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Two Canadian soldiers injured in Afghan battle 12 Jun 06


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Two Canadian soldiers injured in Afghan battle
Updated Mon. Jun. 12 2006 10:02 AM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Two Canadian soldiers have been injured during a fierce gunbattle involving Afghan and coalition troops in southern Afghanistan.

CTV's Steve Chao, reporting from Kandahar, said both soldiers were "doing well in hospital," but one had "serious" injuries after being shot during the battle in the volatile Panjwai district.

"We don't know exactly what happened... we understand they were trying to repel the Taliban," Chao told Newsnet.

More to come........

Speedy recoveries and thoughts to the family, friends and comrades of the injured.  :salute:
Quick recoveries to both  and strength to the families and loved ones. :salute:

Sorry to hear about the injuries...get well soon guys :salute:

It is nice to hear, generally through other sources than Canadian Media outlets, that the Canadians and other Coalition forces are being so aggressive and successful. It is frustrating that the only thing we hear is if a Canadian is hurt or killed, because it allows the outlets to have a headline. No wonder there is diminished support!!  ::)
Some more info on the injuries and the battle.


Two Canadian soldiers injured in Afghan battle
Updated Mon. Jun. 12 2006 10:46 AM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Two Canadian soldiers have been injured following a fierce gunbattle involving Afghan and coalition troops in southern Afghanistan, CTV News has learned.

CTV's Steve Chao, reporting from Kandahar, said both soldiers were "doing well in hospital," but one had "serious" injuries after being shot during the battle in the volatile Panjwai district.

"We don't know exactly what happened... we understand they were trying to repel the Taliban," Chao told Newsnet, adding that 12 suspected militants were killed in the battle.

The two wounded soldiers were airlifted to the main coalition base in Kandahar for treatment, Chao said.

Earlier Monday, Afghan and coalition forces killed 15 suspected militants, including Taliban leader Mullah Omar's brother-in-law, in Uruzgan province, the Associated Press reported.

An Afghan official said Aghan and American forces had acted on a tip from a local tribesmen, AP said.

And 10 militants were killed in neighbouring Helmand province in a gunbattle involving Afghan and British forces.

Earlier this month, Lt.-Col. Ian Hope, commander of the Canadian battle group, said coalition forces had broken the back of Taliban forces in the area after bitter fighting in Panjwai.

Hope said operations would continue throughout the summer with coalition troops, including British and American forces, attacking Taliban strongholds.

On Thursday, coalition and Afghan troops killed 10 insurgents outside a village in the Deh Rawod District in Uruzgan Province north of Kandahar.

And last Monday, coalition forces killed more than 30 Taliban in a firefight in the nearby western Arghandab District of Zabul Province.

No Afghan or coalition soldiers were injured in those battles.

CBC is reporting there may have been as many as 800 Taliban in the area at the time ... http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/2006/06/12/cdn-afghanistan.html
I'd like to hear about the casualties from the taliban side and what actually happened...

And I hope the two soldiers have a complete, but quick, recovery.
My family is sending thoughts and wishes for a full and speedy recovery for the injured and their friends and family.
My hopes and prayers are with our brothers and sisters. Good luck to a complete recovery.

Seriously, the media have to stop with these headlines that make us sound like victims all the time.

Instead of "2 Canadians shot in massive Afghan battle" how about...

"Canadian troops engage Taliban in massive battle
2 Canadians injured, dozens of Taliban killed"

Imagine D-Day, CBC-style:
"Over 500 Canadians die in amphibious assault"
m410 said:
"Canadian troops engage Taliban in massive battle
2 Canadians injured, dozens of Taliban killed"

"Engage" the Taliban, massive "battle", "Kill" the Taliban. I thought we were supposed to be "peacekeeping" [end sarcasm]

Either you scare Canadians with headlines emphasizing troops being hurt or you offend them with words too politically incorrect that they don't want to hear.

Either way, a speedy recovery to those injured
Speedy recovery.

Well done, now lets keep up the momentum!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Battalion strength insurgent formation?
Sorry - I don't believe it..... 800+ insurgents here, there & everywhere = ok fine but, a force of 800, in one spot?.......... never!

Bets wishes for a speedy recovery

Give em hell!!!
