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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Most people I know that would otherwise support the LPC are also saying they are done with him.

People want a leadership change.
Yes, they may like their local Liberal MP (I know mine. Wilkinson is fairly popular) but will that be enough to keep them loyal. A lot of hardcore Libs might just stay home voting day or spoil their ballots.
Yes, they may like their local Liberal MP (I know mine. Wilkinson is fairly popular) but will that be enough to keep them loyal. A lot of hardcore Libs might just stay home voting day or spoil their ballots.
I suspect that will likely happen. If they want change they will likely not support the MP they like either.
Some of the latest from Nanos & Co. (full report attached): Team Blue still well ahead.
On this next one, note the uptick as of August of last year around the time Team Blue did the big ad buy.
Screenshot 2024-08-06 145248.jpg
Deets on this how this polling was done ....
Meanwhile, in other Nanos research for CTV ....


So yet again Trudeau continues to show a lack of integrity, transparency and accountability. NP reports on an incident (of several now) where the PM changes his schedule retroactively. Not a good look at all

So yet again Trudeau continues to show a lack of integrity, transparency and accountability. NP reports on an incident (of several now) where the PM changes his schedule retroactively. Not a good look at all

Interestingly, the only mention of that (and where they get the info for the episode) is from the Ottawa Citizen.

I thought you meant National Post when referring to NP. I would have thought that NatPo would jump on this.

Here is the post from Paul Wells and not surprisingly, it’s pretty balanced.

Anybody else notice how pale, gaunt and sickly he's looking lately? He's definitely dropped some weight very recently. He looks properly fagged out.
So yet again Trudeau continues to show a lack of integrity, transparency and accountability. NP reports on an incident (of several now) where the PM changes his schedule retroactively. Not a good look at all

Note the author of the piece in question (also archived here if link doesn't work) ....
Andrew MacDougall is a London-based communications consultant and ex-director of communications to former prime minister Stephen Harper.
Team Blue or not, if anyone would know how a PMO works & should work, it would be someone like him.
Interestingly, the only mention of that (and where they get the info for the episode) is from the Ottawa Citizen.

I thought you meant National Post when referring to NP. I would have thought that NatPo would jump on this.
Well, since the OC is owned by the bought-and-paid-for NP chain (which includes the Sun chain as well), never impossible to see it thrown out there in other Postmedia outlets now that it's had its go in the Citizen.
Here is the post from Paul Wells and not surprisingly, it’s pretty balanced.
Good one - thanks for the share!
All that flying around Canada can be tiring. Trudeau is like Pablo Escobar: no fixed address.
Let’s just say that while the lack of press knowledge is new, a PM being essentially living out of a suitcase (ok, many suitcases) is not a new concept.
Let’s just say that while the lack of press knowledge is new, a PM being essentially living out of a suitcase (ok, many suitcases) is not a new concept.
To be fair to the incumbent, though, it's not outside the realm of possibility that family stuff and stuff he doesn't want to hear (but can't avoid "hearing" anyway) could chisel away at one, especially after almost 10 years at it. We'll see how it goes.
To be fair to the incumbent, though, it's not outside the realm of possibility that family stuff and stuff he doesn't want to hear (but can't avoid "hearing" anyway) could chisel away at one, especially after almost 10 years at it. We'll see how it goes.
Absolutely. Take a look at Obama before his 2008 presidency, and 2016. Dude aged far more than 8 years in his time.
To be fair to the incumbent, though, it's not outside the realm of possibility that family stuff and stuff he doesn't want to hear (but can't avoid "hearing" anyway) could chisel away at one, especially after almost 10 years at it. We'll see how it goes.
Which would be a fair point if the incumbent hadn’t consistently made it clear that staying in power right until at least 20-10-2025 is Job#1…
I would also say that going from early 40s to your early 50s that aging really starts to show. I had no gray hair until my late forties.
Or it's just his father's looks coming through.

Which would be a fair point if the incumbent hadn’t consistently made it clear that staying in power right until at least 20-10-2025 is Job#1…
Can’t deny it’s more than a bit self inflicted, for sure. His seeming to ignore advice is also a choice, but still, wear & tear is not zero.
I would also say that going from early 40s to your early 50s that aging really starts to show. I had no gray hair until my late forties.
It's not the hair colour or even loss of it. I've seen plenty of people with not-very-stressed lives age from 40 to 60 without the deep lines and haggard look some high-level politicians pick up in 8 or 10 years.