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Trying to start a reserve unit

The contributions of many individuals over a long period of time have combined to make this effort successful.  Thanks to all who worked on making this happen by writing letters, meeting with politicians, and never giving up.

redleafjumper said:
The contributions of many individuals over a long period of time have combined to make this effort successful.  Thanks to all who worked on making this happen by writing letters, meeting with politicians, and never giving up.


I salute you all!! Well done! :salute:
WOW! excellent work, now you need to build a case for Combat pioneers to make use of the skill sets up there.
Curiousity.....in establishing a new unit, where does the leadership come from?

Even in well-established Reserve units, there's sometimes an obvious lack at the MCpl or Sgt level. How does one start a unit from scratch?
Junior leaders are the key.  Limiting the size of the new unit is the most likely means of building a solid cadre of leaders at the section level.
The most likely plan (I am being intentionally speculative here) is to import some personnel from the parent unit to act as a an intial cadre - this will mean that there will need to be some Class "B" positions allocated for success.  In addition, there are a number of supp list personnel and others with prior regular and reserve force service in the community, some of whom will no doubt re-enlist, or re-enroll as applicable and submit to be retrained, depending on time out.  Keeping limited objectives with a small unit so as to keep expectations realistic is the best way to get success and build a solid base. 
Journeyman said:
Curiousity.....in establishing a new unit, where does the leadership come from?

Even in well-established Reserve units, there's sometimes an obvious lack at the MCpl or Sgt level. How does one start a unit from scratch?

I lived up there for a year a bumped into about a dozen CF personnel of various descriptions: from ROTP candidates at UNBC, to reservists who commuted, to people up there on long term postings or assignments with their civilian job with the bank, to recently retired Reg F members etc etc. There's a load of talent near PG that you could mobilize in one way or another.

'Build it and they will come' is what I'm guessing will happen to a certain extent....
Journeyman said:
Curiousity.....in establishing a new unit, where does the leadership come from?

Even in well-established Reserve units, there's sometimes an obvious lack at the MCpl or Sgt level. How does one start a unit from scratch?

It will be a long road.  Cl B is part of the answer, as is returnees.  Other than that, it will be 4-5 years for the first stand alone MCpls, and the same re Pl Comds.  I have every faith that the PG community will come through.

As an aside, last week LCol John Feller received the Commander of the Army Commendation for his work on the PG expansion.
daftandbarmy said:
...to reservists who commuted...

That is a long commute!  :)

This is good news. Not just for Prince George, but for the RM Rangs as well.
CanadianTire said:
That is a long commute!  :)

This is good news. Not just for Prince George, but for the RM Rangs as well.

The CO of 5Fd Regt RCA commutes from Ft St John to Victoria... now THAT is a commute. Whew...
pffft  Mere geography.

The Comd of 33CBG (Ottawa) has to escape Toronto, and that's a black hole.
Hello All,

Digging up a slightly old thread here but I didn't want to start a whole new one. Mods feel free to separate this post to a new thread if it makes more sense.

Anyway on to the question,

I was wondering if the Rocky Mountain Rangers has had time to set up an office in Prince George yet so I can go down and speak to someone there face to face. I've asked around and no one here seems to know too much about it yet, granted it's only September 20 and the news paper said the unit was planned to arrive sometime in September.

If there is no office in town yet would it be possible to have someone send me a PM with the email of someone in the unit? (with said persons permission of course)
Or would anyone be willing to forward my email to someone in the unit?

I ask for email's because I work 10 hour days at my job, from 6:30am to 5:00pm, as a manager of a restaurant so I don't have a lot of spare time to spend on the phone. Especially since the land line is the only one we have and I don't have a very good long distance plan for my cell, if I have to call their office in Vancouver.

I've already sent an email to jobs@forces.ca asking basically the same questions so if no one can, or wants, to help out here it's no big deal. Hopefully the people monitoring the official CF email can help.

I'm asking here because I'm hoping that someone from the unit will see this post and contact me directly with no middle man (or woman).

Anyway thanks for any feedback and hopefully I made sense, I'm in a bit of a rush trying to type this on my break.

Yes, the Rocky Mountain Rangers are setting up there, or at least one of thier officers is on his way.
EDIT: Give me a minute, I can find some contact info for you.
Searyn said:
If there is no office in town yet would it be possible to have someone send me a PM with the email of someone in the unit? (with said persons permission of course)
Or would anyone be willing to forward my email to someone in the unit?

Send me a PM if you get no joy, and I will hook you up.
RangerRay said:
That would be interesting if this were so...6 years here and I haven't heard one word of it!  :D

I looked at the website for 41 CBG, and it only mentioned Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, and Red Deer where units are located.

Are there any Loyal Eddies that can confirm this?  Or if there are any plans for a unit in Grande Prairie?

They were talking about D Coy armouries