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Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)

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No problem;  technically I am paid 24/7 and looking after Jnr Ranks is part of the job description.

Maybe your OR can track down that CFAO for you and print off several copies...one which could be for them, to go with the Bde specific policy, Div policy, etc. 

Don't be surprised if your Sect Commander isn't familiar with it either.  The CAF is a myriad of various policy and regulations, some of which are very dated, not used very often etc. 
You're right, no one in my CoC is familiar with the process. Everyone from my section commander to OR staff to recruiting staff at the unit I hope to join has very little idea of what comes next. Haven't gotten a CFAO yet but have submitted my memo to the OR at the direction of my section commander.
Have you even approached the Unit you are looking to transfer/OT into?  If they aren't interested or don't have a spot for you, then there isn't any point in pursuing it further.

If the Unit doesn't have ATR positions, you need to apply for a OT and be found suitable and accepted for that first.  That is initiated via a memo, then you get referred to a PSO etc, just like any other OT.

If the Unit does have ATR positions, and they really, really want you, they may accept you on spec, and do the OT process after you transfer to the Unit.  This is rare because if you don't get the OT for some reason, they are now "stuck" with you in your original trade which can make for headaches because they are responsible for getting you career courses etc in your original trade.

Sometimes, the two Units strike a deal and they allow you to start parading at the Unit you wish to transfer to while all of this is going on.  BUT, your original Unit is responsible for your pay and all that until the OT goes through and you are officially transferred into a position in your new Unit, so this is rarer still and usually only happens when you move geographical locations.

There is a CAO that gives the details.  Things can actually move very quickly if the stars align...
Canuck10 said:
You're right, no one in my CoC is familiar with the process. Everyone from my section commander to OR staff to recruiting staff at the unit I hope to join has very little idea of what comes next. Haven't gotten a CFAO yet but have submitted my memo to the OR at the direction of my section commander.

The process is:

1. Write memo and staff it through your Chain of Command, but let your OR know about it;
2. Start VOT paperwork. The application differs from Division to Divison/Command to Command, but it's essentially looks the same;
3. Get interview with BPSO. He/she determines whether you are suitable for the trade you are applying for. He'll send a letter to your unit stating whether you are suitable or not for the new trade you are applying for;
4. Complete the VOT paperwork, by attaching the BPSO's letter, and getting a CO's recommendation attached to it. It can be a long, full of praise, or it literally can be just the words "I support this VOT";
5. Submit paperwork to appropriate Command/HQ for consideration. In our case we send all of the paperwork (scanned copies) to "Naval Reserve Military Career Administration" in Quebec City, and they make the decision on whether or not you get the transfer;
6. Transfer (or not).

Now, if you are transferring to a unit concurrently, you just need to add a few steps that can be done alongside the above steps, but they really should be done by your HR-Manager;

1. Once your transfer memo has been staffed up to your CO and your CO supports the transfer, your HR Manager should contact the HR Manager of the "gaining unit" (the unit you want to transfer into) and let them know that you want to trasnfer to their unit;
2. The HR Manager at that unit should staff up an email to the Adjutant, and subsequently the CO, seeking his approval for your to join his unit;
3. Once you have his approval (email should suffice), it can get attached to your VOT paperwork and sent to your HQ in step 5 above.


Jump ship and join the Naval Reserve. We've got sweet trades, hot food, we travel a lot to sunny Victoria and beer soaked Halifax, and our Orderly Rooms know how the VOT process works. If you let me know where you live I can put you in contact with the nearest Naval Reserve Division and help you with the transfer process.

Lumber said:
If you let me know where you live I can put you in contact with the nearest Naval Reserve Division and help you with the transfer process.

Canuck10 said:
Recruiting Centre: CFRC Toronto
Everyone, thanks for the detailed responses.

Yes, I have contacted a recruiter with the unit I wish to join. As I am not DP1 qualified, I believe my situation does not fall under "VOT" but "VOR" - Occupational Reassignment, not Transfer.

Unfortunately Lumber, I like the Army too much ;)
And that should, IIRC, also be discussed in the CFAO I mentioned...sorry, I was busy at work today and completely forgot to take a look at it;  it's been a few years and can't recall the different Annex's to it with any real clarity.
No worries! I appreciate all the help. No word on the status of the memo I submitted yet but my CoC has been very helpful and supportive.

Hello everyone,

I want to transfer to another unit because i don't like my current unit. After almost four years, I still don't "fit" in. I don't get along with the guys and i don't like the regiment. I believe my career will be better off somewhere else. My question is: how do I write the memo? Can I say right off the bat that I don't like the regiment and that I don't feel i belong there? Will my CoC take my request seriously if I do this?

mrbmw said:
Can I say right off the bat that I don't like the regiment and that I don't feel i belong there?

This might sound more positive,

mrbmw said:
I believe my career will be better off somewhere else.
You better do some research about the other unit first, including speaking to your peers. Are you changing from one Inf unit to another for example or do you need to change trade? If the new unit works a different evening you could say that fits into your personal schedule easier.

You will be asked to amplify your reasons why so be prepared with written notes for a personal interview by your current C of C, which can be utilized for your written request to transfer. You feel uncomfortable, so think of reasons why you feel that way. Be positive, don't run down the unit or the people.

