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U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

With a new government in Ottawa these deserters may well be escorted to the border and handed over. These boys need to be locked up for five years and dishonorably discharged. Had they returned
no big deal. We had 2,011 deserters last year 50% less than 2001 and 2002 levels [ 4,597 deserters in fiscal 2001 and 4,483 in 2002]. This is because the Army is rehabilitating and returning to duty folks would otherwise been released from service.
Last time I checked the States doesn't run over its citizens with M1A2 Abrahms in large public areas...so...the judge should find in the case, and send them packing.

A very good question, if you dont mind, I would like to repeat it all by itself.

The other question is this:  has the US government ever requested that these individuals be extradited?  Basic, but sometimes the basic things do get overlooked.
Actually, I doubt we would waste any resources on deserters.

If they got in trouble with the law, we'd add that they were AWOL too.
S_Baker said:
Does anyone know that they have not asked for extradition and my buddy EX-PM Paul Martin told them to go fligh a kite?  That is worth repeating....Does anyone know that they have not asked for extradition and my buddy EX-PM Paul Martin told them to go fligh a kite?

Listen folks this is one thing that gets my dander up so please spare me the due process crap!  You know darn well, that if the US was harboring CDN deserters your dander would be up too and there would be a lot of name calling and allegations that the US does not respect CDN law!   
Matter of fact; the US is holding (or did hold) onto a Cdn Deserter. A certain Pte / Cpl  Schumacher who skipped out on the Royals, shot a Toronto Policeman in the face and fled over the US border. He eventually got caught in the US after he opened fire on a Maryland state trooper. From what I remember - the US did hang on to him - preventing Cdn justice from proceeding with trial for his assault with intent.

(BTW - you can keep him as far as I'm concerned but.... )

BBTW - where was it that Paul Martin in person told someone in the US to fly a kite?
You mean like you just did?

Either way, I will repeat myself,......as much as these dirtbags should be sent back ASAP, the process must be fair, open and have NO HINT of politcal meddling, and this way all the rest have no footing to even file a "refugee" claim. They can be sent back posthaste, why do these two work you up so much and not the other 198? You want them to be able to drag it out also because of some percieved meddling/ etc.?
And remember,
these losers are entitled to an immigration hearing, THE SAME WAY I WOULD BE IF I WENT TO THE STATES and claimed refugee status.
Thats life, no use losing ones cool over it.....

And I’m unlocking it. Sorry Major it’s a good topic and everyone in has been civil so far and therefore probably debate should be allowed to continue.

Aside from the usual coalition of hand wringers and granola munchers now supporting them, we don’t want them here either, a fact that this thread continues to show.

The fact is to get rid of them properly and hopefully prevent more from showing up does take time. As pointed out all the eyes have to be dotted and the tees crossed and with no hint of political interference especially with our new Government walking a political tightrope.

Patience my friend, patience, all things come to he who waits. As soon as they’re on the way will let know so you can arrange a special welcome home on your side of the Peace Bridge.
And when they are returned and tried, they will probably get a dishonourable discharge, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances.  So, pretty much what they've got now, just back where they belong.
Better to ship em home, give em a dishonorable discharge (with forefeitures) and refuse em Social Security.

They are educated, they took the err.... King's shilling, they knew what they were getting themselves into, they should face the consequences of their acts... let's get the paperwork and procedures taken care of & send em packin.
now he can only look forward to umpteen appeals & various stall tactics
There are many more of them and they seem to have gathered support in this great country.

S_Baker said:
Does anyone know that they have not asked for extradition and my buddy EX-PM Paul Martin told them to go fligh a kite?  That is worth repeating....Does anyone know that they have not asked for extradition and my buddy EX-PM Paul Martin told them to go fligh a kite?

Listen folks this is one thing that gets my dander up so please spare me the due process crap!  You know darn well, that if the US was harboring CDN deserters your dander would be up too and there would be a lot of name calling and allegations that the US does not respect CDN law!  

I thought we all already knew that because of the whole Softwood lumber thing?


I'm just poking you in the ribs really...

As soon as I seen thier faces on the news (years ago now) I wanted them out of the country. Cases like this shouldn't even have an appeal, they should have thier 1 big trial, then it should be done with. Maybe even a last-ditch decision by the PM or Governor General, just speed up the process abit eh? I have to say I don't mind DRAFT dodgers as much really, I can see why they'd run for the most part being civvies and all, but I can't see how these freaks think they can get away with this... Like c'mon, wasn't this Jeremy guy in the 82nd Airborn? I'm pretty sure that organization has seen more than it's share of actual combat...  ::)  And I think when reading about his crappy story before, he's been deployed once already also.

