Canadian designed kit takes a long time from concept to issue. The current tac vest is better than the previous tac vest which was an improvement on the webbing, it self an improvement on the 64 pattern webbing. Yes, modular is the way to go but was only discovered by the Canadian military during the recent confrontation. You will have modular very 2025...... 6 months after the US Army issues robotic tac gear carriers to it's troops. Relax, it's coming and all Canadian made too!!!
Seriously, trials are done on a very limited range of concepts, the infantry guys were thinking that this was the best of the options presented. Take the tac vest, it was comfortable, close fitting and distributed the weight nicely, our webbing pulled on the back of the belt because more weight was at the rear in our peace army than ran around with empty magazines. The other tac vest was a ill fitting sleeveless bag that sagged anywhere you put weight in the pouches.
As for the ruck, I cannot comment on it other than to say it looks like a kit bag with shoulder straps. But I can say that as a young soldier, we all hated the P64 ruck, it was a shoulder buster. We longed for the big frame hiking pack or comfy internal frame pack. We debated it often in the common rooms of Kapyong Barracks. Now that we have that, the troops prefer the ruck we hated. I sometimes whether it is the equipment procurement system or our wants that is problem.......