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The WTF News Files

Just think of the possibilities.


Tombstones are going to become interactive

By Matthew Humphries Published April 07, 2017

Visiting a graveyard can be quite a creepy experience, especially if your visit occurs when daylight is fading. But they are set to get even more creepy thanks to a Slovenian company updating the humble tombstones to become interactive.

The company is called Bioenergija and was created by Saso Radovanovic. With the help of Milan Zorman, a computer professor at the University of Maribor, they have put a modern twist on the ancient tombstone. Rather than simply a name, dates, and some loving words in memory of the person buried below, the Bioenergija tombstones embrace digital content.

Each tombstone will have a display embedded into it, with the example given to Reuters being a 48-inch panel. From a distance they look like normal tombstones, but these new ones are aware. If you stand in front of one it detects your presence using built-in sensors and starts interacting.

What is shown on the display is up to the family of the deceased, or the deceased themselves if they had time to plan this out. It could be scrolling text, video, audio, or a mix of all three. There's even going to be a smartphone app allowing audio to be streamed to your device rather than having speakers in the tombstone.

As for the cost, the 48-inch display tombstone is roughly $3,200 and Bioenergija is apparently receiving orders following a successful prototype. They are weather and vandal-proof, but what isn't clear is how the interactive tombstones are powered. It would be difficult to dig up a graveyard and lay power cables without disturbing other residence there, so a battery seems most likely. If that's the case, do these tombstones have an ongoing maintenance plan covering regular recharging?

For now, Bioenergija doesn't seem to have a way for you to order a tombstone online. The website for the company looks to be called i-ternal and you can contact them for more information. But will they prove popular? Maybe there's individuals out there who want to leave behind more than a stone with some words chipped into it.

This article originally appeared on PCMag.com.
That's gonna be great!!

I used to love to do my jogging and stretch exercises in the large Mount-Royal cemetery here in Montreal ... it was a quiet and peaceful place !!! I am sure there are still some people that do that. Now as they go by, they are going to light up all the screens.  ;D
As the decades pass, our history is being rewritten.  I learned in school that Louis Riel was a Traitor.  Today he is a hero and we have schools named after him. 

Today, two articles come to mind and I am wondering if we now have CBC trying to write a different history for our nation.  We have a CBC mini series depicting their versions of Canadian history, making 'artistic' errors I suppose to create a series that people will actually watch, and then claims that other events in our history may have more importance than what we are celebrating.  I wonder what they are up to.

CBC apologizes to those who 'felt misrepresented' by Canada: The Story of Us

After Vimy: Did Canada really find its independence in 1922 battle it refused to fight?

I guess it, the media, is after all is said and done, nothing more than entertainment these days.

George Wallace said:
As the decades pass, our history is being rewritten.  I learned in school that Louis Riel was a Traitor.  Today he is a hero and we have schools named after him. 

Today, two articles come to mind and I am wondering if we now have CBC trying to write a different history for our nation.  We have a CBC mini series depicting their versions of Canadian history, making 'artistic' errors I suppose to create a series that people will actually watch, and then claims that other events in our history may have more importance than what we are celebrating.  I wonder what they are up to.

CBC apologizes to those who 'felt misrepresented' by Canada: The Story of Us

After Vimy: Did Canada really find its independence in 1922 battle it refused to fight?

I guess it, the media, is after all is said and done, nothing more than entertainment these days.

Well, way back when, my history teacher in Grade 10 (ca 1970), an RMC grad judging by his blazer, put it this way:

Vimy bought Canada a seat at the table.  That seat permitted it to say no during the Chanak Crisis.  Ultimately it bought it an independent foreign policy along with Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Irish Free State and Newfoundland in 1931.

In his view that was the sense in which Vimy was the birth of Canada as a nation.

Ex-mayor's wife ruptures breast implants after tripping on city sidewalk, lawsuit claims

Published April 13, 2017 FoxNews.com

The lawsuit claims Cynthia Hedgecock's fall caused her breast implants to rupture.

