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The War in Ukraine

It seems to me that it would have served Russia's purposes more if they had hit less civilian targets and more targets of strategic value. Lack of precision or purposeful?
You may well know more facts on this than what I can glean from open sources, but I have seen NOTHING that even hints that is a strategy they are looking at. In fact, quite the opposite, they take pride in being better than the Orcs.
No, not at all. I was just citing that as the one and only example of ‘fighting for survival’ that would fall into the defences offered above for deliberate wholesale slaughter of an enemy country’s civilian population.
It seems to me that it would have served Russia's purposes more if they had hit less civilian targets and more targets of strategic value. Lack of precision or purposeful?

Russia lacks PGM stocks (and really even their concept of precision is rather loose). But they have always been firepower focused - and are not concerned at all about minor concerns like the Rules of Land Warfare.

Their current goal is simply eradicating Ukraine - so their methods for their purposes.

Due to their utter disregard for civilian casualties (and gloating about them) leaves me with zero fucks given about Russians, and if they accidentally had a few of their nuke facilities go up wiping out millions of them, my only concern would be where the air would take the fallout, as I’d be hoisting a few tall ones to their losses.
It seems to me that it would have served Russia's purposes more if they had hit less civilian targets and more targets of strategic value. Lack of precision or purposeful?


In WW2, the air dropped leaflets said, "People who work in factories live close to them. Therefore we hit your houses, and you."

I will speak frankly about whether we bomb single military targets or whole cities. Obviously we prefer to hit factories, shipyards, and railways. It damages Hitler's war machine most. But those people who work in these plants live close to them. Therefore, we hit your houses and you. We regret the necessity for this.
We apologize for the inconvenience....

Less graciously, it was reportedly said, "We hit a factory, and Speer ( Minister of Armaments and War Production ) soon has it back in operation. It takes 21 years to replace a worker."
For those suggesting that the Allies should have been much less indiscriminate in their bombing methods perhaps this little tid bit from the Wikipedia article on the Dresden Raid might make you think:
316 B-17 Flying Fortresses bombed Dresden, dropping 771 tons of bombs.[72][73] The remaining 115 bombers from the stream of 431 misidentified their targets. Sixty bombed Prague, dropping 153 tons of bombs, while others bombed Brüx and Pilsen.[
Prague is almost 150km away from Dresden. Pilsen is almost 200km. This wasn't an era of GPS and smart bombs. We should be careful not to judge the past through modern vision.
For those suggesting that the Allies should have been much less indiscriminate in their bombing methods perhaps this little tid bit from the Wikipedia article on the Dresden Raid might make you think:

Prague is almost 150km away from Dresden. Pilsen is almost 200km. This wasn't an era of GPS and smart bombs. We should be careful not to judge the past through modern vision.
During that period, precision bombing usually meant hitting the right Country nevermind City.
It seems to me that it would have served Russia's purposes more if they had hit less civilian targets and more targets of strategic value. Lack of precision or purposeful?
Purposeful. They want to force out or kill anyone who is not willing to become Russified and to eliminate Ukraine as a concept, culture and country. This war is a genocidal imperialistic land and resource grab/expansion. Including the remaining human resource.
"When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. For art establishes the basic human truths, which must serve as the touchstone of our judgement"

"Art is not a form of propaganda, it is a form of Truth" J.F.K. 26/10/1963

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" Ephesians 6:12

Lets hope they get some good, bright candidates who don't believe in the box and who make it past MEPS and Genesis. We need to get better at this game than the Russians, and fast. They have succeeded far too well in far too many western democracies.

Anyone who has survived SERE-C or Robin Sage knows how even a basic grasp of PsyOps can be beneficial.
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During that period, precision bombing usually meant hitting the right Country nevermind City.

By that period - February 1945 - Bomber Command's accuracy had increased remarkably from when the Butt Report ( revealing the widespread failure of aircraft to hit their targets ) was released on 18 August 1941.

From Wikipedia,

As the war progressed, RAF Bomber Command improved its methods. Electronic navigational instruments like GEE, Oboe, G-H and the ground-mapping radar codenamed H2S all helped to improve bombing accuracy. Improvement in tactics such as the development of the Pathfinder Force, created against Harris's wishes, also improved bombing accuracy. By 1945, No. 5 Group RAF could sector-bomb in a fan-shaped pattern that maximised the coverage and effect of incendiary bombs. To create this effect, the run of a bomber was timed and calculated to fan out from a bomb aiming point, as was done in the bombing of Dresden in February 1945, when the aiming point was the Ostragehege soccer stadium, easily identifiable with H2S.[15][16]
And yet, they still seem to be advancing. The Ukrainians seem to be conducting a defense in depth that should be highly commended. That said, they're still defending...and it seems still falling back.

Hopefully that turns around.
And yet, they still seem to be advancing. The Ukrainians seem to be conducting a defense in depth that should be highly commended. That said, they're still defending...and it seems still falling back.

Hopefully that turns around.
I would offer that the Ukrainian ability to perform this level of tactical withdrawl is a testament to their professionalism and courage.

Their lines aren't breaking, and they're able to relocate under cover and with minimal losses. The only reason they're pulling back is due to being out-gunned and under-supplied.

The Russians are advancing in spite of their incompetence, not because of a sudden stroke of tactical brilliance. I can only hope the aid package arrival will get the Ukranians moving forward again.
I would offer that the Ukrainian ability to perform this level of tactical withdrawl is a testament to their professionalism and courage.

Their lines aren't breaking, and they're able to relocate under cover and with minimal losses. The only reason they're pulling back is due to being out-gunned and under-supplied.

The Russians are advancing in spite of their incompetence, not because of a sudden stroke of tactical brilliance.
I can only hope the aid package arrival will get the Ukranians moving forward again.
Sounds alot like the Germans on the Ost Front during the fall/winter of 1943 through to the early summer of 1944, just before Operation Bagration started.
The Russians are advancing in spite of their incompetence, not because of a sudden stroke of tactical brilliance. I can only hope the aid package arrival will get the Ukranians moving forward again.

That's Russian doctrine isn't it ? Keep throwing human flesh at the enemy until they give up ?