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The US Presidency 2020

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FJAG said:
With one small exception. The JAG, like the CDS, is a Governor in Council appointment....
I believe he was referring to real  military officers.  :whistle:
Journeyman said:
I believe he was referring to real  military officers.  :whistle:

Oh wow. That burns. She was a Naval Reservist once, just so that you know.  ;)

In Trumpian news:

Trump’s Trade War Will Cost Average Family $1,277 This Year, Budget Office Reveals
The extra costs will effectively wipe out savings from the President’s tax cuts.
by Mary Papenfuss

President Donald Trump’s ongoing trade wars are expected to cost the average American family $1,277 this year, according to a study by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

The figure is based on the negative impact of tariffs on economic growth as well as higher prices to consumers as American manufacturers and retailers are forced to pay tariffs on imports.

Trump has boasted that trade wars are “easy to win,” and has repeatedly falsely insisted that China is paying tariffs directly into the U.S. Treasury. In fact, American companies importing goods or supplies pay tariffs enacted by Trump, and typically pass on those costs to consumers. In addition, U.S. industries are hurt by retaliatory tariffs enacted by other nations when American companies try to sell their products abroad.

See rest of article here:

I am pretty sure that the Budget Office is part of the Deep State that is trying to steal the guns of patriots as part of the Communist Manifesto to ruin America.

:pullhair: :panic:

Besides, the report is in the Huffington Post - essentially Pravda for the Communists. 


Shades of SNC Lavalin, except done in the open, over twitter, and not for jobs but for a personal friend.

Federal prosecutors recommend 7-9 years for Roger Stone, Trump goes on twitter and blasts the recommendation, the justice department goes against the recommendation, the entire federal prosecution team quits in protest. President Trump then thanks the justice department for softening the sentencing for his personal friend.


So again, shades of SNC Lavalin if that scandal was worse, in the open, and done for reasons of personal interest with nothing gained for America.
Altair said:
President Trump then thanks the justice department for softening the sentencing for his personal friend.

Trump has long believed the Department of Justice exists to protect his friends and punish his enemies.

>Federal prosecutors recommend 7-9 years for Roger Stone, Trump goes on twitter and blasts the recommendation, the justice department goes against the recommendation, the entire federal prosecution team quits in protest. President Trump then thanks the justice department for softening the sentencing for his personal friend.

Are you certain that is a correct representation of what happened?  Extracted from here is another:

"Yet, as per usual, there is no evidence, and the president has denied, that he spoke to anyone at the U.S. Department of Justice about Stone’s sentencing. The New York Times reported that a DOJ spokesperson confirmed the DOJ did not consult with the White House regarding their revised recommendation to the court. That spokesperson also said Barr was not aware of the president’s tweet and that the decision to reel in the earlier sentencing recommendation had been made prior to Trump’s tweet."

Brad Sallows said:
>Federal prosecutors recommend 7-9 years for Roger Stone, Trump goes on twitter and blasts the recommendation, the justice department goes against the recommendation, the entire federal prosecution team quits in protest. President Trump then thanks the justice department for softening the sentencing for his personal friend.

Are you certain that is a correct representation of what happened?  Extracted from here is another:

"Yet, as per usual, there is no evidence, and the president has denied, that he spoke to anyone at the U.S. Department of Justice about Stone’s sentencing. The New York Times reported that a DOJ spokesperson confirmed the DOJ did not consult with the White House regarding their revised recommendation to the court. That spokesperson also said Barr was not aware of the president’s tweet and that the decision to reel in the earlier sentencing recommendation had been made prior to Trump’s tweet."

7-9 years for a process crime ? Many criminals don't get that much time. The President might as well pardon Stone since the Democrats are in fulln cry anyway. I can see this as a new impeachment issue.
Brad Sallows said:
>Federal prosecutors recommend 7-9 years for Roger Stone, Trump goes on twitter and blasts the recommendation, the justice department goes against the recommendation, the entire federal prosecution team quits in protest. President Trump then thanks the justice department for softening the sentencing for his personal friend.

Are you certain that is a correct representation of what happened?  Extracted from here is another:

"Yet, as per usual, there is no evidence, and the president has denied, that he spoke to anyone at the U.S. Department of Justice about Stone’s sentencing. The New York Times reported that a DOJ spokesperson confirmed the DOJ did not consult with the White House regarding their revised recommendation to the court. That spokesperson also said Barr was not aware of the president’s tweet and that the decision to reel in the earlier sentencing recommendation had been made prior to Trump’s tweet."


That particular source is not really known for its factual reporting. 
Brad Sallows said:
>Federal prosecutors recommend 7-9 years for Roger Stone, Trump goes on twitter and blasts the recommendation, the justice department goes against the recommendation, the entire federal prosecution team quits in protest. President Trump then thanks the justice department for softening the sentencing for his personal friend.

Are you certain that is a correct representation of what happened?  Extracted from here is another:

"Yet, as per usual, there is no evidence, and the president has denied, that he spoke to anyone at the U.S. Department of Justice about Stone’s sentencing. The New York Times reported that a DOJ spokesperson confirmed the DOJ did not consult with the White House regarding their revised recommendation to the court. That spokesperson also said Barr was not aware of the president’s tweet and that the decision to reel in the earlier sentencing recommendation had been made prior to Trump’s tweet."
I don't think its normal for a entire persecution team to quit.

Nor a president to tweet about the potential sentence.