Anyway, S_Baker, come to Toronto, you'd be welcome, problem is, you'd have to assault someone to get arrested! Protest all you want, I'm sure you'd be able to create quite the group in no time, just make sure to kick out the homeless that join you since the government won't listen to them so they won't help your cause!

Let's give'm the big boot!
I disagreed with a member of my AIT platoon (he was Canadian) deserting back to Canada on his first leave, and I disagree with it now. I should think the Immigration Minister would have a simple task of amending the refugee rules to disallow military deserters from a friendly nation >:(
Actually those rules are in place.  These guys, however, found Leftie Civil Rights Lawyers who went for a Civil Rights angle that made the US look like a State that would greatly discriminate against them if they should be returned; along the lines of a Third World Dictatorship or something.  We all know that Defence is flawed, but it got into the Court System and had to be tried.  If only the Judges had the common sense to tell them that it was a BS Defence and throw it out, then we wouldn't have this mess.
With all due respect, S_Baker... Canadian law prevails north of the 49th parallel and the pieces of crap which are claiming refugee status are entitled to due process.  I am familiar with the Canadian legal system and I am confident that you can  have said pieces of crap back once the matter has worked its way through the system. 

I do have sympathy for conscripted soldiers who have a moral or ethical aversion to service.  I do not want to see anyone FORCED to betray their own moral code against their will; hence, I can find some room for those who fled the Vietnam war.... but as you can probably tell, I have little sympathy for people who take the system for all they can get out of it, KNOWING what may be demanded of them and then cut and run when they actually have to show some gonads. 

These pieces of crap were not draft dodgers.  One of them decided to join the military because he was 21 years old and had 3 kids and wanted to earn more tha $7.50/hr as a welder.  He claims that he was told he was going to a non-deployable unit and that he would NEVER have to go overseas to fight.  (Gimme a fu*#@^  break -- whatever).  This particular piece of crap decided that he didn't like the job that paid him much better than his crappy civie job and thought he would just quit (LOSER!)  As an aside, while he and his wife were on the run, living in hotels in Philly, they decided to have another child.  Nice.  I am overwhelmed by their sense of responsibility. (I need a gremlin that has a hammer banging on its head -- the *duh* gremlin, we shall call it!)

While I feel sorry for this piece of crap's pathetic existance, he probably should clue into the fact that he VOLUNTEERED for service, reaped the benefits of service and should probably pony up.  These clowns are not refugees.  Much like *economic refugee claimants* (ie.  I can't make enough money in my home country therefore I am a refugee and should be permitted refugee status in Canada)  of the 80s  -- which was denied by the Supreme Court of Canada -- these types of refugee claims makes a mockery of those legitimate refugees who are fleeing horrific circumstance in order to salvage what is left of their respective lives.

These clowns are not applying to come to Canada as immigrants.  They are claiming refugee status, which is an entirely different kettle of fish.

Immigration is necessary for Canada.  As it stands now, we are soon to be desperate for taxpayers in order to afford the baby boomers as they hit retirement.  I don't care where those taxpayers come from.  (By the way, it is a myth that most immigrants are a drain on the system.  In fact, most immigrants are employed or are employable when they arrive in Canada.)
Maybe you could take a few million mexican's off our hands in the spirit of NAFTA ? ::)
Hmmmmm... are they skilled workers or unskilled labourers?

We'll take the immigrants who have skills or $250,000 capital to invest in a job-making enterprise. 

Unskilled?  Thanks for coming out but you can't come here.
scoutfinch said:
Hmmmmm... are they skilled workers or unskilled labourers?

We'll take the immigrants who have skills or $250,000 capital to invest in a job-making enterprise. 

Unskilled?  Thanks for coming out but you can't come here.

Problem is, if we decide to only take those who are wealthy or could start/make jobs in the country we'd end up having an empty Canada. Especially since our death rate is higher than our birth rate, the only thing that keeps us growing IS immigration. I hate to say it, but it's true. I'm not racist at all either and I fully believe that many immigrants can come to Canada and do US some good and themselves. I believe those that come here with good intentions do well, even if they get stuck driving a taxi for 5 years while all thier paperwork straightens out. Those that come here on honest good terms work thier a$$es off, much harder then many native-born (as in born here, not North American Natives) Canadians have had to in thier lives.

Anyway... Side topic.

Bash on lads