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Trades in High demand


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I was just curious, I applied for Infantry and am going to also apply for sig op.I kno wInfantry is in High demand, but is sig op. as well?

Yes, Signals Operator is a trade that is currently in high-demand
Look in the bottom right corner under "hot jobs"


Sig Ops are so short handed that us NavComms are taking your shore billets.
Hey, so i'v joined as Sig Ops, and am off to basic on the 4th of july. I'v read all the info givein by the CF about the job, but i'd like to hear from some people who have done it, their experiances and whatnot. Also if anyone else is hitting basic as a Sig Op on the 4th, or people from the ottawa area, would be awsome to talk to you. i know i was hopeing to know at least someone their but he didnt make the grade.
Reserves or Reg, also try checking out the Communications and Electronics Forums. Lot's of stories and explanations on what being a Sig Op is.

Sig Ops tend to have the most deployment options - every deployment needs siggies!

Of note the most medals I have ever seen on a soldier was 12 and 13 and they were both  Sigs/Comms with over 20 years in. 
It says nurses...hmmmmm
I don't feel in demand by the CF, lol

Hot Lips said:
It says nurses...hmmmmm
I don't feel in demand by the CF, lol

mebbe not by the CF, but you are by me, baby! C'mere! Rowr!

I'm joining Regs Des, gotta keep up the family tradtiton's and all that, although they were all airforce.. hmmm.hehe, thanks for the info on the other thread
LMAO...thanks Paracowboy...
waiting is always easier with a smile on your face...

Apparently the Sigs trade is red flagged due to the shortage. I'm sure that its an interesting trade to be a part of after QL3's, their seems to be alot of options, as well the trade isn't just an infantryman with a radio as I'm sure some recruiters have said to get people to go Sigs instead of infantry.
Futuretrooper said:
I'm sure that its an interesting trade to be a part of after QL3's, their seems to be alot of options, as well the trade isn't just an infantryman with a radio as I'm sure some recruiters have said to get people to go Sigs instead of infantry.

I was told, when I joined, that I couldn't go combat arms because of V4.....When he listed all the trades that were open to me, one of them was Sig Op. I said "SigOp, those guys go in the field, right?"

That man looked me straight in the eyes, and knowing what I wanted, said "Yup. They're pretty much infanteers with radios on their backs"

I think I would have believed anything he told me at that point. Even if he'd promised me ice cream every day. Worst, he was a Sig as well...

ah well, interesting trade, although I much prefer being in a TacRad environment, or humping a ruck and radio as a pl/coy sig
Sig_Des said:
That man looked me straight in the eyes, and knowing what I wanted, said "Yup. They're pretty much infanteers with radios on their backs"
asshats like that require a throat-punch.
I was told, when I joined, that I couldn't go combat arms because of V4.....When he listed all the trades that were open to me, one of them was Sig Op. I said "SigOp, those guys go in the field, right?"

That man looked me straight in the eyes, and knowing what I wanted, said "Yup. They're pretty much infanteers with radios on their backs"

I think I would have believed anything he told me at that point. Even if he'd promised me ice cream every day. Worst, he was a Sig as well...

ah well, interesting trade, although I much prefer being in a TacRad environment, or humping a ruck and radio as a pl/coy sig

So far what I've been told is that you'll be sent to HQ and Sigs either in Pet or Edmonton right off the bat. As for the field, apparently its mostly working a CP and HQ working the radios, doing dispatch, work etc.

PS: From what the last course said the field ex at the end of Sigs QL3's are pretty intense though.
paracowboy said:
asshats like that require a throat-punch.

Oh, most heartily agreed. I've often thought of heading down to the recruiting center, finding said asshat, and delivering a sturdy throat-punch. But, I've gotten into a trade that I actually don't mind, and I'm one of those people who'll do the best job I can, be it an infanteer, working as a clerk, or a Sig Op.

I've gotten lot's of opportunities so far in trade, and I'm working at a position where I'm getting training no other Sig Ops in the CF usually get. All of this should be quite helpful leading to my transfer to the Reg F. Although I do have a firm goal of being some sort of DA support to a Combat Arms unit. I'm still an infanteer at heart. Hell, HoM has threatened to throat-punch me repeatedly if I don't get LASIK when I can afford it and remuster  ;)

Futuretrooper said:
So far what I've been told is that you'll be sent to HQ and Sigs either in Pet or Edmonton right off the bat. As for the field, apparently its mostly working a CP and HQ working the radios, doing dispatch, work etc.

PS: From what the last course said the field ex at the end of Sigs QL3's are pretty intense though.

Futuretrooper, a lot of the field work, when it comes to Tac Rad, at least, is working at an HQ CP. There's also a lot of support to lower levels, and one of my favourite jobs in the world is immediate support as a Platoon/Company Signaller.

The Field Ex at the end of your QL3's, if it's anything like mine, is a HUGE bag drive. Go Go Go, set-up, get into a routine...and then, tear down, move move move, get into new location, set-up, go go go, get into a routing, and then, move now, tear down, move move move, get into new location.... You get the point.
It sounds like I'm looking for the same thing you were Sig_Des. This makes me nervous, I too have been promised romping around with a radio and a ruck. Have I been been mislead? My recruiter and a bunch of other people told me it is going to be some work in HQ but lots of it will be in the field with like a radio. Does that happen often or am I being deliberately mislead so I'm recruited into an in demand trade?
Fondle-Otter said:
It sounds like I'm looking for the same thing you were Sig_Des. This makes me nervous, I too have been promised romping around with a radio and a ruck. Have I been been mislead? My recruiter and a bunch of other people told me it is going to be some work in HQ but lots of it will be in the field with like a radio. Does that happen often or am I being deliberately mislead so I'm recruited into an in demand trade?

Otter, I don't want to set you up, but I also don't want to kill it for you. I've gotten lots of in-field time, but that's because I ended up having a really good chain of command that knew that's what I wanted, and let me get out as coy/pl sig support to cmbt arms units. But I've done much more CP HQ work, and now I'm doing a whole lot of IT support work.

Now, if you want the mud and all that, go cmbt arms. If you're precluded from going combat arms due to a vison category like I was, IMHO, Sig Op is the next best choice, as it gets you in the field often.