Nor for the president to say that he didn't get involved but he would totally be allowed to interfere with the DOJ if he wanted to.
Brad Sallows said:
>Federal prosecutors recommend 7-9 years for Roger Stone, Trump goes on twitter and blasts the recommendation, the justice department goes against the recommendation, the entire federal prosecution team quits in protest. President Trump then thanks the justice department for softening the sentencing for his personal friend.

Are you certain that is a correct representation of what happened?  Extracted from here is another:

"Yet, as per usual, there is no evidence, and the president has denied, that he spoke to anyone at the U.S. Department of Justice about Stone%u2019s sentencing. The New York Times reported that a DOJ spokesperson confirmed the DOJ did not consult with the White House regarding their revised recommendation to the court. That spokesperson also said Barr was not aware of the president%u2019s tweet and that the decision to reel in the earlier sentencing recommendation had been made prior to Trump%u2019s tweet."
Everything I said is part of the public record.

While I cannot speak to what happened behind closed doors, this does not pass the smell test.
Remius said:

That particular source is not really known for its factual reporting.

Overall, we rate The Federalist a borderline Questionable and far Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion pseudoscience and three failed fact checks.

Altair said:
I don't think its normal for a entire persecution team to quit.

Nor a president to tweet about the potential sentence.

Nor for the president to say that he didn't get involved but he would totally be allowed to interfere with the DOJ if he wanted to.

Persecution team... :rofl:
If you’re a Trump fan republican, that pretty much sums up their view of it all.
tomahawk6 said:
I can see this as a new impeachment issue.

Dr. Freud defined insanity as doing the same thing again, but expecting a different result.  :)

Another Senate trial with no witnesses allowed?

A long-term problem for Democrats: a majority of the Senate now represents 18% of the country’s population.

And, 60% of the Senate now represents just 24% of the country’s population.
>That particular source is not really known for its factual reporting. 

And there it is.  You guys never disappoint me.

What would be relevant is to disprove one or more of the following (eg. reported remarks not in fact reported; reported remarks reported incorrectly; remarks as reported made inaccurately or falsely; events as reported never took place):

- there is no evidence, and the president has denied, that he spoke to anyone at the U.S. Department of Justice about Stone's sentencing

- The New York Times reported that a DOJ spokesperson confirmed the DOJ did not consult with the White House regarding their revised recommendation to the court.

- That spokesperson also said Barr was not aware of the president's tweet

- and that the decision to reel in the earlier sentencing recommendation had been made prior to Trumps tweet.

Isn't the NYT a "green box" source?
>Everything I said is part of the public record.

Every lie, misrepresentation, and conspiracy theory ever published is also part of the public record.  You do see why "part of the public record" is not an assertion of trustworthiness?
In today's news,

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York

President Donald Trump appeared Thursday to link his administration's policies toward New York to a demand that the state drop investigations and lawsuits related to his administration as well as his personal business and finances.

tomahawk6 said:
I can see this as a new impeachment issue.

The House can impeach him. But, removal seems to be an exercise in futility as long as Republicans control the Senate.

This issue with New York state is a national security issue. Giving illegal aliens a drivers license that would enable them to board a plane. The State then defies Federal law enforcement about sharing information on said persons. Looks to me like a huge security gap that a terrorist would exploit.
Regarding New York State prosecutors,

13 Feb., 2020
Trump links travel programme ban with bid to unearth his tax returns

New York state prosecutors are trying to obtain eight years of president's tax records

Regarding Rudy,

February 13, 2020

Trump contradicts past denials, admits sending Giuliani to Ukraine

Washington (CNN) — Emboldened after his impeachment acquittal, President Donald Trump now openly admits to sending his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to find damaging information about his political opponents, even though he strongly denied it during the impeachment inquiry.

You just can't make this stuff up, folks.

Barr says Trump tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' amid Roger Stone drama
By Gregg Re | Fox News

The White House says President Trump isn't "bothered" or deterred after Attorney General Bill Barr told ABC News on Thursday that the president's tweets "make it impossible for me to do my job," in an unusual swipe at the president -- although Barr emphasized that Trump "has never asked me to do anything in a criminal case."

Barr's unexpected comments came days after Trump, in a late-night tweet earlier this week, criticized career Justice Department prosecutors for recommending a nine-year prison sentence for his former advisor Roger Stone. Senior DOJ leaders then intervened and adjusted the sentencing recommendation downward, saying it was clearly excessive given Stone's obstruction-related offenses. All four prosecutors on the case stepped down within hours.

"I think it’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases," Barr said. "I'm not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody ... whether it’s Congress, a newspaper editorial board, or the president.”

Barr continued, "I'm gonna do what I think is right, and you know... I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me."

The attorney general said he could not "assure the courts and the prosecutors and the department that we're doing our work with integrity" if the White House appeared involved in DOJ decisionmaking for political or personal reasons.

Barr said he was "of course" ready for blowback from Trump for his comments, although he said he was focused only on doing his job. South Carolina GOP. Sen. Lindsey Graham quickly tweeted support for Barr, saying Barr has his "complete confidence" and that the president did a "a great service" to the DOJ and the "nation as a whole" by appointing Barr.

In response, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Trump "wasn’t bothered" by Barr's remarks, even as she defended the president's social media use.

“The president wasn’t bothered by the comments at all and he has the right, just like any American citizen, to publicly offer his opinions," Grisham said. "President Trump uses social media very effectively to fight for the American people against injustices in our country, including the fake news.  The President has full faith and confidence in Attorney General Barr to do his job and uphold the law."

See rest here:


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