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Tories move to raise age of consent

I can only speak on this as a minor, now I have personal experience in 40 year old guys having sex with 12 year old girls (my cousin) and I am obviously against it, BUT I have some problems with the 5 year clause, I agree with an age clause but I think 5 years is a little long.

I feel I can say this becuase I have been in a relationship with a girl who's yongest daughter is older than me. I was not readt for that. I figured sweet, I am the biggest mack of them all(how wrong I was). So I was stuck in a relationship I didnt really want anymore, becuase I thought i was cool. Now I know that she was way over the 5 years anyway, but this could happend with a 14 and 19 year old(minus the kid). If she is 14, he is supposedly gonna have more expeirience and have the "cool" factor lorded over her. I think it should be a 3 year clause. Giving young girls, and potentioally guys, the chance to mature and get ready for a sexual relationship with some one closer to their age.
Zell_Dietrich said:
but I remember being 14-16 and ... well to be blunt enjoying quality time with a 23-25 year old. (fond memories of small town Alberta) 

I am assuming you are female, so please correct me if this is wrong. 

I know stuff like this happened where I grew up (PEI) in parts of the island.  I know 14 year olds that had babies for 25-26 year olds.  That is ok with you??  wtf   >:(

But did you ever stop to wonder WHY a 25 year old man would need to find a 14-16 year old?  Is there some reason he can't play in his own age group?  Or that he doesn't want to???????? 

Let me use an analogy.  In our rec. hockey leagues, we don't let 20 year old play with 14 year olds.  They are in different leagues.  If we seperate them on the ice, I think its a good practice to have some seperation in the bedroom too.  Don't you?  If we are worried about "adults hurting kids on the ice" or whatever the reason is for the seperation in HOCKEY leagues...we shouldn't be worried about them in the bedroom?  Think about that.

Mud Recce Man said:
I am assuming you are female, so please correct me if this is wrong. 

I know stuff like this happened where I grew up (PEI) in parts of the island.  I know 14 year olds that had babies for 25-26 year olds.  That is ok with you??  wtf   >:(

But did you ever stop to wonder WHY a 25 year old man would need to find a 14-16 year old?  Is there some reason he can't play in his own age group?  Or that he doesn't want to???????? 

Let me use and analogy.  In our rec. hockey leagues, we don't let 20 year old play with 14 year olds.  They are in different leagues.  If we seperate them on the ice, I think its a good practice to have some seperation in the bedroom too.  Don't you?  If we are worried about "adults hurting kids on the ice" or whatever the reason is for the seperation in HOCKEY leagues...we shouldn't be worried about them in the bedroom?  THink about that.


I think I have in my profile that I'm male. Zell (my nickname in real life) is a male name. In many of the situations mentioned above the existing laws aren't being enforced or respected so I don't see how another law will change that.  If the parents simply don't know whats going on they don't know.  I'm not saying raising it to 16 is a bad idea - I could easily be persuaded for it. I think that if we put in effort into prevention and education we'd see real results; as apposed to tougher laws that aren't enforced until it is to late anyways. All I see happining with the new law is sex education (something the political right wants removed anyways) would be limited to "it is illegal don't do it". If we as a society choose to raise the bar to 16, I'd be 100% fine with that;  I just hope it then wont be used as an excuse to cut back on the prevention/education.

As for the girls who are having children with older guys,  I personally as a blanket statement, don't support it.  (Of course not, and thanks for publicly implying that I do) In fact I don't think that anyone should have kids until they graduate college/university (with a B+ average) and have a good career and a happy and healthy relationship and a stable home with a 10,000 buffer emergency fund. If we wanted,  we could make a law saying such.  Do you support people having children in anything other than a perfect happy loving stable home?  (don't bother answering that,  I am bringing it to a point here) If we can't regulate how people choose to live their lives (forcing them to live they way we think they should - darn this freedom thing) we have to decide when they are capable of making their own choices. When I was 14,  if I wanted to do something there was very little that could be done to stop me. If parents want more legal rights until their child is 16,  fair enough. *cough* pay attention in the first place*cough* *cough*

On the issue of why that 25 year old was into me,  I like to think it was because I was good looking, funny and I helped with the Math homework. (discreet Mathematics is fun)  But really it was because of a limited selection.  When I was 18 I dated a 27 year old,  now I'm 27 I have had 18 year olds hit on me... I am just not interested.  They're simply to young,  I can't relate with them.  Which gives me insight into the mentality of the 27 year old that could relate with an 18 year old. 

And before I forget,  it is good to see people talking about a topic with dignity and grace; focusing on discussing the issues without name calling.
Zell_Dietrich said:
but I remember being 14-16 and ... well to be blunt enjoying quality time with a 23-25 year old. (fond memories of small town Alberta)

Just because it happens does not make it right or justifiable as part of the norm. Take the example of a 40 year old and the even 16 year old with the new (possible) law. When that 16 year old was BORN he was 24 and most likely sexually active then. Does it seem right for a 24 year old to be involved with a newborn?  Or even compare along all of the ages, at age 5 the adult would be 29, at age 10 the adult would be 34, thats absurd to even consider a non-sexual dating relationship at those ages let alone sexual one, so how does a 16 year old dating a 40 year old seem any better? It may just be me however this is always how I see it. If the girlfriend's watching Maury with all of these adults dating kids I see their ages and just think how old they would've been when the kid was born and its redicilous.
think of our rec hockey leagues... ;D

Did I say that before?  If we seperate age groups in hockey... ::)
I think that if we put in effort into prevention and education we'd see real results; as apposed to tougher laws that aren't enforced until it is to late anyways. All I see happining with the new law is sex education (something the political right wants removed anyways) would be limited to "it is illegal don't do it".