Hopefully you have some PDR/PER's to indicate you are a good troop.  Don't forget the loosing CO and the gaining CO must agree.
mrbmw said:
Hello everyone,

I want to transfer to another unit because i don't like my current unit. After almost four years, I still don't "fit" in. I don't get along with the guys and i don't like the regiment. I believe my career will be better off somewhere else. My question is: how do I write the memo? Can I say right off the bat that I don't like the regiment and that I don't feel i belong there? Will my CoC take my request seriously if I do this?

Where is your unit?
Would anyone in this thread be able to point me in the direction of where I would find a template to req an inter comd xfer? army to navres Thanks in advance
knawktwice said:
Would anyone in this thread be able to point me in the direction of where I would find a template to req an inter comd xfer? army to navres

If you don't mind me asking, does this involve a Component Transfer ( CT )?

Element transfers are discussed here,

Element Transfer Memo 

Element Transfer

element change 

Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)
6 pages.


knawktwice said:
Would anyone in this thread be able to point me in the direction of where I would find a template to req an inter comd xfer? army to navres Thanks in advance

This guy.

I'll pm you with the deets when I get back to NY desk after lunch. If you pm me your dwan email we can make it all offish.
knawktwice said:
Would anyone in this thread be able to point me in the direction of where I would find a template to req an inter comd xfer? army to navres Thanks in advance

This is how it's done in NAVRES.

First, depending on your unit, you'll need to draft a memo and/or request form up your chain of command requesting the transfer.

Second, your chain of command/day staff send emails back and fourth between the losing unit and the gaining unit, obtaining the two CO's concurrences for the transfer, and a position number for the new unit.

Third, unless you are an HRA/FSA or Musician, you'll need to VOT to a Navy trade, which means you'll need to have a BPSO interview. This is a separate process altogether.

Fourth, once both units agree to the transfer, and you have been deemed suitable by the BPSO for one of the Navy trades, you need to send an inter-command transfer request to NAVRESHQ's "Naval Reserve Military Career Administration" (NRMCA).

The format they use for an "out of NAVRES" transfer is below. Every bridgade/formation seems to have something different, but this is the meat and potatoes:

A. FM: HMCS **UNIT**, UIC: **####**
B. TO: **UNIT**, UIC: **####** 
J. POC: **PO1 BLOGGINS, CHIEF CLERK (012) 345-6789**

See also,

OP: knawktwice

knawktwice said:
I am currently on class B contract in the army I have a CT in for BOSN and Steward, while waiting for my CT(cause I assume itll take a hundred years) I am looking at transferring from army reserves to navy reserves except I have NO idea how to do that and its all army around here so nobody has a clue. Help?

Reply #100 to Reply #115 Inclusive.


OP: knawktwice

knawktwice said:
req an inter comd xfer? army to navres

Reply #132 to Reply #135 Inclusive.

G'day! First off, I'm not sure if this belongs in this section, but here made more sense than the OT/CT Q&A forum.  So, I have a fairly straight forward question: How hard is it to transfer between reserve regiments? I'm in one location currently, for about another year and a half. Eventually I'm going to move to Toronto for university and I have a regiment in the area I intend on being in throughout university, abd the immediate years after. (Staying in the area).                      So what I'm trying to figure out, is if I should join my local regiment where I am now, then transfer when I move, or join the Toronto unit off the bat and just travel the first year...  Either way I want to start reserves before uni. to make the transition easier.  So is the transfer process smooth, or does it take a year like everything else? ;) Thanks!
Standish said:
G'day! First off, I'm not sure if this belongs in this section, but here made more sense than the OT/CT Q&A forum.  So, I have a fairly straight forward question: How hard is it to transfer between reserve regiments? I'm in one location currently, for about another year and a half. Eventually I'm going to move to Toronto for university and I have a regiment in the area I intend on being in throughout university, abd the immediate years after. (Staying in the area).                      So what I'm trying to figure out, is if I should join my local regiment where I am now, then transfer when I move, or join the Toronto unit off the bat and just travel the first year...  Either way I want to start reserves before uni. to make the transition easier.  So is the transfer process smooth, or does it take a year like everything else? ;) Thanks!

If it was between two Naval Reserve units, I could do up the paperwork and have the transfer almost 100% staffed (meaning all required signatures obtained) in a day (1 week TOPS).

If you're transferring between two Army Reserve units of the same Brigade, I would give it a month.

If you're transferring between two Army Reserve units from different Brigades, but still in the same Division, I would give it a few months.

And if you're transferring between Army Reserve units from two different Divisions, I'd give it up to a year.

So, regardless, if you have 1.5 years left in your current location, I would recommend joining up right away, but almost immediately get your Chain of Command to talk to your Adjutant and get the ball rolling on your transfer to another unit.

The Army and Naval reserves can act a bit different, and the Army unit you join might not like the idea of putting all the time and effort of training someone (you) just to have you leave in 1 year, but in the Navy we look at the bigger picture, and recruiting and training someone, regardless of where they end up, is a wine for the Navy and a win for Canada, so we don't care (have you thought about joining the Naval Reserves, by the way?). That being said, if you join up, get trained, and THEN tell them you want to transfer, legally speaking they really don't have any legal way of denying your transfer.