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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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This could belong in several threads, but in my opinion it illustrates one of several reasons why Trump won. Joe blue collar has no time for this nonsense...

White women's burrito shop is forced to close

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4538398/Burrito-shop-shuts-accused-stealing-culture.html#ixzz4i8kerl00

So when do we close down Taco Bell? How about Wolfgang Puck, or Guy Fierri, or any of the other culturally appropriated restaurants?

So when do we close down Taco Bell? How about Wolfgang Puck, or Guy Fierri, or any of the other culturally appropriated restaurants?

I work for a University so I get lots of stuff about Diversity and Inclusion, etc. I walked past a display the other day where each poster board had a heading (i.e. Diversity) and people had taken post-it notes and written there comments/thoughts about each category. One board was titled "Cultural Appropriation" and honestly, I had never even heard of it before...
Mexican baseball players? Cultural appropriation, invented by a white guy. Black basketball players? Cultural appropriation, invented by a white guy. South American soccer players? Cultural appropriation, invented by a whole country of white guys.  Black pop singers with straight blond hair? Cultural appropriation, invented by Mattel. Where does the madness stop?
Chris Pook said:
My concern is that those that want Trump out at all costs ....
Assuming that it was a Democrat with malicious intent, and not an over-enthused Republican playing 'look how smart and informed we are;  we're all over that terrorism stuff,'  hoping to garner some positive media coverage.

Edit: clarity

Journeyman said:
Assuming that it was a Democrat with malicious intent, and not an over-enthused Republican playing 'look how smart and informed we are;  we're all over that terrorism stuff,'  hoping to garner some positive media coverage.

Edit: clarity

You might be right.  I'd like to believe that you are wrong and that I would maintain the same standard regardless of who is in office.  I am pretty sure that I could maintain the same standard.  After all there have been many Prime Ministers, Premiers and Presidents under whom I have laboured (and I consider myself impacted by Presidents even when I can't do anything about them) and with whom I have been in vehement disagreement.  However, maybe it is just laziness on my part, but I have never felt the need to do anything other than work with the system.

Maybe that is because I believe that everything can be fixed, that there will always be another election, that no matter how much I disagree with the decisions made the system is fair enough that in a few years time other decisions can be made.

I don't believe that everyday is the final crisis of humanity and we are always on the verge of doom unless we do something.  I live secure in the knowledge, like my ancient cousin, Jimmy Frazer, that regardless of what we do.....


And consequently

All hail low expectations.  [:D [cheers]

And by the way,  if I ever get a chance to nominate candidates for hell, my specific nomination is going to all those that steal children's future by telling them to live like there is no tomorrow.  That way lies despair.

Chris Pook said:
You might be right.
To my mind, from what I little I know for sure, it could just as easily have been some scheming asshat Democrat (hey, that's got a nice ring; I should copyright it) hoping to embarrass the government.... as a naïve newbie Republican hoping to make the team look effective on an Int issue, after Flynn and Comey.

So, it wasn't meant as a right/wrong point;  just trying  to keep an open mind (but not so much that the grey stuff falls out).
Journeyman said:
To my mind, from what I little I know for sure, it could just as easily have been some scheming asshat Democrat (hey, that's got a nice ring; I should copyright it) hoping to embarrass the government.... as a naïve newbie Republican hoping to make the team look effective on an Int issue, after Flynn and Comey.

So, it wasn't meant as a right/wrong point;  just trying  to keep an open mind (but not so much that the grey stuff falls out).

There I agree.  I know nothing for sure.  Except for those things that have happened - and even there I only know a fraction of them. 
ModlrMike said:
This could belong in several threads, but in my opinion it illustrates one of several reasons why Trump won. Joe blue collar has no time for this nonsense...

White women's burrito shop is forced to close

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4538398/Burrito-shop-shuts-accused-stealing-culture.html#ixzz4i8kerl00

So when do we close down Taco Bell? How about Wolfgang Puck, or Guy Fierri, or any of the other culturally appropriated restaurants?