The former mayor of San Deigo and his wife are suing the city over a 2015 fall that ruptured both of her silicone breast implants. According to the October lawsuit, the city’s negligence in failing to repair a 2.5-inch concrete lip on a public sidewalk caused Roger Hedgecock’s wife, Cynthia, to fall and suffer “serious personal injuries.”

The Hedgecocks, who not seeking a specific value in damages but say it has caused an excess of over $25,000, said Cynthia’s ruptured implants began leaking into her bloodstream, and required “grueling” replacement surgery followed by weeks of recovery and pain medication.

Roger Hedgecock appears as a co-plaintiff in the suit over claims that he suffered “loss of support, service, love, companionship, society, affection, relations and solace from his wife,” according to reports.

The alleged incident took place on July 31, 2015 in Pacific Beach on a sidewalk that had been damaged by a tree, according to the lawsuit. The leakage was not discovered until September 2015 when Hedgecock went to a local clinic for “persistent chest pain and breast deformities,” according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.

A spokesman for the city’s attorney told the news outlet that they expect to go to trial later this year.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Maybe we can shorten the Driver Wheeled Course.

8-year-old learns to drive on YouTube, takes dad's van to McDonald’s

  He was nice enough to bring his 4-year-old sister along for some nuggets

April 13, 2017

Tenacity and an internet connection: That’s all it took for an 8-year-old Ohio boy to learn how to drive, thanks to YouTube, using his newfound skills to take himself and his sister a mile and a half down the road to the local McDonald’s for some post-dinner cheeseburgers.

While we doubt YouTube will replace driver’s ed anytime soon, whatever the boy watched apparently taught him enough to obey all traffic laws. He correctly stopped at red lights and waited for traffic to pass before turning left into the McDonald’s parking lot, according to The Weirton Daily Times. That’s better than most drivers out on the roads today. 

“He didn’t hit a single thing on the way there. It was unreal,” says East Palestine patrolman Jacob Koehler, who arrived at the restaurant after police received reports from several people who witnessed the boy driving.

Koehler added this was not a case of neglect -- the children had eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner that day. The children’s parents had fallen asleep at home after a day of playing outside. Employees working the drive-thru thought the parents were playing a prank and hiding in the back of the van.

Yes, the kid had the skills to navigate a drive-thru. Have you seen those yellow pylons that prevent an errant car from inadvertently running into the building or outdoor menus? They’re yellow. And blue. And red. And white. And black. It might have been a bit early for a midnight snack, but when you’re hungry, you’re hungry. And we can’t fault the kid for that. Hopefully next time he’ll just wake up his parents.

Read more: http://autoweek.com/article/wait-theres-more/hungry-8-year-old-took-his-parents-van-mcdonalds#ixzz4eFs8YbmH
A friend of mine used to have his 6 year old drive the pickup across the Sand Hills to pick us up after a 2 mile push when we were hunting. No drama at all. The kid did all right.  [:D
This headline made me laugh.

Dolphin vaginas no longer a total mystery, thanks to Dal scientist

Researchers probing marine mammal genitals, copulation

A lot of ISIS going to bed without a partner tonight,......well played Russia..... ;D


A Russian naval reconnaissance ship sank Thursday after colliding with a freighter off Istanbul, but all crew members were rescued, the Defense Ministry said.

Turkey’s coastal safety authority said all 78 personnel from the Russian frigate Liman were safe, as were all crew aboard the freighter, the Togo-flagged Youzarsif H. Turkey’s private NTV television said the vessel was taking sheep from Romania to Jordan
But what about the sheep?  Is no one thinking about the poor sheep?
reference: CBC.ca

You can't write fiction when these headlines abound:

"Here are some warnings for those with wee ones: A mom blames the sunscreen, not the sun, for her baby's second-degree burn. And Costco pulled popular Pekkle pyjamas from store shelves after a parent complained a snap detached from a sleeper and scratched a child's skin. Plus, heard of fidget toys? The spinning, buzzing devices might be hurting rather than helping."
'All that was left was his underwear and sandals': Zimbabwean pastor demonstrating how Jesus walked on water for his congregation is eaten alive by three CROCODILES

A Zimbabwean church pastor attempting to demonstrate how Jesus walked on water by crossing a river on foot was eaten alive when he was attacked by three crocodiles.

