a deferment while studying in the UK, when he came back to the USA, he did register as required under the draft, but was lucky enough to never get drafted. He had indicated that if drafted, he would go. Again, I don't call this draft dodging.

And funny enough, neither one of them asked for a big military parade just so they could feel more important than President Macron (who invited Trump a the last French Bastille day parade, you may recall), or show they have a bigger dick than "Little Rocket Man".
FJAG said:
I hear that in the US a five-time draft dodging, reality TV personality is ordering the Pentagon to throw him a massive military parade.

I think that conservatives have lost all right to make any further jokes about millennials wanting participation trophies.



The more I see of that person, the more I wonder if he is actually a "conservative" in the vein of, let's say Churchill, or Mulroney, or Eisenhower, or even  Bushes One and Two.  Or McCain.

I get it that "conservative" Americans felt that they had nowhere else to turn in the last race, and that he screams out loud what lots of people think or mutter privately. But I wonder it if isn't a bit like the relationship between the traditional "conservatives" in Germany in the early 1930's, and Hitler. (Yes, I know-the first one to mention Hitler loses.... ::) ). After a bit of uncertainty about Hitler being "vulgar" or "not the right sort" , they lapped up what he said, and pumped up all his achievements, and skipped happily along in his wake, while the whole time he secretly despised and mocked them. But they were quite useful to him.

The current President certainly seems to like spending lots of public money on things, and he has made lots of noise about wrecking Free Trade, which was negotiated by Republicans with our Conservative Government  and has been something of an article of faith for both parties.  He has loudly and publicly undermined some of his ministers, which doesn't strike me as behaviour I associate with "conservative" leaders, either.

So, is he really a "conservative", or does he just know what buttons to push to whip up support?
pbi said:
(Yes, I know-the first one to mention Hitler loses.... ::) ).

Mike Godwin ( Godwin's Law ) says it's ok,
Oldgateboatdriver said:
And funny enough, neither one of them asked for a big military parade just so they could feel more important than President Macron (who invited Trump a the last French Bastille day parade, you may recall), or show they have a bigger dick than "Little Rocket Man".

You might be onto something here:

Heyyyyyy....how come all these  s***hole foreign countries have great big goosestepping parades with lots of tanks and rockets and stuff, and the Great Leader up on a big shiny reviewing stand, and I don't?  Even those French, even after we beat them in two World Wars!! I want a parade! A bigly big parade!! Generals! Get in my office now!!!
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