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The US Presidency 2019

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MarkOttawa said:
Terry Glavin lets both sides have it with both barrels (whilst taking shots at our own pols):


Pretty good take on it.  America is having a serious culture war. 
Fishbone Jones said:
:rofl: :rofl:

We seriously need a head in the sand emoji at milnet.

...or fingers in ears singing “la la la la la....I can’t hear you...”
The Atlantic offers a good article on White Identity Politics

In the interview it covers some misconceptions, identifies two types of White Identity, how Trump is using both sides to his advantage and how he risks alienating a portion of that support.  A good article on a study that sheds some light on the subject which I think helps the reader better understand part of the political environment in the US right now. 

Good2Golf said:
...or fingers in ears singing “la la la la la....I can’t hear you...”
Well, there is enough alumni, here, on both sides to warrant it. ;)
Presidential rhetoric as a legal defence?

Aug 08, 2019

Attorney: Montana man thought he was acting on Trump's orders when he assaulted 13-year-old during national anthem
His attorney said his client believed he was acting on orders from the commander in chief.
mariomike said:
Presidential rhetoric as a legal defence?

I wouldn't be surprised to see more of that type of defense.  Also the thinking that the current POTUS might pardon them.
Fishbone Jones said:
:rofl: :rofl:

We seriously need a head in the sand emoji at milnet.

I'm not disagreeing with the fact that Canada has problems as well, but there is a major difference in degree.

The magnitude of the fracture that exists in the US society is deep and divides there society into two large, polar opposite camps. Perhaps we in Canada are saved by the fact that there are three major political parties which allows us to spread our differences more widely and less deeply.

On the other hand, a "head in the sand" emoji would be a nice addition. As would an "incredulous disbelief" one.

FJAG said:
I'm not disagreeing with the fact that Canada has problems as well, but there is a major difference in degree.

The magnitude of the fracture that exists in the US society is deep and divides there society into two large, polar opposite camps. Perhaps we in Canada are saved by the fact that there are three major political parties which allows us to spread our differences more widely and less deeply.

On the other hand, a "head in the sand" emoji would be a nice addition. As would an "incredulous disbelief" one.


On paper we have three, four, whatever. In reality, we have two, with fair weather allies. The gap between is increasing as the left moves further left, like the democrats. Alberta is starting to simmer with separation talk, which includes Saskatchewan and Manitoba, in varying degrees. There is a strong west vs east movement growing. We have a governing liberal party who's main election platform consists of members calling anything right of them racists and white supremacists. They have been, since 2016 driving a wedge between muslims and the rest of Canada. They believe in open borders. They want to give everything away for free. We shouldn't kid ourselves. Our liberals and their democrats have the same interests, even some of the same financial backing and strong working relationships. It's really just below the surface and not really hiding. You just got to scratch the surface a little bit. We really aren't that much different at all.
FJAG said:
I'm not disagreeing with the fact that Canada has problems as well, but there is a major difference in degree.

The magnitude of the fracture that exists in the US society is deep and divides there society into two large, polar opposite camps. Perhaps we in Canada are saved by the fact that there are three major political parties which allows us to spread our differences more widely and less deeply.


It's imbedded in their society and has been since day one.  Every so often it bubbles up.  The revolution had two camps.  A good chunk of the loyalists got out of dodge and moved to Canada but some stayed.  Then the Civil War breaks out North vs South but it was really about Slaves anyway you look at it and ways of life.  Intersperse immigrant resentment here and there in the last few hundred years, civil rights clashes in the 60's etc.  They are now back at it.  like a cycle.  Race is still an issue, immigrants are an issue, left vs right.  You now have a POTUS who has used all of those wedge issues to his advantage, stable genius in that regard for sure.  The problem right now is how normalised the language is on both sides now. 

We never had a race war per se.  Racism exists yes but Canada never had a slave society like the US did.  We also had a system where three cultures had to co-exist or face annexation or another revolution or civil war or whatever.  The Brits had to accommodate the French.  The French had always had to coexist with Indigenous peoples and that extended when the Brits took over.  It was not perfect but at least we don't have near what is happening south of us.  Canada's history is what makes us different.  That isn't to say that attempst to assimilate minorities or that armed conflicts didn't happen but they were smaller scale and localised. 

We also did not have near the religious zealotry that existed when the US created things like manifest destiny, god given rights and all that.  We did have some but not nearly what the US had and still has.
mariomike said:
We seem to prefer our hockey riots.  :)

Leaf's fans vs Habs seems to be the biggest divide over our history.  ;D
Fishbone Jones said:
On paper we have three, four, whatever. In reality, we have two, with fair weather allies. The gap between is increasing as the left moves further left, like the democrats. Alberta is starting to simmer with separation talk, which includes Saskatchewan and Manitoba, in varying degrees. There is a strong west vs east movement growing. We have a governing liberal party who's main election platform consists of members calling anything right of them racists and white supremacists. They have been, since 2016 driving a wedge between muslims and the rest of Canada. They believe in open borders. They want to give everything away for free. We shouldn't kid ourselves. Our liberals and their democrats have the same interests, even some of the same financial backing and strong working relationships. It's really just below the surface and not really hiding. You just got to scratch the surface a little bit. We really aren't that much different at all.

Alberta is starting to simmer with separation talk


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Peter Strzok sues over firing for anti-Trump texts

And today another,

Ex-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Sues Over What He Calls Wrongful Firing
If I thought for a minute that they were financing the suits themselves, I'd be inclined to think about it. But my gut says they are not. If I'm correct, it may be it's just another hopeless, time consuming straw to throw on the anti Trump hay wagon.
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