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The War in Ukraine

I’m going to respond the same way I do to small minded questions like that down here. Given the Ukrainians are in a shooting war with our greatest foe - it is in our best interests to equip and train them as best as we can, for if Ukraine falls, it will be American and Canadian troops fighting Russians in Europe.
Perhaps we should've been more proactive and stopped Biden and the US military industrial complex from starting the war in the first place.😉 However, seeing as we didn't, I agree with your point. The bed's been made. We have to sleep in it now.

There is plenty more millions of taxpayer dollars that trudeau pisses away on useless shit around the world, that we could divert to our own military.
Perhaps we should've been more proactive and stopped Biden and the US military industrial complex from starting the war in the first place.😉 However, seeing as we didn't, I agree with your point. The bed's been made. We have to sleep in it now.

There is plenty more millions of taxpayer dollars that trudeau pisses away on useless shit around the world, that we could divert to our own military.
FFS, seriously bro, you letting MAGA brainworms get to you. I must have missed the fact that anyone else by Russia invaded Ukraine.
FFS, seriously bro, you letting MAGA brainworms get to you. I must have missed the fact that anyone else by Russia invaded Ukraine.
Besides the fact that “Biden and the US MIC started the Ukraine war” was one of the lines used by Tenet to spread Russian disinformation.

I’m going to respond the same way I do to small minded questions like that down here. Given the Ukrainians are in a shooting war with our greatest foe - it is in our best interests to equip and train them as best as we can, for if Ukraine falls, it will be American and Canadian troops fighting Russians in Europe.
Which begs my point. If not ready then...
Which begs my point. If not ready then...
My opinion is that it’s best to proceed with the plan of equipping and training the Ukrainians as best as we can. I fail to believe the West cannot do more (and I know we can) and each Russian that the Ukrainians take off the chess board make it one less we won’t have to face, BUT also makes it clear to others that we will back our allies, and deter further aggression (like China into Taiwan).
FFS, seriously bro, you letting MAGA brainworms get to you. I must have missed the fact that anyone else by Russia invaded Ukraine.
One can argue the tepid response to the takeover of Crimea by Russia encouraged Putin to push further. Had the US rolled an Armoured Division into Ukraine in response and set them up near the contact line. I be guessing Ukraine would not be fighting for it's survival right now.
Another aspect of the drone/counter-drone conflict evolving in Ukraine is the use of decoys to help overwhelm limited AD assets:

And in a semi-related story Ukraine has captured one of Russia's newest MANPAD SAMs. Analysis could help with the development of counter-measures (or make decoy drones like those noted above) more effective:

Another aspect of the drone/counter-drone conflict evolving in Ukraine is the use of decoys to help overwhelm limited AD assets:

And in a semi-related story Ukraine has captured one of Russia's newest MANPAD SAMs. Analysis could help with the development of counter-measures (or make decoy drones like those noted above) more effective:

Nothing new about inert drones/aerial targets being used as PENAIDs. Both sides have done it before. Hell, anyone who read Red Storm Rising knows that trick.
Interesting potential factor in Russia’s occupation of SE Ukraine…

Interesting potential factor in Russia’s occupation of SE Ukraine…

Or the flip side of just getting out of the fallout area when Iran starts to glow…
From Russia's perspective, the calculus makes no sense to me.

Why would Russia trade land it has (unlawfully) annexed and occupied by force next to its borders in exchange for a US withdrawal from the hinterland of Syria, something it will eventually have to do anyways and that it's said that it wants to do since the area is a strategic black hole?
Transactional easier to sell at home as a win…power broker of the ME, gives some face-saving in UKR…I get the sense that the stronger and stronger Putin tries to ‘stick with the plan’ to rebuild the Grand/Small/White Rus, the more he realizes he is rapidly approaching a reverse inflection point…and that saving/gaining face through a less-constrained presence in Syria would be to his advantage…don’t know, but I can see US seeing it as a semi-win and also putting a bit more stewardship responsibility on KSA and its MEinions.
Nothing new about inert drones/aerial targets being used as PENAIDs. Both sides have done it before. Hell, anyone who read Red Storm Rising knows that trick.
The real takeaway of the drone wars for me is the 2-3 week iteration of hardware, software and tactics. If you don't upgrade and change yours they rapidly become useless. I find it hard to see how the current western R&D / bufgeting / contracting / semi-monopolistic large defense contractor manufacturing paradigm will be able to achieve that level of innovation and weapon fielding.

The decision to create an entire branch/service for all domain drone warfare seems more and more to be the right one. The operators are the tip of the iceberg. The R&D, component procurement, weapon manufacture, doctrine and tactics development, training, distribution, deployment, sustainment and operation at the pace mentioned above justifies it in my mind.
The real takeaway of the drone wars for me is the 2-3 week iteration of hardware, software and tactics. If you don't upgrade and change yours they rapidly become useless. I find it hard to see how the current western R&D / bufgeting / contracting / semi-monopolistic large defense contractor manufacturing paradigm will be able to achieve that level of innovation and weapon fielding.

The decision to create an entire branch/service for all domain drone warfare seems more and more to be the right one. The operators are the tip of the iceberg. The R&D, component procurement, weapon manufacture, doctrine and tactics development, training, distribution, deployment, sustainment and operation at the pace mentioned above justifies it in my mind.
I think you give small UAS ‘drones’ too much credit, and the larger DoD contractors not enough.

1) The basic ones really are not that hard to counter. It is more a testament to poor leadership in the West that Ukraine doesn’t have a slew of SkyRanger and MSHORAD (both DE and Gun/Missile) systems to counter this.

2) Unlike the ‘workshop’ UAS, Western systems are highly evolved. Secure comms, with non spoof able navigation, and a lot of redundant features for safety.

Yes we need to make more and make them cheaper, but again, the West is at the mall, not at war.