Jonathan Mthethwa of the Saint of the Last Days church brought his congregation to the area known locally as Crocodile River before attempting his biblical recreation.

According to witnesses, the pastor entered the water and waded out approximately 30 metres before attempting to make his way to the surface. Unfortunately for the pastor, three crocodiles pounced and devoured him.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4505420/Pastor-eaten-crocodiles-demonstrating-Jesus-water-walk.html#ixzz4h8we1v7L
Obviously a pastor who believed in the literal truth of the Bible. The irony of finding himself a recipient of a Darwin award is probably lost on him and his congregation!
WW2 grenades bought at a German flea market start EXPLODING after man, 51, stored them in his boiling hot garage

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4554612/WWII-grenades-German-flea-market-blow-summer-heat.html#ixzz4iZeOdknU
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I thought there were regulations re wearing of uniforms, I assume, Off duty?


Top soldier expected to issue directive encouraging participation in Pride

Photo:The pride and transgender flags fly on Parliament Hill following a ceremony with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, Wednesday June 14, 2017. (Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press  - Last Updated Friday, June 23, 2017 6:51PM EDT

OTTAWA -- Canada's top soldier is planning to issue a directive in the coming days encouraging military personnel to attend Pride events in uniform, as part of a larger effort to make the Forces more diverse and inclusive.
Chief of the defence staff Gen. Jonathan Vance's directive is expected to mirror a similar order that Royal Canadian Navy commander Vice-Admiral Ron Lloyd issued to his sailors this week.
"In an effort to epitomize diversity and inclusion," Lloyd wrote, "the (navy) encourages attendance to Pride events and authorizes the wear of uniform to participate in or attend the parade."

RELATED STORIES: Trudeau to march in Toronto Pride Parade for a second time

Lloyd went on to state that, effective immediately, navy personnel were no longer required to seek permission before being allowed to wear their uniforms to Pride events.
In an interview with The Canadian Press, Lloyd, who marched in last year's Pride Parade in Toronto, said he decided to take action after a recent meeting with members of the LGBTQ community.
"They were speaking to the fact that you needed chain-of-command approval in order to wear a uniform," he said.
"There is no reason why you should not be able to march in that parade in uniform if you should be so inclined. ... I didn't ask permission, and maybe I was supposed to. But it's about being inclusive."
National Defence spokesman Daniel Le Bouthillier said the military-wide directive from Vance is still in development, but will likely follow Lloyd's lead.
"The Canadian Armed Forces recognizes that the strength of the team comes from the diversity of its people," Le Bouthillier said, "which is why participation in Pride parades is absolutely supported."
The Canadian military's history when it comes to LGBTQ issues is checkered, starting with the forced resignation of some service members because of their sexual orientation in the 1960s, '70s, and '80s.
Things began to change in 1992, when a high-profile case forced the military to lift its ban on members of the LGBT community serving in uniform, but there were still problems.
Retired Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps's explosive report on military sexual misconduct in 2015 found some service members were still facing discrimination based on their sexual orientation.
Since then, however, military leaders have adopted a zero-tolerance approach to sexual misconduct, and appear to have embraced the need to make the Forces open to Canadians of all backgrounds.
That includes not only members of the LGBTQ community, but women, visible minorities and indigenous peoples as well.
Alan Okros, an expert on diversity at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto, said there has been a recognition by senior commanders that diversity and inclusiveness are essential for military success.
Part of that is the moral need to better reflect the country and society it is sworn to defend, while it's also believed that such efforts will help with recruitment and make the Forces more effective on missions.
And making it easier for military personnel to attend public events, and encouraging them to do so, "becomes a visible symbol that the military is trying to get connected in the community," Okros said.
I think there also is a regulation or two about following a lawful order/directive from the senior military Commander.  :nod:

There have been LGBT members of the CF marching in pride parades in uniform at Halifax for some years now.  It's nothing new.
jollyjacktar said:
There have been LGBT members of the CF marching in pride parades in uniform at Halifax for some years now. It's nothing new.

Participation in Pride parades