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Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)

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He gave me the idea of joining reserves as a naval cook, and after i turn 18 switch into reg force, then switch to army into the trade that id prefer, this way id have an "extra skill set". Me not knowing anything i took his advice and went withit until a friend of mine explained what an idiotic decision i made, so now all im trying to do is correct the mistake before i start my first year of university.
Frankonopolous said:
He gave me the idea of joining reserves as a naval cook, and after i turn 18 switch into reg force, then switch to army into the trade that id prefer, this way id have an "extra skill set". Me not knowing anything i took his advice and went withit until a friend of mine explained what an idiotic decision i made, so now all im trying to do is correct the mistake before i start my first year of university.

Jesus... I really hope you're speaking nonsense, but I have a bad feeling you're not.

One of the hats I wear in my army reserve regiment is recruiter. I feel that a recruit should never be 'talked into' a trade they don't want. To convince an applicant that they will be able to easily go from reserve to reg force and to easily change trades is right out of 'er. Was this recruiter a recruiter at a Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre, or do they work for the reserve unit you have joined?
1.  You need to speak with your direct supervisor at your NRD.  You need to tell that person exactly what you have written to us here.  That person, or maybe their boss, will know what paperwork needs to be started in order for your request to even begin to be considered.  That will - or should - be someone giving you something called a Service Request Form. It should be a bright colour, but don't worry about that if it is not. You fill it all out as directed and part of that will be writing out your request, which is basically your post above.  From there a well established administrative process gets underway.  I wont get into the details because they are not important to your request for assistance here on this forum, but this type of request is common enough. 

Now, for a variety of valid reasons, again which I wont bore you with, your request may end up being denied.  If so, it will be explained to you why that happened.  You may or may not agree, or even fully understand it.  If you don't understand it (because you might realistically not understand the intricacies of the military administrative process, given how new you are), then ask your supervisor to explain it further.  Or ask to have someone else explain why.  Don't be a prick about it, but certainly ask. Alternately, your request may be granted and you will eventually become a MP.  However, this process you are requesting, which is called an Elemental Transfer, which is more complicated than another process called a Component Transfer, can take a very long time to get sorted out.  I mean months, likely several of them, depending on a lot of factors, namely how hard the people on each end work to make this happen.

2. In order for you to have the BEST chance of this request being granted, you really need to not get quite so hot under the collar if things dont exactly go your way.  When the other poster talked about 'quitting', I took that to mean that, because you are so brand-spanking new to the Naval reserve - and the staff at your NRD, you likely don't have any close relationships with the people who need to do the actual work and spend the measurable time during their already busy training nights to work on your request.  Trust me - I was once the Executive Officer of a NRD.  I am intimately aware of how involved this process is, and also how busy my staff were with other stuff that I had already assigned to them before you submitted your request, which could be one of many various, random requests for a whole bunch of random things, some of which may be more urgent than this request.  This wont be high on anyone's priority list.  That is not a slight against you, just you haven't been there long enough, being Pre-BMQ - to have anyone really, really care enough to stay late, or arrive early, to run this thing down.  Its just the way it is, probably in most large organisations of our size.  And to some of those people, who don't know you all that well, they might think your are 'quitting' the Navy.  Which you are.  Your are quitting us to join the Army.  Yes, yes, you are staying in the CF, certainly.  But don't expect that distinction to really matter to most of the people involved.  (Your request wont be randomly discarded because of your newness either.  Don't think that.  But it may very well plod along through the system as it gets processed.

3.  In order for you to have ANY chance of this request being granted, you need to check yourself bro.  You came to a public forum, posted a question visible to every single one of the thousands of members of this site.  You don't get to dictate who gets to respond with what kind of comments., particularly when the comments made by PMedMoe were, in my experienced opinion, really helpful. You really don't get the 'option' to decide what you came here to "listen to" on a public internet forum, guy. We are not your friends or even your colleagues.  Hell, we don't even know you.  And frankly, your post, in terms of the style, grammar, punctuation, the actual questions you asked, and so on, not only violated the regulations imposed by the site owner, which you had to agree to before signing up, but is actually a 'poster-child' example of the types of posts that we try to avoid on this site.  Seriously, when I first read it, I though someone was screwing with me. That is how ridiculous it is in a lot of ways. You can find, in various forums on this site, threads dealing at length about posts like yours.  Reading those will help you learn a little more about the members, moderators and mentors of this site and will help you build your relationship with us.  Kind of like what I was getting at earlier.  :nod:  However, your question is very valid and there is a process for it to be considered and ultimately approved or denied.  (Don't forget that it is only that, a request, and the CF has no 'obligation' to say yes...).  So, go back to my first point and do those things and let us know how it works out once things start happening.



