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U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

desertfox115 said:
During the Second WW2 all personnel were order to step forward if they would fight. Two corporals refused and they were drum out of the PPCLI.

Guess I missed that day in regimental history  ;D

I'd love to see a source for that - I have most books pertaining to my regimental history, no mention of that instance that I remember.
All those who don't wish to fight get posted to CFS Alert for the winter! Any surplus will be posted to various DEW lines sites with a large crate of C-rations, can opener and gas stove.  :)
In Calgary on Friday we had "US War Resister Ryan Johnson" solicitating 5.00 donations to support their efforts to stay in Canada. I was kind of interested  to hear what he had to say but was not allowed in as I did not meet the dress code. I thought my PPCLI ball cap and CAV vest(was riding that day) is almost formal attire. Their website is www.resisters.ca
i think every one should contact these offices and let them know that withought ppl willing to sacrifce for their country their country would be very differnt today.  . I personally think they should be dropped off on the US side of the border at the guards station , with a note stateing their beliefs . if they had true determination the would join ranks of cassuis clay [AKA] muhammad ali . spend time in jail and thusly have served his time ,and debt to the societity that gives them the right to do so . I presently live in victoria and was downtown for the Protest lets get our soldiers out of Iraq march . funny i tell my wife we are not involved in that war. this is only hours after crossing the gangplank after setting foot back in canada after 6 .5 months overseas. after much thought i now know the GREAT UNWASHES MASSES are idiots too.

:salute:  to you all
Deserters lose refugee status bid
TheStar May 06, 2007 Jack Lakey Staff Reporter
Article Link

Face return to U.S. in blow to Iraq war foes

Two U.S Army deserters have exhausted their appeals for Canadian refugee status and now face deportation.

In a ruling released yesterday, a three-judge panel of the Federal Court of Appeal upheld decisions by the Federal Court and the Immigration and Refugee Board that Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey are not entitled to refugee status.

The ruling is a blow to at least 17 other war resisters in the Greater Toronto Area, as well as many others across the country, who insist the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq violates international law, and that those who refuse to participate should not be punished.

Hinzman and Hughey could face lengthy prison terms if convicted of desertion upon their return to the United States.

Hinzman, 27, joined the U.S. Army for a four-year stint in 2000, but fled to Canada with his wife and son in March, 2004, seeking refugee status just days before he was due to ship out to Iraq.

Hughey signed up for the army in 2002, while still a 17-year-old high school student, but crossed into Canada in 2004 after learning his unit was heading to Iraq.

They argued they were conscientious objectors and had well-founded fears they would face persecution if returned to the U.S.

The board, Federal Court and its appellate division rejected those arguments.
More on link
Well, duh, of course they would be persecuted.  Breach of contract, and desertion at minimum.  It isn't like they will be executed by a firing squad.  Most likely a dishonourable discharge, and away they go, back to civy world.  :rage:
GAP, thanks for the current update in posting this article. I'm very pleased with the descision that was made. Good on them!

:cdn: Rebecca
Good decision made there  :)
They were an insult to proffessional VOLUNTEER soldiers everywheres!
U.S. deserters lose appeal
TheStar.com - Canada -TORONTO STAR STAFF November 15, 2007 THE CANADIAN PRESS
  Article Link

U.S. army deserters Jeremy Hinzman (left) and Brandon Hughey have lost their bids to have the Supreme Court of Canada hear their cases. Supreme Court won't hear refugee appeals from pair who fled after their units were ordered to Iraq

OTTAWA – Two U.S. army deserters who fled to Canada and sought refugee status on the grounds of their opposition to the war in Iraq have lost their bids to have the Supreme Court of Canada hear their cases.

The court refused today to hear the appeals of Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey, who were rejected by the Immigration and Refugee Board in 2005.

The board ruled they would not be at risk of their lives if they returned to the United States, nor were they at risk of "cruel and unusual treatment or punishment."

Both would face jail time if convicted of desertion.

Hinzman and Hughey deserted the army in 2004 after learning their units were to be deployed to Iraq. They say they refuse to participate in what they call an immoral and illegal war.

Both the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal refused to review their cases.

As is usual in such cases, the Supreme Court gave no reasons for the decision.

Green party Leader Elizabeth May said Canada should not ``facilitate the persecution of American war objectors by deporting them to the United States."

"Canada is a peaceful country and we have a proud tradition of welcoming conscientious objectors, most notably American soldiers who fled to Canada while the United States waged war in Vietnam," she said.

Canada should be a sanctuary for war resisters and their families, she said.

Hinzman flew to Canada in January 2004, along with his wife and son.
More on link
At last!  Pack your shit and get out.  There's a bus heading South in one hour, be under it.
At long last... the justice system working the way it should.
Ciao boys.
I would not want to be those guys. I am sure military prison is not... NOT... a fun place to be.

Impressed that they had the stones to take a stand on the matter though. But dont mistake that for admiration. I was brought up that a man follows through on what he says, and is judged by his actions. These guys pulled out. Would have been easier to let their contract run out and leave than face X years in prison.

They left in 2004...the Iraq war started in 2003...

They had one year before their were told their unit was told they were going over. You can't tell me that they didn't expect to go over.

Looks like they tried to milk the system and then leave as late as possible.