How About this as an adjunct to the above.......

By Lukas Mikelionis | 12:24 pm, May 25, 2017


Evergreen State College students have berated a professor and called for his resignation after he objected to an event where white students were asked to leave the campus for a day.

Bret Weinstein, a biology professor at the university, sent out an email criticizing the purpose of this year’s “Day Of Absence” event where, unlike in the past, white students and faculty members were asked to leave campus to give space to people of color.

Traditionally, the annual event is characterized by people of color leaving the campus to show their contribution to the campus, while white students and faculty members are attending anti-racism workshops.

“There is a huge difference between a group or coalition deciding to voluntarily absent themselves from a shared space in order to highlight their vital and under appreciated roles … and a group or coalition encouraging another group to go away,” Weinstein wrote in the email.

“I would encourage others to put phenotype aside and reject this new formulation … On a college campus, one’s right to speak—or to be—must never be based on skin color.”
Chris Pook said:

Jumpin' Jehosaphat! I can only shake my head and laugh at the goings on. :)
recceguy said:
Jumpin' Jehosaphat! I can only shake my head and laugh at the goings on. :)

No orange glow in the night sky yet, so I'm still at "Wait out!"

CNN politics
Sources: Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake


I guess it must just be more fake news then;  nobody in their right mind believes that shit.    :pop:

Journeyman said:

I guess it must just be more fake news then;  nobody in their right mind believes that shit.    :pop:

Have another beer while you're at it.  [:D
Chris Pook said:
Have another beer while you're at it.  [:D
Oh, I haven't started..... yet.  But I suspect there may be one or two in my future.  :cheers:

Merely providing a reminder of previous 'words of wisdom.'
I've got no idea where I want to shove this.  So I'll stick it here.

Some bright spark said "money is the sinews of war"



See if you can find your favourite villain.

jmt18325 said:
Like I always say, Russia has no money to run a war.

Run a conventional force v force war?  No. 

Cause disruption via cyber, disinformation/Kompromat, and funding of groups ($, material or training) not exactly aligned with us?  Maybe.
Another twist via the U.S. Department of Justice ...
Federal Government Contractor in Georgia Charged With Removing and Mailing Classified Materials to a News Outlet

A criminal complaint was filed in the Southern District of Georgia (5 Jun 2017) charging Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a federal contractor from Augusta, Georgia, with removing classified material from a government facility and mailing it to a news outlet, in violation of 18 U.S.C. Section 793(e).

Winner was arrested by the FBI at her home on Saturday, June 3, and appeared in federal court in Augusta this afternoon.

“Exceptional law enforcement efforts allowed us quickly to identify and arrest the defendant,” said Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. “Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government. People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”

According to the allegations contained in the criminal complaint:

Winner is a contractor with Pluribus International Corporation assigned to a U.S. government agency facility in Georgia. She has been employed at the facility since on or about February 13, and has held a Top Secret clearance during that time. On or about May 9, Winner printed and improperly removed classified intelligence reporting, which contained classified national defense information from an intelligence community agency, and unlawfully retained it. Approximately a few days later, Winner unlawfully transmitted by mail the intelligence reporting to an online news outlet.

Once investigative efforts identified Winner as a suspect, the FBI obtained and executed a search warrant at her residence. According to the complaint, Winner agreed to talk with agents during the execution of the warrant. During that conversation, Winner admitted intentionally identifying and printing the classified intelligence reporting at issue despite not having a "need to know," and with knowledge that the intelligence reporting was classified. Winner further admitted removing the classified intelligence reporting from her office space, retaining it, and mailing it from Augusta, Georgia, to the news outlet, which she knew was not authorized to receive or possess the documents.

An individual charged by criminal complaint is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at some later criminal proceedings.

The prosecution is being handled by Trial Attorney Julie A. Edelstein of the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Solari of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Georgia. The investigation is being conducted by the FBI.
More legal docs attached ...


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