Milnet.ca Mentor

Edited to add: your questions themselves in no way violated the site owner's rules, that part should not have been included in that sentence.  But everyone one of your questions has previously been asked and answered somewhere on this site.  The site is huge, I know, and your answers are probably contained in several threads, but they are there.  The manner in which you phrased them, combined with the msn-speak issues, is something that drives most of this site's members nuts.  You can read threads about that too.  One last piece of advice, you should find the MP sub-forum/threads on here.  Lots of good stuff there for a prospective MP, including, I think, a somewhat recent discussion on the relative worth of a criminology education for members of the MP occupation.
What other trades did you qualify for, based on your CFAT score?  That will also be taken into consideration.
I took a look through the DAOD's and QR&O's for references related to moving between reserve units. Specifically is there anything out there for purple trades switching between primary reserve elements? I'm looking into moving to an army unit but keeping my navy uniform....

Thanks if you can help me!
tree hugger said:
Specifically is there anything out there for purple trades switching between primary reserve elements?

Elemental Change for Purple Trades - Reserves 

tree hugger said:
I'm looking into moving to an army unit but keeping my navy uniform....

Transfer from naval reserves to army 

So I have recently joined the reserve forces , and currently in my BMQ , but I wanted to know if I could , since I planned to move to ontario after DP1 this summer . If it was possible to move while in reserve forces ? Or am I stuck to my respective unit ?
~sigh~  Another one who didn't bother reading the fine print.  :not-again:

It's stated quite clearly in QR&O 17.652 B Annex D, that "once a Reserve Service Member has completed BMQ training, that soldier shall be taken onto the training unit's Nominal Roll."  In simple terms, your Reserve unit now 'owns' you; yes, "slavery" is an ugly term, so the Army tends to use "indentured servitude." 

Now I don't know if this is true, and it may just be gossip, but I've heard that you can transfer to another unit if -- and only IF -- you can convince someone from that unit to transfer to your current unit, in order to balance the numbers.

I hope this helps.
Journeyman said:
Now I don't know if this is true, and it may just be gossip, but I've heard that you can transfer to another unit if -- and only IF -- you can convince someone from that unit to transfer to your current unit, in order to balance the numbers.

LOL. That's just mean.
Brihard said:
LOL. That's just mean.

It is. ;)

However, if the OP had even bothered to the most cursory of searches, he would have found all the information he needed, including the process he needs to follow. :dunno:
Thing is I don't intend to stay here , it's a very shitty place . New-brunswick isn't the place where I want to grow up with kids and a family . Are you sure there are no ways to transfer ? I even asked the guy who did my papers and he said if I ever wanted to move all he had to do was find a unit to transfer my papers to ?

If you promise to not ask the question again, YES you can request a transfer to a reserve unit in the area you are moving to.  There has to be a unit with a position avail, you might have to change to a new occupation (if you are a MSE Op and there are no MSE Op type units in the area you are moving to...), etc.

In short, ask at your Reserve unit and they will know what to do but yes you can transfer units.

ultimatecaissie said:
Thing is I don't intend to stay here , it's a very shitty place . New-brunswick isn't the place where I want to grow up with kids and a family . Are you sure there are no ways to transfer ?

They were funning with you.

ultimatecaissie said:
I even asked the guy who did my papers and he said if I ever wanted to move all he had to do was find a unit to transfer my papers to ?

You asked and he gave you an answer.  Why then ask here?  If you are not clear on what he said, have him clarify it.
Eye In The Sky said:
In short, ask at your Reserve unit and they will know what to do but yes you can transfer units.

The Reserves will not pay for any moves.  You have to do all the searching for another unit on your own.  All costs will be yours.
I'll bet your current unit will be really happy to hear this news....  ::)
ultimatecaissie said:
So I have recently joined the reserve forces , and currently in my BMQ , but I wanted to know if I could , since I planned to move to ontario after DP1 this summer . If it was possible to move while in reserve forces ? Or am I stuck to my respective unit ?

Yes, it is possible to "transfer" from one reserve unit to another.  It won't involve any benifits or payments like it would with a reg force member being posted from one location/unit to another but if you move you can essentially approach the Unit in your new area and ask to be brought on strength there.  Before you leave your current location however I'd approach your Orderly Room and ask them the process and for any assistance they can provide to smooth the transition.  Of course, if the Unit on the other end does not want to accept you or if there will be retraining required (you are infantry now but there are no infantry positions with your new Unit) that may complicate the process.  I know a number of people who have moved and changed units within the reserves.
Hey all, my main question is if someone could give me an example of a memo. It's been a while since i sent one and it's a little bit fuzzy.

Context: I'm looking to transfer from Infantry reserve to Supp tech reserve in the navy. I'm going through the process but I'm writing my memo and I'm not really sure how i should start it. any help wouold be great as the OR is being less than helpful.

Check EITS reply #2.

Humorous but it should do the trick I imagine.
