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The Vancouver Canucks Rule Thread! ha ha

That... was terrible. I'm going to stop following hockey for a couple years again and hope for the best.

Oh, and those refs should be fired.
Ugg.  I'm waiting for either the comeback of the century or the 2012 season.

Boston seems very confident and calm - the Canucks are jittery and can't hold the puck on the ice.

I think Chara has made as many saves as Thomas.
I've just heard that the Canucks have changed the Sedin Twins jerseys to "Not Seen".

For a pair that were supposed to be the Messiahs........what a disappointment. Won't check, not physical. Book your tickets to Sweden, Not Seens.....
They's done for.....now on to something productive.....
HavokFour said:
That... was terrible. I'm going to stop following hockey for a couple years again and hope for the best.

Oh, and those refs should be fired.

Don't blame the refs....they are letting them play, no holds barred......
Go Leafs!

(you know as much as I do that my beloved Leafs have just as good a chance of getting the cup tonight as thet do any other year)
GAP said:
Don't blame the refs....they are letting them play, no holds barred......

Yeah, I was actually shocked there was no call after Chara was run over.  Coming from a diehard Canucks homer, I can't imagine how a Bruins fan would see it.  I'd rather see them play than have special teams decide it.

Vancouver have missed every chance they've been given and the Bruins have scored on theirs.  The better team is going to win in the end, if the Canucks manage to score four I'll eat the program from the last game that I attended.

That's it man!  Game over, man!  Game over!


At least there's no question about the Conn Smythe this year.
Well, as a long-time Habs fan, I'm glad Mark Recchi is going to finally get a chance to lift the Cup again.

(Edit: Forgot about the cup with the Pens)
I think I'll follow Ottawa next season, I've poured my heart and soul into Vancouver for 15 years and it's just easier when you know what to expect at the start of the year.

Here's hoping for a change of command and a speedy recovery to the injured Canucks. 

Be careful Chara, that jumbotron is pretty low

Well Vern, after only 39 years the Bruins win the Stanley Cup!!

That must have been a real long-distance WHAMMY that you put on the under-achieving Canucks,



AH.......at least there's a real sport starting tomorrow.....CFL.....
Well, I gotta say, it was an easier loss to take when I knew it was over in the third.  1994 was devastating.

Nothing to say but that the better team won that series.  Boston showed up for all the games, even its losses, and we didn't.

Sedins had 5 points, Kesler 1.  Luongo's GAA was higher than his salary.  Power Play was non-existant (we allowed more SH goals in the series than we did all season) and the defence was tripping all over eachother.

I actually enjoyed watching the Cup getting presented to Chara and seeing Lucic and Recci (BC Boys) getting it at home.  Tim Thomas was hilarious - "Do I take it?"  "I don't really know what to do at this point".  The crowd and the Canucks were pretty classy at the end, showing grace in defeat - all the gamesmanship stayed with the series and these guys demonstrated good sportsmanship at the end.

I'm sure all the bandwagon people are crucifying Luongo and the Sedins - f**k 'em.  We have a solid crew and I feel like a 2008 Penguins fan - Vancouver Canucks in 2012 baby!!!  :warstory:
Looks like the mob rule is taking over in Vancouver and Boston.  S**theads.  >:(

Best of luck to the LEOs tonight!  :salute:
Infanteer said:
Looks like the mob rule is taking over in Vancouver and Boston.  S**theads.  >:(

Best of luck to the LEOs tonight!  :salute:

I'd say; so not on.
GAP said:
AH.......at least there's a real sport starting tomorrow.....CFL.....

You're late.  The pre-season started tonight with a 24-0 thumping, BC over Calgary.
Luongo needs a shrink, Kesler needs a winger and Ehrhoff will probably go...somewhere.  Overall I think that they'll look solid again next year.

Props to the few hundred people stabbing people and burning cars.  They've destroyed any hope of the other 100,000 fans getting an outdoor viewing party again and put a big, ugly black mark on the city.  I expect that from Queens students, but I expect better from people calling themselves hockey fans.  I'm counting the hours until some of these punks start crying foul about the RCMP.  If you don't like tear gas, don't set a car on fire, sorry.  I feel for the innocent fans unfortunate enough to be stuck down there.