Well I'm "politically right" and i don't want to see it removed.   You got any proof/ links to this, ..whats that thing again??...oh yea, hidden agenda? ::)
It seems like common knowledge that kids that haven't even graduated from Junior High shouldn't be having sex with anybody over 18 or for that matter anybody even in High School, its just creepy.

If we can't regulate how people choose to live their lives (forcing them to live they way we think they should - darn this freedom thing) we have to decide when they are capable of making their own choices. When I was 14,  if I wanted to do something there was very little that could be done to stop me. If parents want more legal rights until their child is 16,  fair enough. *cough* pay attention in the first place*cough* *cough*

Thats because it should be the parents who should be responsible for raising their kids. 14 year olds are not capable of making mature choices, thats a fact plan and simply. As well sexaul molestation I don't really consider something that is very "little".

I think I have in my profile that I'm male. Zell (my nickname in real life) is a male name. In many of the situations mentioned above the existing laws aren't being enforced or respected so I don't see how another law will change that.  If the parents simply don't know whats going on they don't know.  I'm not saying raising it to 16 is a bad idea - I could easily be persuaded for it. I think that if we put in effort into prevention and education we'd see real results; as apposed to tougher laws that aren't enforced until it is to late anyways. All I see happining with the new law is sex education (something the political right wants removed anyways) would be limited to "it is illegal don't do it". If we as a society choose to raise the bar to 16, I'd be 100% fine with that;  I just hope it then wont be used as an excuse to cut back on the prevention/education.

I sometimes wonder how much prevention and education has worked on that front. But I think the new law will help police in doing their jobs to track down predators.

Personally, I think any guy in high school or in his mid twenties would have more common sense then to hang out with a 13-14 year old that isn't a family member.

The "political right" is putting this country in the right direction, and has probably done more in the past five months then the "political left" has done in the past 13 years.
Futuretrooper said:
The "political right" is putting this country in the right direction, and has probably done more in the past five months then the "political left" has done in the past 13 years.

+1 on that  ;D ;D ;D
Mud Recce Man said:
think of our rec hockey leagues... ;D

Did I say that before?  If we seperate age groups in hockey... ::)

Okay,  I'm allowed a silly post at least once.
:warstory:  (this is a joke - to lighten the mood)

In rec hockey leagues we separate men and women - so they only play with their own kind. Are you in favor of only allowing homosexual encounters until marrage? True there are age groups, but there is also amateur, intermediate and pro categories.  Are you suggesting that we somehow test them for their skill level? And how would you enforce this ranking system?  Little badges? Are you in favor of forcing people to wear little badges based on what they do in bed? (note been done)  Who would get to decide the ranks, would it be done by a standardize test or would it be like an officer board type thing? Also in rec hockey leagues there are summer training camps, you can hire coaches to improve and total strangers come to watch you practice and cheer you on. Also if an older person stops by and offers to show you a few pointers,  it is a good thing. Are you in favor of

:warstory:  Okay silliness over.  

I think we all understand intuitively how to measure harm. (how most of us decide right from wrong)  Laws are funny things, it is hard to write down how we measure harm.

Ok,  well, I think you know where I stand, and I know where you stand. 

Old people shouldn't play with teenagers.  Period.

No if, and's, but's or maybe's.

Does that rule apply to older girls with 14 year old guys?? is it possible for a man to be raped by a woman??
no, but not just that. Men can be sodomized just like a woman can (even by a woman).

if you only define it by the physical aspect and ignore the mental and emotional aspect, sure... ::)

next question.
Obviously, But I assume dyou knew what I meant. Let me re phrase. Is it possible for a woman to rape a man, while have sexual intercourse. And I am only refering to the physical aspect, becuase people lie constantly, you nver can tell how messed up someone really is.

Men can get and have got erections from stimulation of erogenous zones - they do not need to be sexually aroused. As well, as I pointed out before, a woman can also sodomize a man with a foreign object, or make sexual contact.
Um,  I think this issue is now mute.  But as far as older women raping younger guys,  it is physically possible.  But more often it is an emotionally abusive relationship and it causes harm.  It isn't just the act that causes harm it is also the relationship which is disfunctional that traumatises.  (read above for the mental state of a person who is sexually attracted to their juniors)

this thread has kind of spun out of controll. :-\
older women having sex with male children is still rape, even if the boy in question thinks he is willing. The psychological harm is as great as it is with female children having sex with men. For examples, I suggest you simply look through the headlines of the past few years. How many incidents do you find of adolescent males committing, or attempting to commit, murder for the woman they're having sex with?

Rape is not a sexual crime. It is a psychological one. And rapists are not limited to one gender.

And no matter who does it, it's wrong. Period.